[quote=ammar1408]i used my power.. Ultra mind power..its like reiki

used my mind to make connection with your mum n your dad

[b]ohoho~~what anime is that reiki power? naruto?[/b][img]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l354/AsCicatrizes/ym%20emticon/7-1.gif[/img]
[quote=AFZULNIZAM]i using this[/quote]
those are fat horses,it cannot run fast.[/b]

[quote=Lhyrickz]tita if you will get married w/ zam
andrea will get mad at you[/quote]
[b]wahaha.,il ask andrea.joke.,
hey,why is the topic about me being married with nizam?

let's change topic.[/b]

[quote=ammar1408]because you

oh.. are you like kelly clarkson

[b]wahahaha! nice one ammar.,so,do you listen to kelly clarkson?[/b]

@lhyrics:yeah,why do you want to call nizam tito?he's not your uncle anyway.[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-10-07 02:24:31)