• » About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

Pages: 12

About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diary. and i noticed that a moderator closed that thread before, and now, another moderator closed it again. i understand them for doing that. ---- We have a diary here :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/t42682-%5Bdiary%5D.html]Diary[/url] but i think they dont noticed that. [hr][hr] i'm not saying that we must stop that. what can we do about this? all of the members/moderators who are posting to that thread are free to comment your side here ;)

Last edited by dondon (2008-10-24 22:35:23)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[quote=dondon]what can we do about this?[/quote] Hard Question. hahah. Because. Even if you tell them to stop doin it. They we're still doin it, Confessions addict :lol: Here's my idea. To all members who are confessing on that thread everyday, time by time, lol . If you have a lots of confession , Could you please. Just compile your confession in one post?. Its so annoying seeing others confessing like this.. [quote][b]dondon : i confess blah blah [/b] tunie : i confess, blah blah [b]dondon: i confess blah blah blah again.. [/b] harvii: i confess blah blah blah . [b]dondon: i confess blah blah blah again, [/b][/quote] Over and over again. (crap) Just Edit your 1st confession if you have another so you called "confession" . Could you please. Compile it. Find the meaning of [b]COMPILE[/b] in the dictionary. lol . Another One, Please don't make it as chat box. lol. We have Chatbox here. We have also the PM function, And if your confession is not a confession anymore, its a diary. lol. Just go to the diary thread. :D Instead of posting your diary in the confession thread. Confession and Diary don't have the same meaning right?. What do you think?. :D [hr][hr][hr] Anyways, Glad that someone noticed it too. I hope others will notice it too. :D

Last edited by portuniecho (2008-10-24 23:28:14)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

First of all let's define what a confession is! ;) [quote]CONFESSION [i]n.[/i] 1. The act or process of confessing. 2. Something confessed, especially disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution. 3. A written or oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offense. 4. An avowal of belief in the doctrines of a particular faith; a creed. 5. A church or group of worshipers adhering to a specific creed. Credits: Answers.com[/quote] In short, it's something that you are guilty of. It's not something you did... And that's it. It should be something bothering your mind and you wanna let go of it by confessing. Dig? Like, I killed my neighbor's wife with a chainsaw. :wasted: [hr] And I know we are very sympathetic. But posting your reactions there are not appropriate. Echo is right. We have the Chatbox and the PM feature for that matter. Why not use it? Admin exerted efforts in providing us almost everything that we need but we haven't shown much appreciation. USE THE CHATBOX!!! :wasted: [hr] Compiling them... not bad. It's actually a nice idea. And also, the use of spoilers! Not just a spoiler.. but 2 or more of them! I know you know what I mean by this. Look, WTH. You're confessing something yet it's inside a spoiler? What's the use? Might as well keep them all to yourself. [hr] I still have some thoughts left regarding this. But I'm still thinking about it so, maybe I'll post again if I feel certain about them.

Last edited by aysbeaux (2008-10-24 23:29:27)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

First of all, most of us are [b]guilty[/b] from being irrelevant on the topic Confession Thread. But it's taking too long before someone do something about it. Seeing that topic like a diary thread is really annoying. People post their everyday thoughts and non-sense messages/replies can not be considered as confessions, right? About the excessive spoilers, what are the use of those? Same with the crush thread, I saw a member use lots of spoilers but he didn't even follow the crush thread's main purpose. I'd like to see if anyone disagree to my decision of closing the confession thread. I'll be happy to elaborate what we've discussed here.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

thats right. I see its not confession anymore. they made that thread as a daily habit. thanks for suggesting
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

