[align=center][quote]Hi..Hope you still remebs me..:3..Well i'm christelle..shy to have pic..
May you feel my hardness to do this poem..
I feel hard so this is 2 stanzas only...[/quote]
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[spoiler][quote][b][i]My Feelings..[/i][/b]
I feel so nice if i'm in the light of heaven
I feel so ugly if i'm in the dark or hell
So better i'm in light..
So light me the way you can..
I feel your loving me the way you smile..
I make my feelings feels confident
I feels aloof if your mad at me
So be don't mad at me..
i feel sad if you mad me..
Saying Inlove?I'm Inlight..[/quote]
--Poem is already done..
--Repu+ is too much appreciated.,,
(not forcing you..)
To all thank you,.,,
[quote]I will add some stanzas soon..
..not forcing..[/quote]