• » [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

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[quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

[quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

[quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/quote] [b]PREVIEW:[/b] [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/97631908]Disclaimer_X profile[/url] I'm not using it at this time on my Sidebox(right)... for now its on my Mainbox(left) [b]Credits:[/b] to [b]marfillaster[/b] for creating this awesome script... and to master feruzz aka Otai for the updates... and to deys82 for d help... and to JacktheRipper for add box help... [b]putting the Friends Randomizer as sidebox.[/b] NOTE: this is a sidebox with marquee effect... auto in IE but needs to be hovered in FF. and needs effort and patience esp. on its css. on your WVM tracker code first put the [b]Ffetcher.init();[/b] on the position below [quote]function onProfileLoad() { //sidebox or other codes here addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"'s Visitors",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker",null); //if you have other codes here put it after... if none, put after the tracker addbox. [b]Ffetcher.init();[/b] } //rest of tracker codes... /* end of tracker codes */[/quote] [b]//then put this after.. below the tracker codes.[/b] [quote]function randOrd(){ return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); } if (typeof Ffetcher == "undefined") { Ffetcher = {}; } Ffetcher = { friends: new Array(), pages: null, maxfriends: null, container: null, cached: new Array(), display: 6, init: function() { var num=document.links; for(var x=0;x<num.length;x++) { if (num[x].href.match(/\/friends\/[\d]+?/)) { var t=/\(([\d]+?)\)/; this.maxfriends=t.exec(num[x].innerHTML)[1]; break; } } this.pages=Math.floor(this.maxfriends/30); var htm="[b]<br><center><marquee behavior='scroll' direction='down' height='300' scrollamount='7' onMouseOver='stop()' onMouseOut='start()'><div align='center' id='fcontainer'></div></marquee></center><br>[/b]"; addBox("RIGHT","Friends",htm,"frbox",[b]"14"[/b]); document.getElementById("content_frbox").innerHTML+="<center><div class='viewall'><a href='javascript: void(Ffetcher.more())'>[b]<font color=#cc9966>Click To View More Random Friends</font>[/b]</a></div></center>"; this.container=document.getElementById("fcontainer"); this.fetch(0); }, fetch: function(page) { document.getElementById("frbox").childNodes[0].innerHTML="[color=red]<center>Pls kindly wait..</center>[/color]"; processAjaxRequest("GET","/friends/"+pageOwnerID+"/"+page,true,null, "parseFriends",page); }, show: function() { this.container.innerHTML=""; this.friends.sort(randOrd); for(var x=0;x<this.display;x++) { this.container.innerHTML+=this.friends[x]; } }, more: function() { if(this.cached.length<(this.pages+1)) { var temp; do { temp=Math.ceil(Math.random()*(this.pages)); }while(this.cached.toString().indexOf(":"+temp+":")!=-1); this.fetch(temp); } else { this.show(); } } }; function parseFriends(htm,page) { if(!htm){ Ffetcher.fetch(page); return; } var r= /search1\x22>[\S\s]+?paginglinksmodule\x22>([\S\s]+?)<div class=\x22paginglinksmodule/; var temp=r.exec(htm)[1]; temp=temp.match(/<div class="flogriditem">[\S\s]+?<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>/g); for(var x=0;x<temp.length;x++) { temp[x]=temp[x].replace("samsg_icon.gif>","samsg_icon.gif />"); temp[x]=temp[x].replace(/<a /g,"<a target=_blank "); if(!temp[x].match("nophoto")) Ffetcher.friends.push(temp[x]); } Ffetcher.cached.push(":"+page+":"); document.getElementById("frbox").childNodes[0].innerHTML="[color=blue]Friends <font color=#cc9966>Random</font> Gallery[/color]"; Ffetcher.show(); };[/quote] those in bold parts and with colors can be edited at ur liking... [b]edited:[/b] [color=red]red[/color] is the loading image and text when searching... [b](removed image)[/b] [color=blue]blue[/color] is actually.... your header!! =) [b]now this is the hard part.... the css... coz it's css is connected on all ur sidebox settings...[/b] [b]put in your main css files[/b] [quote]#frbox { width:300px ! Important; background-color: transparent; background-image:url(URL OF IMAGE/BKGD); background-attachment: scrollable; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: center center; border: 1px solid #444444; } #content_frbox { width: 298px; } #fcontainer * { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-family: Arial; font-size: 9px; font-weight: normal; } .thumbnaildelete { display: none; } #fcontainer { text-align: center; height: 300px; width: 300px; } #fcontainer .flogriditem { width: [b]80px;[/b] overflow: hidden; padding-left: 0px; padding-right:0px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px; margin:[b]4px 6px 2px 12px;[/b] height: 150px; } .inlinelt { position: relative; left: -2px; top: 1px; } .flo50 .ic .imgblock a img { filter:alpha(opacity=75);-moz-opacity:.75;opacity:.75; height: [b]78px;[/b] } .flo50 .ic .imgblock { height: [b]78px;[/b] width: [b]78px;[/b] overflow: hidden; background-image:url(URL OF IMAGE/BKGD); background-position:center center; background-attachment: scrollable; background-repeat: repeat; background-color:transparent; border: 1px solid #444444; text-align: center; }[/quote] all those [b]bold[/b] parts must be edited carefully if it didn't match your default css measurements on ur profile... the rest.. background,color,border,etc... just edit at ur liking.. if you have patience.. you can make them looks almost the same whether in IE or FF... not just this code... but all your css... if you're going to put it below ur friends box and want to align it.. you might wanna change your default on your friends photo too... see my profile for that... edit this parts... [quote].friends .ir { background-image:url(URL OF IMAGE/BKGD); background-position:center center; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; background-color:#000000; border: 1px solid #444444; } .flogrid75 .flogriditem { width: 78px; } .flogrid75 .ir { width: 78px; height: 76px; } .friends img { filter:alpha(opacity=75);-moz-opacity:.75;opacity:.75; } .commonbox .dr { font-family: Arial; color: #ff0033; text-transform: Capitalize; background-color: transparent; background-image: url(URL OF IMAGE/BKGD); background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center; background-repeat: repeat; border: 2px solid #444444; text-align:center; } .dr { text-align: center; background: transparent; padding: 3px 0; width: 78px; white-space: nowrap; }[/quote] edit the sizes to match your Friends Randomizer Box //if you want your friends box with a fix measurement and without a viewall [quote].friends { background-color: transparent; background-image:url(); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: center center; border: 1px solid #444444; height: 300px ! Important; } .friends .viewall {display: none;}[/quote] that's all folks... have patience... =)

