• » credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

Pages: 12

credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD JS FILE FASTER?[/b] >> to save time of your profile viewer of waiting for your js file to load. [b]WHY SIGN-UP TO [url=http://christers.net46.net/freehost.php]000WEBHOST?[/url][/b] >> when you reach a large traffic in your profile, [i]example your viewer today is 2000[/i] then, your bandwidth on ripway will be not enough, although their service is fast and good. [b]WHY BAN RIPPER?[/b]: >> 85%++ of javascripters around the world hate rippers. [b]WHY NOT ONLY HIDE JAVASCRIPT, BUT BAN RIPPER?[/b]: >>some javascript expert knows how to retrieve your js file even if it is encoded, hidden by a script like PHP. [color=red] they are typing something in the ADDRESS_BAR above your browser to hack your file. ([i]I have tried it once and it worked so I edited this tutorial for much more security[/i][/color]). { [color=blue] * I will not show you how to hack files here.[/color] } >>In the first time they take a rip to your file, they should be banned (by saving his/her IP Address into a database). [b]HOW SHOULD THEY BE BANNED?[/b] >> then run a code snnipet using PHP,! Follow the Instruction below if you are interested. [b]HIDE JS FILE + BAN RIPPERS IP ADDRESS + LOAD JS FILE FASTER[/b]: 1.) You need a Hosting site that have support to PHP. [i]I recommend this free and best hosting site [url=http://christers.net46.net/freehost.php]000WEBHOST[/url][/i] [color=red][b]Warning[/b][/color]: don't signup just to save files only. If you decided to signup, you must make your website like mine [url]http://christers.net46.net[/url] SIGN-UP TO 000webhost.com, FOLLOW THESE SUB-Procedures OR ELSE, prefer to use your [url=http://ripway.com]ripway account[/url] 1.a) Sign up and choose your own domain name. 1.b) Open your account (Log In) by going to [url]http://members.000webhost.com[/url] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/lkjh0987/img/login.bmp[/img] 1.c) GO to CPANEL AND Click FILE-MANAGER [img]http://h1.ripway.com/lkjh0987/img/cpanel.bmp[/img] 1.d) Log In to your file-manager: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/lkjh0987/img/login2.bmp[/img] 1.e) GO TO [color=red]public_html[/color] Directory this is where you should save all your file so it will be seen on internet. 2.) Create your database (SAVE RIPPERS IP ADDRESS) 2.a) log-in to your cpanel [url]http://members.000webhost.com[/url] 2.b) create database: >>click to mySQL icon [img]http://christers.net46.net/sample/sql.bmp[/img] fill the info about your database >>name your database [color=green]ripper[/color] [img]http://christers.net46.net/sample/dbase.bmp[/img] copy the plain text that will auto config your created database (open up a new notepad and paste them) [img]http://christers.net46.net/sample/crdb.bmp[/img] it is something like: [b][color=red] $mysql_host = "mysql2.000webhost.com"; $mysql_database = "xxx123_ripper"; $mysql_user = "xxx123_ripper"; $mysql_password = "abcd123"; [/color][/b] 3.) Then open a new note pad again. 4.) Paste this code in the notepad [spoiler]<?php $referer=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; //replace this colored text below with the text you have pasted in the first notepad you have opened //or fill up the configuration below if you have another sql server like ->>>> [url]http://www.freesql.org[/url] [color=orange] $mysql_host = "[b]SERVER[/b]"; $mysql_database = "[b]DATABASE_NAME[/b]"; $mysql_user = "[b]DATABASE_USER_NAME[/b]"; $mysql_password = "[b]DATABASE_PASSWORD[/b]"; [/color] $con=mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_password); mysql_select_db($mysql_database); if(!$con){die();} $create = <<<CREATE create table rippers( IP varchar(100), DateVisit varchar(200) ) CREATE; @mysql_query($create,$con); function IP() { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } $rip=false; $ip=IP(); $rippersIP=mysql_query("select * from rippers",$con); $r_ar=array(); while($res=@mysql_fetch_array($rippersIP)){ $r_ar[]=$res[IP]; } foreach($r_ar as $ips){ if($ip==$ips){ $rip=true; } } if($referer!==""){ //WE WILL CATCH THE RIPPER'S IP ADDRESS HERE AND INSERT HIS/HER DATA TO YOUR DATABASE $catch= "insert into rippers(IP,DateVisit)values('$ip','".date('r')."')"; if(!$rip){ @mysql_query($catch,$con); } header('location:http://friendster.com/'); ?