[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]But then.. if they want to trial and error, they can't do it.. Since they can't make a new forum just to try their theme ;_;[/quote]
Iap nengmudh. That's why i said that this needs to be discussed.
Hope you guys can give solutions for that.
Mine, the admin give us the raw html format or something like that.
That will make we know what to design and not to design.
[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]How about a contest to design friendstertalk Logo? They can customize it by rendering, putting small icon, blabla. But the original image must be included/the basic background.[/quote]
Nice idea nengmudh, how bout if we include the logo contest in the theme contest.
Shoot two birds with one bullet.
[quote=portuniecho]Iap, very complicated, we need to figure out how this things gonna work,[/quote]
Have ideas tunie ?
[quote=Ephemeral]Anyway, am I putting the idea too seriously? If so... Imma shut up now.
Nope ephe. Your and other co-mods' ideas are needed here.
Do you have any suggestion in how this contest can be implemented ?
[quote=jamessss:b]But i think we must ask for Admin's approval first?