Re: What rules do you [b]hate[/b] in your school?
mine is [b]cutting of long hair[/b], and [b]wearing of complete uniform[/b]
tucking in the blouse and PE t-shirt..
we look retards! >,<
and... rules like "cellphones are not allowed"
dang, that's one of the most important things for youth like us now, ryt?
Re: What rules do you [b]hate[/b] in your school?
mine is [b]cutting of long hair[/b], and [b]wearing of complete uniform[/b]
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx]NAME TAG. i hate that one![/quote]
i always forgot to use this
really lazy .....
mostly people say "wearing complete uniform and bring cellphone "
Re: What rules do you [b]hate[/b] in your school?
mine is [b]cutting of long hair[/b], and [b]wearing of complete uniform[/b]
.NO TALKiNG while in session.
.PASSES are needed to go out.
.NO EATiNG in class [wahh.. i may not live 4 long. xD]
hmpf [/b]
Re: What rules do you [b]hate[/b] in your school?
mine is [b]cutting of long hair[/b], and [b]wearing of complete uniform[/b]
^ please avoid using all caps.
@topic: no cellphones and foods during classes or even break time. And, no booths. Like chain booth, bind date, marriage booth. Nah, hate it.
Re: What rules do you [b]hate[/b] in your school?
mine is [b]cutting of long hair[/b], and [b]wearing of complete uniform[/b]
When they do a seating plan grrr that annoys me!!! coz i want to seat next to the person i want and wearing uniforms!!! I want them to change that! i want it to be like you only wear uniforms on tuesday-thursday then the rest we wear our normal clothes hehe
Re: What rules do you [b]hate[/b] in your school?
mine is [b]cutting of long hair[/b], and [b]wearing of complete uniform[/b]
~Speaking English Always
~NO Bringing of expensive toys
~NO bringing of Gadgets
~No Drawing
~AlwaYs Listen
~no RunNiNg ArounD Da klasRuum
Re: What rules do you [b]hate[/b] in your school?
mine is [b]cutting of long hair[/b], and [b]wearing of complete uniform[/b]
we have tons of school policies & rules we should abide or else, disciplinary board will meet us.
like prescribe haircuts for boys (no bangs and short hair only, like your hair at the back should not touch the collar), cellular phones are also prohibited in our school and so with the techy gadgets, and so forth. we have also a class rule that "no items should be left in the classroom or else you will find it in the trash cans & rubik's cube is prohibited during class hours"