> <script> u='GODLOVESYOU'; while(u=='GODLOVESYOU'){ alert('forbidden!'); } </script> <?php } else { header("Content-type:text/javascript;charset:UTF-8"); ob_start("gz_handler"); // THIS IS TO MAKE YOUR JAVASCRIPT TO LOAD FASTER 10x if($rip){die("var th=0;while(th!==10){alert('ripper!');}");} ?> [color=blue]REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_CONTENT[/color] <?php } ?>[/spoiler] [color=blue]* the [i]<?php ob_start("gz_handler");?>[/i] is the code so that your js file will load 10x faster than your old file (I think:lol:) [/color] [url=http://www.msxnet.org/fast-website]READ ARTICLE ABOUT ob_start('gz_handler')[/url] 5.) Copy your old JS file content and replace [b]REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_CONTENT[/b] with your js file content on the notepad. >> Then save it as [color=green]jsfile.php[/color] 6.) Upload it to the hosting site. [b]IF YOU SIGNED-UP in 000webhost.com, FOLLOW THESE Sub-Procedures OR ELSE JUST UPLOAD THE FILE TO Your RIPWAY Account.[/b]: 6.a Go to public_html DIRECTORY and click upload button then upload your file. [img]http://h1.ripway.com/lkjh0987/img/public_html.bmp[/img] 7.) GET direct url of the file. [b]IF YOU SIGNED-UP in 000webhost.com, FOLLOW THESE Sub-Procedures[/b]: 7.a After you upload, go back to public_html directory and.... [img]http://h1.ripway.com/lkjh0987/img/url2.bmp[/img] right click to the word( [color=red]open[/color]) in the right side. then click to "[b]Copy Shortcut[/b]" if you are using internet Explorer or "[b]Copy Link Location[/b]" if you are using Mozilla Firefox [b]IF YOUR HOST IS RIPWAY[/b],just simply..... [img]http://h1.ripway.com/lkjh0987/img/url1.bmp[/img] copy the direct link of your file. 8.) Open a note pad and paste it. Link it to your friendster with an existing JS linker code. [b][color=#aaff00]EXAMPLE:[/color][/b] [li]my old javascript file:[/li] [spoiler]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { onloadFunc();})) window.onload = function () { onloadFunc();}; function onloadFunc(){ //some block of codes }[/spoiler] [li]my generated database code [i]by 000webhost[/i]:[/li] [spoiler]$mysql_host = "mysql2.000webhost.com"; $mysql_database = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_user = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_password = "abcd123";[/spoiler] [li]my code should be:[/li] [spoiler]<?php $referer=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; //replace this colored text below with the text you have pasted in the first notepad you have opened //or fill up the configuration below if you have another sql server like ->>>> [url]http://www.freesql.org[/url] [color=orange] $mysql_host = "mysql2.000webhost.com"; $mysql_database = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_user = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_password = "abcd123"; [/color] $con=mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_password); if(!$con){die();} mysql_select_db($mysql_database); $create = <<<CREATE create table rippers( IP varchar(100), DateVisit varchar(200) ) CREATE; @mysql_query($create,$con); function IP() { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } $rip=false; $ip=IP(); $rippersIP=mysql_query("select * from rippers",$con); $r_ar=array(); while($res=@mysql_fetch_array($rippersIP)){ $r_ar[]=$res[IP]; } foreach($r_ar as $ips){ if($ip==$ips){ $rip=true; } } if($referer!==""){ //WE WILL CATCH THE RIPPER'S IP ADDRESS HERE AND INSERT HIS/HER DATA TO YOUR DATABASE $catch= "insert into rippers(IP,DateVisit)values('$ip','".date('r')."')"; if(!$rip){ @mysql_query($catch,$con); } ?> <script> u='GODLOVESYOU'; while(u=='GODLOVESYOU'){ alert('forbidden!'); } </script> <?php } else { header("Content-type:text/javascript;charset:UTF-8"); ob_start("gz_handler"); // THIS IS TO MAKE YOUR JAVASCRIPT TO LOAD FASTER 10x if($rip){die("var th=0;while(th!==10){alert('ripper!');}");} ?> [color=blue] if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { onloadFunc();})) window.onload = function () { onloadFunc();}; function onloadFunc(){ //some block of codes } [/color] <?php } ?>[/spoiler] PROOF OF CONCEPT: ([i]note: you will be banned if you go to this link [b]means you will not be able to load it again forever[/b][/i]) (Don't worry this is not my true js file) JUST EXAMPLE: [url]http://christers.net46.net/js2.php[/url]

