[quote=`mizeL]Old school trap hahaha, proudly to say, the one who made that site was so stupid

Sorry for that hellish term but it's true

they're just wastin' their time

ahhehheh..old school trap? I have some more traps in my disposal..they are quite at a new school style...

[quote=eehjhay]Any fake login or suspected fake logins (that redirects to other page), send those friendster URL to me. We can do something about those.
We'll make magic work

What kind of punishment you want? Cancellation of account, suspend account, or make fun with their profiles?

nice EJ..you hit hard..lemme see..^^ woot..

[quote=jhayyuliajay]hackers...they are so annoying...yeah...i saw it this morning...thanks for the info....

please bro EXCLUDE me..
Last edited by rainkid (2008-05-29 06:17:24)