[quote=noxs]hahahhahahahaahahhahhahahahhahahahaha........y its that wrong
nyway where u from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]
[b]haha.,it was not really wrong.[/b]

[quote=As cicatrizes]ako ay din maaari makinilyahin at magsalita tagalog !!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]
[b]translation--->>>> [u]i can also type and speak in tagalog[/u][u][/u].[/b]
[b]but the grammar is quite wrong in tagalog.[/b]

[b]im from philippines.[/b]
[quote=AFZULNIZAM]i'm sorry

[b]sorry is not accepted.money first.[/b]

[quote=ago]ok i understand now .. thanks bel.. anyway call me dawn ok cuz i born at dawn

maybe i will post at FTP as soon as possible in that thread

[b]okay dawn. here are the moods in tagalog. you can post there.
masaya- happy
malungkot- sad
or you can just say wala lang.,

which means nothing.
you can post english there.,hehe.,i do that most of the time.[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-10-08 08:07:42)