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[quote=kuntilanak]aku pikir oarang luar indonesia....
kok gak pernah nongol di konsult yah ???[/quote]
im still nubi sista
not expert like u
[quote=mystrieguest]koq tw saia nmpg lwt doank [/quote]
dah saia sapu qo
bayar goceng yah??
sir elekarto
[quote=ammar1408]Nizam itu muridnya gue [/quote]
oooh.....nice to know u sir
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[quote=As cicatrizes]magandang gabi[/quote]
thx alot dear,
may i ett ur ym bel??
sori for double post
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[quote=ammar1408]nyehahahha..im not joke..if i joke..im just wanna you hepi with me [/quote]
[b]hahaha!! you're funny[/b].
[b]@lulu: i dont use my ym.[/b]
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masih kecil ah baru 20 aja bang emang kenapa ya bang
[quote=As cicatrizes]As cicatrizes[/quote]
I do not understand bel
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[quote=loelo]sir elekarto [/quote]
[quote=loelo]oooh.....nice to know u sir [/quote]
hahaha..what i want to call you..give me examples [b]loelo[/b]
[b]kamu double post yach..bikin gue marah [/b]
avoid double post..
[quote=As cicatrizes]hahaha!! you're funny. [/quote]
Just funny with you... wanna make you to be bride.. :rose:
[quote=radhit_nda]masih kecil ah baru 20 aja bang emang kenapa ya bang[/quote]
gak apa-apa.. aku tua dari kamu..21
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Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]@lulu: i dont use my ym.[/quote]
hmmm..whats ur activity now dear????
[quote=ammar1408]hahaha..what i want to call you..give me examples [/quote]
u can call me lulu sir,,simple for remember right??
kamu double post yach..bikin gue marah
avoid double post..[/quote]
im already sai sori,,hope all member and mod forgive me
[quote=mystrieguest]yakin ckup goceng [/quote]
berhubung bro saudara nya arca goceng cukup lah,,,
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abang asalnya dari mana ya
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[quote=loelo]u can call me lulu sir,,simple for remember right??[/quote]
[quote=loelo]im already sai sori,,hope all member and mod forgive me [/quote]
ok..i call you lulu sir..
just kidding.. im forgive you ..nizam cannot do anything if i make my decision to forgive you ..im calculator here
[quote=radhit_nda]abang asalnya dari mana ya [/quote]
gue asalnya dari malaysia
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[quote=radhit_nda]I do not understand bel[/quote]
[b]nothing radhit.,hehe., you like to follow me.[/b]
[quote=ammar1408]Just funny with you... wanna make you to be bride.. :rose:[/quote]
[b]i cant.im still young. 19.[/b]
hmmm..whats ur activity now dear????[/quote]
[b]posting at offtopic.[/b]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]i cant.im still young. 19.[/quote]
why not..u can.. if i say you can :rose:.. I'll talk with you mum and your dad.. ..
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=ammar1408]ok..i call you lulu sir..
just kidding.. im forgive you ..nizam cannot do anything if i make my decision to forgive you ..im calculator here [/quote]
thx alot sir elektro
hope sir nizam will forgive me
where he is???
[quote=As cicatrizes]posting at offtopic.[/quote]
wow,,,u become a popular member on ftm and fti i think
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iya klo saya asalnya dari indo bang
[quote=As cicatrizes]As cicatrizes[/quote]
yes because beautiful you.
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=ammar1408]why not..u can.. if i say you can :rose:.. I'll talk with you mum and your dad.. ..[/quote]
[b]haha! you cannot talk to them coz they live far away from each other.[/b]
[quote=loelo]wow,,,u become a popular member on ftm and fti i think [/quote]
[b]nope,im not popular.people in FTM and FTI are very friendly people like you.[/b]
[quote=radhit_nda]yes because beautiful you.[/quote]
[b]but im not beautiful.im only simple. [/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-10-09 08:05:52)
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]As cicatrizes[/quote]
you do not that beautiful.
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]nope,im not popular.people in FTM and FTI are very friendly people like you. [/quote]
well...i think u popular member on fti and ftm now,,
hmm..may be cause u simple and [b]beauty[/b]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=radhit_nda]you do not that beautiful.[/quote]
[b]haha.,im not beautiful.hey let's not talk about me,im kinda shy[/b]
[quote=loelo]well...i think u popular member on fti and ftm now,,
hmm..may be cause u simple and beauty [/quote]
[b]i am not.[/b]
[b]ei lulu, here's my ym-->>> youare_retarded
you might want to add.,[/b]
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]i am not.
ei lulu, here's my ym-->>> youare_retarded
you might want to add.,[/quote]
already i add bel.....
would u to chat with me on ym???
Re: [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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[quote=As cicatrizes]As cicatrizes[/quote]
bell lose face yes
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already i add bel.....
would u to chat with me on ym???[/quote]
[b]now?nope.im too lazy to open my ym.[/b]
bell lose face yes [/quote]
[b]no im not.[/b]
» [align=center][img]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/carpetcantik/malaysia.png[/img][/align]
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