I think closing the confession thread is not a good idea. The reason is shallow, kinda sounds like: [align=center]It's existence is abused, we must get rid of it.[/align] Some people just post random stuff like: [align=center]I'm eating something.[/align] [hr][hr] But seriously, I like the idea of closing it unless people start to post [b]real[/b] confessions.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[b]The Start of the Reaction/Excitement[/b] aw reading them is kinda not kind but really boooooooooooooooooorrrrrriiinnng.... :eh: people tend to use them as there blog... ahahaha... i confess i dont care what people p0st! all i kn0w is yar still p0sting n0n-sense confession! [b]The Example[/b] what if ill p0st i confess my m0m bought me brand new havaianas or Crocs or watever brand you think! I DOOOONNNTT CARE!! - but really my m0m bought me hava from davao! promise! :lol: i swear! diba you d0nt care?! :lol: Yabang lng ha? =D [b]Climax Reaction[/b] recently i d0nt p0st confessions there? why? its kinda boooriing.. waste of time & no 0ne will goin to read it! and infact n0 one will ever react 0n it! aw its like MMK portion or shall i say true to life Booorrriiinnnggg stories or just made up stories... ...s0me parts i think where where fabricated! false part! which i d0nt really care... im n0t siting that people made up stories... its possible... but n0t all! [b]Resolution[/b] Sorry if im too frank & straight to the point... :/ at least walang pasik0t! [b] My Conclusion[/b] my conclusion is sho0t 2 kill th0se people wh0 makes 0fftopic... what if make a Confession discussion thread on a n0n-counting p0st section! :eh: we'll see if someone will really react.. or what if make a thread with your daily experience :lol: nice huh? diary... ok lng kahit boring, you can tell y0ur life story here! :eh: [b]The Not so Important Part[/b] ahahaha... sorry if im to harsh... im als0 guilty of p0sting diary/loveletter/n0 sense notions! or so watever reas0n! lowl :D Peace 0ut! [i]Added this line[/i]... :lol: Sorry if im s0 on the [b]Defense Mechanism[/b] (Reaction Formation & rationalization) [b]the Quote[/b] [quote]if reading my p0st will make you bbboooo-aa-rrreedd what more if you reading the diary/ confession p0st![/quote]

Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-10-25 03:43:48)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[quote=Deviantangel]The reason is shallow, kinda sounds like: It's existence is abused, we must get rid of it.[/quote] Shallow? Is that what you think? Please elaborate your statement. The confession thread is close for the meantime to make the members realized that the topic is being abused. People tend to treat the topic as their diary.
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

I agree about the closure of that thread it seems that the essence of it was vaguely lost since others are posting out of core posts. i think its easy for them to ignore the main point of it and post frivolous and feeble messages on their own liking. To be honest i am sick and tired of seeing those vacuous posts(that isn't really a confessions lol) making my mood to post my confessions there lost. This won't stop until someone will make an action for it and thats what eehjhay did but i guess this warnings and notice won't be heeded easily at this rate cause those members didn't care at all lol well if they are meager enough about it then this shouldn't be reached this point. i don't want to name names cause you know to yourself who you are..

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-10-25 10:31:46)

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

Well, technically, a confession (also known as a confession of faith) is NOT necessarily something that you are "guilty" of, as stated by a previous poster. [quote]con⋅fes⋅sion    /kənˈfɛʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuhn-fesh-uhn] Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. acknowledgment; avowal; admission: a confession of incompetence. 2. acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness, esp. to a priest to obtain absolution. 3. something that is confessed. 4. a formal, usually written, acknowledgment of guilt by a person accused of a crime. [u][b]5. Also called confession of faith. a formal profession of belief and acceptance of doctrines, as before being admitted to church membership.[/b][/u] 6. the tomb of a martyr or confessor or the altar or shrine connected with it. Credits: [url]www.dictionary.com[/url][/quote] ;) I'm glad to see that a couple of people in this thread have admitted and realize that [b]most of us[/b] have been guilty of posting a nonsense, off-topic, non-confession in the confession thread, [i]including myself[/i], because [i]most of us[/i] who have posted on this suggestion are guilty of it as well. Thanks to those who admit it instead of just pointing blame on others. =) Yes, I have been guilty of this, especially recently, and I apologize for it. Sorry for that. :| I don't think the essence of the thread was vaguely lost, on the contrary, I think it has been [i]definitively[/i] lost since "vaguely lost" would imply that it's not so clear to see when, in fact, it's quite certain (and easily seen) that most of the posts there do not adhere to the idea of a "confession". And I think it's okay to name names. I will, if others do. ;) As far as closing the thread permanently or not. It doesn't matter to me, and I'm sure the Mods will do as they see fit. I think a lot of people will miss the thread, so maybe locking it for a long period of time will make them realize the idea and basis of the thread and they will, after not being able to confess there for a long period of time, will take more care in making their confessions adhere to the idea of a confession.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