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2009-07-08 04:50:30)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

haha..tnx 4 sharing!!
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

nice one..!! now we have a substitute for ken's random friends mainbar.. good.. tnx 4 sharing.. =) question :question: :question: y cant we use this one???? <">

Last edited by xavierkym (2007-07-14 18:48:58)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

coz WVM(tracker) is a sidebar itself... so if you have an updated WVM the codes for add sidebar and add Mainbox is already in there... =) you can put most of the codes here in FTalk inside of the WVM (half of my javascript files are all inside it...) and outside too i guess... but still can use its function... just like this one... That's how cool the WVM(tracker) is!! but just be careful in editing it... :D

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2007-07-14 19:49:05)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

i think we can really use sidebar code.. =) change this in the first code.. the thought is jut like what i have done in the sidebar auto comment.. :eh: <">and use this.. <">check my profile for instance.. i used the sidebar code.. =)

Last edited by xavierkym (2007-07-14 19:41:13)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

yap of course!! you can use the sidebar codes!! but why use it if you already have one...? the trick is.. you don't have to use the whole sidebar codes everytime you put an element on the sidebar like MP3.. Cbox.. etc. or you'll have a long list of javascript on ur extension files... and conflicts may happen too if you'll do that... as i've said... the WVM is a sidebar itself... cool isn't it?! =)

