[quote=eykalsyamim]here the code for put an animated image on your main photo..

[quote]div.imgblock200 {
background:url([b]YOUR GIF IMAGE URL[/b]);
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
div.imgblock200 img {display:none !important}[/quote]

just replace the image URL

adjust the height and width..

put the code in your [b]external CSS[/b]
p/s: if you're trouble in making external CSS file.. visit here.. [url]http://theftalk.com/t1879-save-extension-file-host-site....html[/url]


huhuhu!!! until now i didnt get it huhuhu!!!

please help me this is the (URL OF MY GIF IMAGE)
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b149/majlhen105/11815394941455.gif (is this image upload also to the website i mean like ripway?then after i upload it i will get the url of my gif then paste it in my css???how sad....
AND this is my css
hope you can help me soon....tnx in advance :midfinger:
Last edited by majlhen105 (2007-06-12 03:07:24)