• » I believe that if we continue spoonfeeding people with working codes is not a good idea. Honestly, I can't blame those people who spoonfeed because I know their main concern is helping people which is

Pages: 12

I believe that if we continue spoonfeeding people with working codes is not a good idea. Honestly, I can't blame those people who spoonfeed because I know their main concern is helping people which is

» n00b
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Re: I believe that if we continue spoonfeeding people with working codes is not a good idea. Honestly, I can't blame those people who spoonfeed because I know their main concern is helping people which is

i dunno how to combined a js codes.. cn u help?
  • » I believe that if we continue spoonfeeding people with working codes is not a good idea. Honestly, I can't blame those people who spoonfeed because I know their main concern is helping people which is

Pages: 12

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