Well, technically, a confession (also known as a confession of faith) is NOT necessarily something that you are "guilty" of, as stated by a previous poster.
/kənˈfɛʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuhn-fesh-uhn] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. acknowledgment; avowal; admission: a confession of incompetence.
2. acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness, esp. to a priest to obtain absolution.
3. something that is confessed.
4. a formal, usually written, acknowledgment of guilt by a person accused of a crime.
[u][b]5. Also called confession of faith. a formal profession of belief and acceptance of doctrines, as before being admitted to church membership.[/b][/u]
6. the tomb of a martyr or confessor or the altar or shrine connected with it.
Credits: [url]www.dictionary.com[/url][/quote]
I'm glad to see that a couple of people in this thread have admitted and realize that [b]most of us[/b] have been guilty of posting a nonsense, off-topic, non-confession in the confession thread, [i]including myself[/i], because [i]most of us[/i] who have posted on this suggestion are guilty of it as well. Thanks to those who admit it instead of just pointing blame on others.
Yes, I have been guilty of this, especially recently, and I apologize for it. Sorry for that.
I don't think the essence of the thread was vaguely lost, on the contrary, I think it has been [i]definitively[/i] lost since "vaguely lost" would imply that it's not so clear to see when, in fact, it's quite certain (and easily seen) that most of the posts there do not adhere to the idea of a "confession".
And I think it's okay to name names. I will, if others do.
As far as closing the thread permanently or not. It doesn't matter to me, and I'm sure the Mods will do as they see fit. I think a lot of people will miss the thread, so maybe locking it for a long period of time will make them realize the idea and basis of the thread and they will, after not being able to confess there for a long period of time, will take more care in making their confessions adhere to the idea of a confession.