• » [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

Pages: 12

[align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

» n00b
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Re: [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

i really love the story argh ! i don't have any idea who's gonna end up with apollo haha :)
nHice garcia
» n00b
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Re: [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

[quote=maii15;#3674431;1284271217]i really love the story argh ! i don't have any idea who's gonna end up with apollo haha :)[/quote] that's the point.. haha.. well, who do you want Apollo to end up? :D:D:eh2::eh2:

Last edited by nHice garcia (2010-09-12 08:25:52)

» FTalker
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Re: [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

[quote=nHice garcia;#3674460;1284293957]that's the point.. haha.. well, who do you want Apollo to end up?[/quote] I WANT HER TO BE WITH IVAN! WOOOT. \M/
mysteriuz breaker
» n00b
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Re: [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

wll, for me, i want NASH for hr..ahhehehe.. NASH: if apollo will not be urs, dont worri, im just here, waiting..ahahhaha.. it's me, angel.. ms.author: nic storii.. plz update the nxt chappie..ahehehe..
nHice garcia
» n00b
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Re: [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

[font=Papyrus][size=7][b]Chapter Four.[/b][/size][/font] [spoiler][b][size=3][font=Curlz MT]Chapter 4: Artemis[/font][/size][/b] [font=Papyrus][size=2]"One more!" called a girl from the crowd after I finished singing 'Our Song'. I laughed. "Sure! What song?" The girl answered happily. "Beautiful eyes!" I paused for a nanosecond. "Well... Uhh... Okay." I signaled Nash, Jasper and Ian to start. When the intro ended, I started to sing. "[i]Your beautiful eyes staring right into mine. Sometimes, I think of you late at night. I don't why. I wanna be somewhere where you are...[/i]" I continued singing as flashbacks of Josh ran into my mind. When we were having fun at school... When I wake up and find Josh staring at me with eyes full of love... When we were cooking... When we were running at the beach... When he serenaded me... So many more. And of course, his romantic proposal to me... I miss him so much... Will I be happy when all I think is him? Tears fell from my eyes as I sing. I know I need to control my emotion but, I just can't. Everytime I remember Josh, his death, I just want to break down and cry. Fake smiles? You bet I have those. I'd rather fake a smile than talk about my past with Josh. I don't want to explain and have them telling me that I have to move on, accept what happened to Josh and that they understands me. Because, there's no one who understand my feelings. They don't have a fiancé who died and got buried on the same day where they were supposed to get married. Nash streaked the last note and I feel like screaming. Instead, I controlled my emotions. I TRIED hard to control my emotions but it's just so difficult until someone pulled me to the back stage. "Ivan." I cried when I realized who it was. "Well, that was great, isn't it?" said Sarah to the crowd. "We've got our own Taylor Swift! How about a song from here? Who loves Spongecola's songs here?" she asked then everyone cheered. I ignored them. I ignored everything and continued to cry on Ivan's shoulder. "Apollo? Are you okay?" asked someone. I turned and saw Nash looking at me with eyes full of concern. I answered gloomily. "Yes. Thank you." Nash stared at me blankly for a moment then I heard him mutter something. "I... I better get going." he said when I returned on Ivan's shoulder. I felt Ivan nod. "Just cry," Ivan said. "Everything will be alright. Just cry." I answered him between my sob and the background song; Pasubali. "N-no. I-it won't b-be a-alright, I-Ivan. Don't y-you know? I-I lo-lost my fiancé th-that's w-why I came b-b-back here." "I know about it. Hermes told me. Sorry." Ivan replied. "But for now, just cry. Don't let your emotions build up in your chest or you'll burst because of pain." I cried harder and hugged my new found best friend. "I-I d-don't want t-to forget J-Josh." "Then don't. Think about your happy memories with Josh." "It's painful." "It will be much painful if you think about the sad memories," Ivan replied. "I know that Josh won't be happy wherever