[b][i]Im a big "preppy kid"
here the defenition of a "preppy style" if you dont have any clue what it is.[/b][/i]

[b]Preppy fashion is not only a fashion but a "lifestyle" according to major preps. Preps where clothing brands such as Lacoste, Lily Pulitzer, Raulph lauren etc. "True preps" have most likely grown up in a rich community and go to prep schools (in our area include Madeira, Foxcroft, Georgetown Prep, and Woodberry Forest.) Although preppy fashion has made a "comeback" now, true preps never change their style.[/b]
[b]its something like this. ..
im a huge hollister & abercrombie adict..haha..
i love forever21 too..[/b]
Last edited by blazinhottie (2007-05-30 15:13:08)