» For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Kissing always comes with hugging.
But hugging only will be good too.
Holding hands mean you're protecting each other.
I like kissing and hugging.
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
hUgginG.. cOz i feEL sO iMpOrtAnt wHEn mY bF hUgs mE
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
for me kissing,.,.it makes me feel that he really loves me
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
mine is holding hands
whenever i see couples holding hands while walking
ohh very sweet for me
its not by hugging or kissing
a simple holding hands can show me that he loves me
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
none of the above...hugging,kissing or holding hands doesnt necessarilly mean love...
though i like hugging..thats all...
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
for me hugging...
coz ah rili feel love wen hugging..hehe;]
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
me, ill go with kissing
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
holding hands while walking it makes me feel that he's proud of me and he never want me to go.. especially in front many people!!!
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
[quote=leslie815]what do you mean by sticky caps anyway?...[/quote]
when you do this ---- OmG tHiS LiKe SoO AnNoYiNg!
[ only showing an example , don't get offended. ]
@topic: I feel totally loved when 'he' does all : kiss, hold hands & hug
Re: For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to
[quote=tinn30]wat do u min by sticky caps?[/quote]
>LiKe tHiS.<
by hugging
» For me?
by hugging ..
IT feels so special to me when my boyfriend always hug me..
that's so sweet..:wow:
[quote][align=center]:idea: [b]To keep this thread clean and spamless,
i suggest people to