[quote=bles_212000]with "e" sis, i mean Byrone

so, they're hunting you..They really Love you sis!

[b]oops,sorry bout that Lord Byrone.yep,eney is right,they hate me.[/b]

[quote=bles_212000]would you mind telling me that rumor?

[b]it was not a rumor.it's true. cronixemo and eney are a couple inlove.[/b]


because we love you sis!


[b]i also love my rockmates.[/b]

[quote=AFZULNIZAM]where you want to go ....i follow you

[b]dhen is a guy.[/b]

[quote=eney0715]Wow..Do you know how to speak Tagalog sir??..[/quote]
[b]he knows lots of tagalog eney,right nizam?the one "ganda naman ng post mo lyas",haha[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-10-07 07:46:54)