he is now if you're sad." "I'll t-try." I said but I continued crying so hard on Ivan's shoulder. Josh... [i]"My goddess, how are you?" asked a familiar voice to me. "Josh?" I look around the familiar place. I know this place... It's where Josh proposed to me... "Yes, my goddess?" asked again the voice. The place looks like the same. The stars. The smell of the flowers. And Josh... Josh standing in front of me... "Josh!" I hugged him tightly. "I've missed you so, so much." He chuckled. "I know. I know. I've missed you too." I started to cry. "Why did you left me alone?" "My goddess," Josh started. "I will never leave you alone. That's why you met your new friends. We are never meant to get married. I've already realized it when I got hospitalized." He continued. "But, don't forget that I love you." I shook my head. "I won't. I love you, too." Then, everything got so blurry. "Josh?" I looked at Josh questioningly. I tried to touch him but, my hand just went through him. I tried again. But, it's just the same! I can't touch Josh anymore! Josh smiled sadly to me. "Goodbye, Artemis." "No! Josh! Please stay!" I cried as I try to touch him again. "Josh!!" I called to him as he slowly vanish. [/i] "JOSH!!!" I screamed after him. But, he left me... Again... "Artemis!" called someone which made me get up suddenly. "Josh!" I cried when I jumped up suddenly. "Are you okay?" asked my big brother looking all concerned. I nodded automatically. "Don't you scare me like that! You were crying and screaming and twitching!" "I-I'm sorry." I muttered as I stare at him. "Where are you going?" "Where are WE going," he pulled me up. "Now. Get up and get dressed." "Okay." I opened my wardrobe and grabbed Josh's clothes. My big brother sighed. "Not THAT. Their too big for you." "But I don't have any guy clothes. Nagkapalit kami kahapon nung babae sa mall ng paperbag." I explained as I yawn. Ugh. Still sleepy. "Fine," my kuya said defeatedly. "Ibibili na lang kita. For now, wear anything." I grinned slowly. "Libre lang?" "Oo." "Really!?!?! I love you, utol!!!!" I hugged kuya Hermes tightly. He laughed. "Kuripot ka talaga. I'll just wait in the living room." "Okay!" I let him go then ran to the bathroom to take a short bath. —— 1 hour later... "Are you kidding me!?!?!" I shouted with so much enthusiasm. "We're going to a FARM!?!?" "No," answered Nash with wide smile. "We're going to a RANCH!!!" "You didn't know, Apollo?" asked Ivan as he put the luggages inside the Innova of my big brother. I shook my head. "Nope." "Well then," my brother called. "I'll drive my car with Justin, Eric and Sarah only because you all won't fit. Apollo, you'll be with Ivan and Nash. Ian is the driver." "I don't want to be at the same care with the lady-hater." pouted Louisa. "Geez, Louisa," Nash rolled his eyes. "I already said sorry." "Well, I guess you can fit with us, Louisa." said Sarah. "Yay! I love this trip!" laughed Louisa as she get inside the car. I laughed. "Let's go, guys. Sayang ang time." said Eric. We agreed then we entered our designated cars. I'm gonna sit between Ivan and Nash. When we got our comfortable positions, we began our trip. At first, we were fooling around while Ian drive. But, when they heard my stomach grumble, they laughed. I joined them. "The monster is up!" said Ian to Jasper. They laughed again. "Hey. It's hungry!" I said jokingly. "It didn't ate anything." "You didn't ate breakfast?" asked Ivan. "Nope." "Wait. I think I packed some food." he said thoughtfully as he rummage his back bag. Nash chuckled. "What are you, a boy scout?" "Not really," Ivan replied absent-mindedly. "Found it!" he said happily then pulled a... (What is that? Uhh... I forgot.) whatever-it-is-called plastic ware containing sandwiches. "Here, Apollo. Eat them." "Wow! Thanks, Ivan!" I happily clapped my hands then grabbed a sandwich. I held it at my eye level and observed it. It looks like a sandwich made by Josh... A flashback played in my mind. [i]"Try this one, my goddess." offered Josh to me as he held up a sandwich. "I made it myself." I took a bite. "Great! Delicious!" "Good. I especially made it for you." Josh smiled.