^ I appreciate your opinion but it is common sense that the meaning or purpose of that thread is similar to #2 or #4 definitions given. Anyway I'm getting tired of explaining about this. If anyone request to open the thread, then we'll think about it then.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[quote=eehjhay]Anyway I'm getting tired of explaining about this. If anyone request to open the thread, then we'll think about it then.[/quote] Since lot of opinions, explanations and observations from different sides have been shared and discussed, I think that the thread can be re-opened once again, this time, guided by the ideas mentioned. We need the cooperation from all members who are concerned about the "cleanliness" and "orderliness" of the boards. Count me in for this. [b]@TS:[/b] thanks for opening up this subject, and we hope that the "new" UG Confession will really serve as it was intended to be.. (if re-opening will be granted...) Thanks and kind regards.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[quote=portuniecho]Anyways, Glad that someone noticed it too. I hope others will notice it too. :D[/quote] [quote=jieduck]@TS: thanks for opening up this subject, and we hope that the "new" UG Confession will really serve as it was intended to be.. (if re-opening will be granted...)[/quote] no problem. thanks guys ;) ----- [b]Topic[/b] The moderator is right for closing that thread because it is not more related to the confession anymore. its like a mini diary or a [u]chatbox[/u]. confess then reply... confess then reply again... its getting irritating. however, i know most of the members here are visiting Underground Section just to view the crush thread, fansigns and especially confession thread. [hr][hr] i think, the idea of portuniecho is much better. compiling a confession, so members will not waste a post. we must also have a [b]Rules[/b] there. if a members caught violating a rule there. like for example. confess then reply.. or it is [b]not[/b] more related to confession... moderator/s are free to [b]cursed[/b] that member without further notice. =) ----- lets just give them a last chance. that's only my opinion ;)

Last edited by dondon (2008-10-27 18:47:59)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[b]i suggest that thread to be closed.,aha~ :eh: no fuss. warnings aren't effective method from keeping the people to post a real confession. sir eehjay gave a warning last saturday to post a real confession.,and still members did not listened., that's why he closed it., I agree with the other suggestion here of Nikki.borrate.creating a blog or something.,where you can rant and rave. [/b] [b]just an opinion.[/b]:ninja:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

If rants are allowed, that suggestion will be ignored. We can not entertain anything that may leads to rants. If they insist it, they can just create their own blog and rant all day they want.

Last edited by eehjhay (2008-10-27 19:48:02)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

Better close this then since almost everyone agree. The amount of useless threads are increasing and those spammers would just spoil other good topics to be discussed on. OT: I really hate seeing people posting on threads especially at Layouts section saying all thanks when they can also give constructive comments.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[b]Yeah, You should probably keep the thread closed[/b] I'm pretty sure any new rule implemented won't get to much people and it might take a while to get it through their head, since not many really gave a feedback on your action. Besides, since there's already a diary thread, they could even confess on it :/. Hence, making similar threads. Anywho, on behalf of the thread abusers, I apologize to everyone for the irrelevant posts I've contributed there.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

[b]Confession Thread [/b]is my favorite Thread. But most members Totally spam there alot. [including me] So I Think It`s their [including me] fault why Confessiond thread has closed. erhmmm. I wanna kill myself. X3. :wallbash: :wallbash: . So for me, Just keep it closed. =|:thumbsup: . [Even if I don`t want to] :crybaby:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

As i observed. many members are not interested in re-opening the confession thread. and we have a strong evidence that most of the post there are spam. [hr] Mod Eehjhay, It's up to your decision if you want to completely close that thread. I highly respect your decision. =) [hr] To all who respond, thanks to all of your cooperation ;)

Last edited by dondon (2008-11-03 21:13:54)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

I disagree for the closure of the confession thread totally. Didn't you notice guys, FriendsterTalk became boring this past few days, Because many members love that thread. If they we're not posting.. Then they we're just reading some of the posts. For them, Confession thread its like where they can express their feelings. Why not change the subject to a "[b]Express your Feelings[/b]" something like that. Since most of the posters there express their feelings not a confession anymore. And no more criticism that most of the members do not post their confession instead. Maybe we can help our Moderators on maintaining that thread to be organized as well. By the help of my suggestions above. Can we just give it another Chance. This time let's help our Moderators. Well I'm saying this for the sake of those members who are afraid to post their opinion here., Because I know They don't like that thread to be close forever. Just like the opinion of charm. I know some of members here have the same opinion as charm. [quote=Kua Jie]We need the cooperation from all members who are concerned about the "cleanliness" and "orderliness" of the boards. Count me in for this.[/quote] Kua Jie is right. Count me in also. Simply reporting some violators is not hard to do. Right?.
  • » About this thread [url=http://theftalk.com/t268-Confessions-only%21-%28Do-not-post-any-rants%29.html]Confession Thread[/url] I see that its not a confession anymore. i think its like a mini diar

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