at last, u revealed it xavier!

lols,,this profile [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/avrylleal01[/url] doesn't use .txt or .js
why? i view her profile in safe mode!

even this two profile below!
[url]http://profiles.friendster.com/avrylleal[/url] << only this
<">[url]http://profiles.friendster.com/avryllea[/url] <<and this
<">but,,sad to say,,,i cant open that two url!

she said to me that she rename her code because of her impersonator!

[b]From the topic of xavier 'Block IP Address'[/b]
[quote=aVryLLeaL]but how if you dont know the ip of ur poser? coz i have a poser and i badly want her to stop impersonating me! hrrrr!

pls help how.

[b]From her topic at the help section![/b]
Anybody here knows the code for hiding this bar?
Please share it with me.

I really need it.
If you will just know the feeling of having TWO impersonator.

Last edited by john_619619 (2007-11-05 03:19:41)