[/i] "Uhh... Apollo?" asked someone which made me snap out of my thought. I took a quick bite. "Wow! Yummy!" "So selfish. Doesn't even asked us if we want to eat." mumbled Nash as he swallowed the half eaten sandwich made by Ivan. Ivan laughed. "Ignore him." I nodded. After I finished eating, I stretched my hands and ended up hitting Ivan and Nash on their cheeks. "Oops! I'm sorry!!" I apologized as I touch their cheeks. They laughed. "It's fine, Apollo." assured Ivan with a smile. "Really?" Nash nodded. "Yes." I smiled at them then we shut up. Maybe they're tired. I shut my eyes so I can take a rest for a minute. Just a minute... I yawned. Five minutes... Five... Minutes... ... ... ... I woke up suddenly from my dreamless sleep. I tried to move from my awkward position between the sleeping Ivan and Nash but ended up in a more awkward position. At first, my head was on Ivan's shoulder while Nash's head was on my shoulder. But when I moved, Nash glided on my lap which made me unable to move. I decided to give it up and let them sleep when Ivan's head lolled on my head (Ivan is way much taller than me.). "Need help there, Apollo?" asked Jasper from the front seat. "Nope. It's fine," I smiled. "Let them sleep." "They're just tired from last night," said Ian. "They took care of everything after you fell asleep." I stared at Ian thoughtfully. "Really? I didn't know I fell asleep. So that's why I can't remember that much." Ian chuckled while Jasper search something from Ivan's bag. That "something" turned out to be a digicam. "Let's take pictures of them sleeping." grinned Jasper. I grinned back as he took pictures of us. "You know, Apollo," said Ian as he drive. "You look good last night." "Yeah." agreed Jasper. I smiled. "Thanks." Ian raised his right eyebrow. "Are you sure that you're a guy?" Oh, no! Am I caught?!?! "Not a... GAY?" added Ian. Whew. I thought he found out. "Of course not." I answered then they laughed. I stared at Nash when no one talked. Wow. Nash got some great pink lips, you know. He's handsome, too. Wonder why he's scared to girls? I moved a little so Ivan's head loll in my shoulder. It's amazing how we fit in this space. "Nearly there." announced Ian. I frowned. "Really? How long have I been asleep?" Jasper answered. "Four hours." "Are you kidding me!?" I said with a loud voice. Nash twitched. Oops. ... ... Whew. He's still asleep. "No, I don't." Jasper shook his head. I sighed then stared at the window. Wow. The view is amazing. The grass is so green. But when we entered the farm... Uhh... I mean ranch, that's when I saw a huge space where a few horses ran without a saddle. They were like horses running in the wild. "Hey, Apollo," called Ian with a grin. "Could you wake them up?" "Uhh... Okay." I nodded. I shook Nash's shoulder. "Nash? Nash. We're here." he twitched. I continued shaking his shoulder. "Nash. Hey. Wake up, sleepy-head." then, he suddenly got up and hit his head with mine. "Aw!" I whispered painfully as Jasper and Ian laugh. "Ow!" Nash lied down in my lap again. But he touched my forehead. "Sorry, Apollo!" he apologized. "It's fine." I smiled then made a peace sign. I turned to Ivan and pinched his nose. "Hey," I called. "Ivan. Wake up. Ivan?" I pinched his cheek. He groaned then held my hand. "What time is it?" "I don't know." I answered him as he let go of my hand. He opened his eyes then looked at his watch. "Ugh. 11:40 AM. Almost lunch time." Nash sat up straight. "Where are we?" "Almost there." answered Ian. "I'm hungry." complained Nash. Jasper looked at him. "You're not alone." then we laughed except Ivan. Ivan closed his eyes again but he's head was not in my shoulder anymore. I stared at him. He's eyelashes are so long. But, cute. And when he smile, a dimple appears in his left cheek. SO CUTE. I mean the dimple and eyelashes. Because Ivan is handsome. Like me (kidding.). The car stopped suddenly which caused me to snap out of my thought. We got out of the car then Jasper carried some of our luggage. Ian and Nash carried some, too. "Hey, Apollo," called Nash. "Let's see your muscles." he grinned then gave me two bags. Two HEAVY bags. "I'm g-good." I forced a smile then carried the two bags. I mean the two HEAVY bags. I could barely walk because of the heaviness of the bags. "Apollo," called Ivan. Huh. He was just carrying two guitars and his back bag. "Help me here." he held up his back bag then exchanged it for my two HEAVY bags. "Let's go?" I smiled then he smiled back. His dimple appeared. I mean his CUTE dimple. Oh, right. Josh also have a dimple on his left cheek which I used to touch. Josh... I sighed then continued walking. When we entered the... Uhh... Ranch house (more like a MANSION. This house is HUGE.), a line of maids (they were about... 