
Awww, so kyoot

Lulers, infected with rabies?

*drooling -to the max

[b]Everyone who shared[/b] Cute pics

Thanks for sharing your ultimate cute baby pics.
BTW, here's my baby pic:
Errm, I'm still a baby now huh

*in my dreams. Haha

I wanna be a baby again!!

Lulers, I really hope so [b]XD[/b]
I wanna have those big eyes again [b]O..O[/b] /

*wink wink

[b]Note:[/b] Sorry cause this is a really low-quality photo.
This pic was from my baby photo album & I took a pic of it in my CP cam.
Lulers, we don't have a scanner, neh. So, Gomenasai again--[/spoiler]