Last edited by zidaine_38 (2008-09-08 09:04:53)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

first comment, nice and simple trick :D :thumbsup: my webhost just have link protection :eh: check this ; [url]http://www.tripod-cyber.net/friendster/FF.txt[/url]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

I still can see your code lol use firefox & disable javascript then click this link http://h1.ripway.com/lkjh0987/0form.php :D :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

:arrow: No one can hide their js scripts..even if we encrypt it by using any methods..by using Firefox..i can see you js source in a few seconds.. that is why i dont care if they will ripped my source code,it never bothers me,the thing is..did they learn something? did they know how to handle?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

lol.. my browser didn't hang
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

yahhh... I tried to use this trick also before... but still not so bulletproof heheh... :D anyways... thanx for the hosting site sign-up tutorial... :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

good tutorial.. I'm also using 000webhost and it was more safer.. you can protect your files in hot linking or redirect ur ripper to any site just like boim.. =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

just like what sir lordheinz said, we cannot completely hide scripts.. there are lots of ways to see it.. there so many determined rippers who LOVE to cheat and copying us.. for me, its not the case to have an anti-ripper script because there's no such thing as anti-ripper.. hehe! :lol: anyways, thanks for sharing this good hosting site and providing us a sign up tutorial.. ;)

Last edited by slashedkite (2008-09-01 00:14:04)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

[b]Yea... re-say ... Everything is possible for an expert... ripper.. btw, nice sharing...[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

thanks 4 sharinnnn heh
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

but is it true that it will make your js load faster? i haven't tried it yet..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

[quote=asakura06]but is it true that it will make your js load faster? i haven't tried it yet..[/quote] yah. It will make your javascript faster to load. look at this article: [url]http://www.msxnet.org/fast-website[/url]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

[b]This is not working,i tried it in my other profile and it seems my js are not loading..[/b] :arrow: and this php that you are posting(http://christers.net46.net/js.php) oviously we cant see the source.. will you site us more example... here is my UID: 1234567 my url: http://profiles.friendster.com/mangjose ^ this is just an example js any js you can give...just want you to site an example..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

[quote=lordheinz]This is not working,i tried it in my other profile and it seems my js are not loading.. :arrow: and this php that you are posting(http://christers.net46.net/js.php) obviously we can't see the source.. will you site us more example... here is my UID: 1234567 my url: http://profiles.friendster.com/mangjose ^ this is just an example js any js you can give...just want you to site an example..[/quote] you can't see the code because it is hidden already. [b]EXAMPLE[/b]: your old javascript-file([i]example[/i]):[spoiler]var NESTED={ h:[], f:function(){ }, some:function(){ } }; function onProfileOnload(){ foo=bar; alert('welcome '+pageViewerFName+' !'); //block of codes...... } function blah(){ } var blah='foobar'; onload=onProfileOnLoad;[/spoiler] then your code must be...... : [spoiler]<?php $referer=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if(!preg_match("/^http:\/\/profiles.friendster.com/",$referer)){ ?> [color=green] <script> u='GODLOVESYOU'; while(u=='GODLOVESYOU'){ alert('forbidden!'); } </script> [/color] <?php } else { header("Content-type:text/javascript;charset:UTF-8"); ob_start("gz_handler"); ?> [color=red] var NESTED={ h:[], f:function(){ }, some:function(){ } }; function onProfileOnload(){ foo=bar; alert('welcome '+pageViewerFName+' !'); //block of codes...... } function blah(){ } var blah='foobar'; onload=onProfileOnLoad; [/color] <?php } ?>[/spoiler] [b]LEGEND[/b]: [color=green]GREEN[/color] - this is the text that will appear to the ripper if they go to your js file directly [color=red]RED[/color] - place your javascript file here (this part is protected [i]no one can rip it[/i])

Last edited by zidaine_38 (2008-09-01 08:31:33)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

^ oww so you edit the code..coz yesterday..UID and personal url has to be included in the php right? [quote]here is my UID: 1234567 my url: http://profiles.friendster.com/mangjose[/quote] now you edit your post..so it is no longer included..that is why im so confuse about it..
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

heheeh.. he edited his post... but now I see the effect.. nice code.. are you a php coder? bcoz I'm studying in php now..
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

[quote=mhedge]heheeh.. he edited his post... but now I see the effect.. nice code.. are you a php coder? bcoz I'm studying in php now..[/quote] yah he edited the code..but anyway..your code helps a lot for newbies,but for advance users,i guess you cant hide js source for them..:eh:

Last edited by lordheinz (2008-09-02 03:19:08)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

I can see to =)

Last edited by Uchihanuke (2008-09-02 11:25:18)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

where got 10 times faster??why mine also the same speed as before..:(:(
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

Nvm..I think i got a problem with my connection..Thanks Anyway.. N1 :thumbsup::thumbsup: :)
  • » credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url]http://theftalk.com/t34319-How-to-Inject-JavaScript-via-PHP.html[/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

Pages: 12

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