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2007-07-14 20:03:23)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

but how about those people who are not using WVM of marfi? hehe.. so that they can still apply the code.. =)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

[quote=xavierkym]but how about those people who are not using WVM of marfi? hehe.. so that they can still apply the code.. =)[/quote] yap that's the sad part... you have to use the whole codes of the add sidebar if you don't have the WVM(tracker).. :cry: but the good thing is.. :D you don't have to repeat the whole process again coz if you already have used the add Sidebar codes then all you have to do is put all other element you want like MP3,Cbox,Photo in Slide,you tube.. just edit-out some codes... at least you can fill up your sidebar with other elements if you don't have the WVM by using only one sidebar codes!! damn!! I wish i can marry ken's brain!! =D see my test page: [url]http://www.friendster.com/sampolpage[/url] or : [url]http://www.friendster.com/41173103[/url]

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2007-07-15 10:20:35)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

no need to put another sidebar code if you have only one sidebar...also add mainbox code =) Refresh/Reload is right :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

Hi. Fresh noob here. First, thanks a lot for this code! But.. it shows up as one column and with big pics!. I tried some adjustments to the width, display, etc. before posting and pestering you guys but it ends up the same! how can I change it into a three column?
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

[quote=Hya]Hi. Fresh noob here. First, thanks a lot for this code! But.. it shows up as one column and with big pics!. I tried some adjustments to the width, display, etc. before posting and pestering you guys but it ends up the same! how can I change it into a three column?[/quote] use my css sample... it's design for a 3 x 3 column both for IE and Firefox with borders and margin... that's what i'm using on my page... or change its hex color... don't add anything more...
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

if you have the addSideBar function, no need to paste it again in your js file.. also applies for the mainbox function. =3
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

wow!!! it's very great!!! thanks for sharing!!!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

^ how can I change the caption/title of the randomizer? ^ also its not workin ~_~

Last edited by ezil2007 (2007-07-15 10:18:39)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

[quote=ezil2007]^ how can I change the caption/title of the randomizer?[/quote] look for this part ezil.. [quote]var htm="<div id='fcontainer'></div>"; addMainBox("Friends",htm,"frbox","reviews_1_4"); document.getElementById("content_frbox").innerHTML+="<div class='viewall'><a href='javascript: void(Ffetcher.more())'>More Random Friends</a></div>"; Ffetcher.vars.container=document.getElementById("fcontainer"); Ffetcher.fetch(0); };[/quote] change : "Friends" that's for ur header... change : More Random Friends <--- the one below the images
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

^ umm ya i found that i change it but.. its not workin.. i dunno why omg its on the main box how can i put it on the side bar i obey your tutorial but i dunno why is it on the main box

Last edited by ezil2007 (2007-07-15 10:33:16)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

[quote=ezil2007]^ umm ya i found that i change it but.. its not workin.. i dunno why[/quote] check both code 1 and 2 ... check if both of them(in bold text) are now ads_2_3 coz the caption/'title part that i've gave you are still in reviews_1_4 that's one of the table id that should be replace by ads_2_3.. sorry.. that's the only reason why they won't work so pls do check it... unless... you are also using multiple sidebar codes for every sidebar thingy you add :D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

^ yep i forgot that step XD
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

one last problem.. my randomizer have a long wide border how can I shorten it .. I just tweak it but only the pics shorten I would like to come up of the side box like yours =( here's my code .. <">

Last edited by ezil2007 (2007-07-15 11:28:17)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

[quote=ezil2007]one last problem.. my randomizer have a long wide border how can I shorten it .. I just tweak it but only the pics shorten I would like to come up of the side box like yours =( here's my code .. <">[/quote] hhmm.. that's strange... have you tried my .fimg (the 73px)? pls do... then try putting this: #content_frbox .boxcontent { width: 290px; }
  • » [quote]the trick still works... but due to some friendster module updates your addbox function must be replaced by an updated newBox. see some post by JacktheRipper... (use [b]Search[/b] nav above)[/q

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