9. SO MANY.) appeared in front of us. They took the luggages we were carrying. "Well. Welcome back, Ian, Nash, Jasper and Ivan!" greeted a kind-looking elderly woman to Ian, Nash, Jasper and Ivan. "Kakaalis lang nila Eric." "Naunahan pa kami, Auntie Mae?" asked Ian. "Yes." answered Auntie Mae. She looked at her. "You must be?" "Apollo." I smiled. She smiled back warmly. "The little brother of Hermes?" I nodded. "Opo." "Nice to meet you, Apollo." she clapped her hands then a two maids appeared from a room. "Show them their rooms." "Yes, Auntie Mae." they answered. "Please follow us." they told us. "No need, Auntie Mae," said Nash. "Hindi naman nasusunod. We sleep anywhere, don't we?" Auntie Mae laugh. "Ah, yes. Well then, feel at home. Ihahanda lang namin ang pananghalian." They climbed the stairs but I don't know if I should come with them or not. "Apollo? Aren't you coming?" called Ivan. "Uhh.. I'll be there." I answered but he came back and pulled me. "I'll show you your room." he told me. "Okay. Thanks." I smiled. "Who owns this ranch?" "Eric," "Really? Oh, c'mon." "No kidding. Hobby ni Eric ang magpayaman." "Wow!" I said in amazement. Ivan smiled. The house is so HUGE. It doesn't look like a ranch house. It looks like a mansion. There's so many antique items. And when we entered my room, it's so big! The wall was painted in light blue. And I've got my own bathroom and there's a balcony! Isn't it great? "I'll leave you now so you can get some rest," Ivan called from the door. "The maids will take care of your clothes." I nodded at him then he left. My clothes... Damn! The maids will find out about me! I brought my underwears (of course. What am I going to wear beneath my clothes? Duh.)! "Ah, no. No!" I called to the two maids when they opened my bags. "No! Don't open it. Let me do it!" "Pero, sir Apollo," they said with a small voice. Did I embarrassed them? I hope not. "Baka magalit si sir Eric at auntie Mae." I shook my head. "No. Let me do it. Just help me prepare my room, okay?" "Yes, sir." they nodded then they prepared my bed. I took some of my real clothes (girls clothes.) and Josh's clothes (my guy clothes even they are big.). I laid my guy clothes neatly inside the wardrobe while my real clothes were still in my bag. Oh, s.hit. Three shirts and two jeans?! How will I survive with this guy clothes? I heard a knock. I turned around as one of the maids open the door. "How is your room, Apollo?" asked Eric. I grinned. "It's great!" "Perfect then. Let's go eat," smiled Eric. Nice! He looks much younger! And handsome (he seriously needs to smile more often. Haha.). "Masarap magluto si auntie Mae." he added. "Yeah! I'll be there!" "We'll be waiting." he grinned at me then he left the room. I called the two maids. "What are your names?" "Lina po, sir." answered the maid who opened the door. "Alyssa ho." said the maid who was preparing my bed shyly. I smiled at them. "Don't "ho" and "po" me, okay?" "Opo." answered Alyssa. "Ay! Sorry po! Ay, mali!" I laughed then they joined. "Thanks for helping me prepare my bedroom!" "No problem, sir!" smiled Lina then we got out the room. I found others at the dining room. "Hey," called Justin. I smiled at him. "Oi. Umupo ka sa tabi ko," said kuya Hermes to me. I grinned at him. "Okay." I sat down in front of Nash and between Ivan and kuya Hermes. The foods are already served. So many! Vegetable salad, adobo, beef steak, chicken curry, grilled fish and sinigang! Yum! “Here, Apollo.” said Ivan as he put some rice and chicken curry in my plate. “kain ka ng marami, ha?” “Sure!” I smiled. They started to get food too. I tasted the chicken curry. SO delicious!!! “Here, Apollo,” called Nash as he put some grilled fish on my plate. “It’s delicious.” I smiled at him. “Thanks!” “No problem.” Nash smiled back. Everyone ate with much talking. Louisa and Sarah laugh. Ivan and Nash kept on offering me foods. “Hey, Apollo. Want to milk a cow later?” asked Nash. I nodded. “Sounds exciting!” “I’ll come, too.” Ivan interrupted. “Okay,” answered Nash. “Hey Eric, sasama kayo?” “No,” they all answered. I sighed. “That’s too bad.” “There’s something we need to do.” said Eric, Ian and Justin. Louisa and Sarah nodded. “I want to go to sleep.” answered kuya Hermes. “Okay. Take care.” I shrugged. “Don’t worry, Apollo. It’ll be fun.” assured Ivan. Nash agreed. “Yeah.” I smiled at them. “I know.”[/font][/size][/spoiler]
» FTalker
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Re: [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

YIHIHIHI! FIRST! Hoy kambal! :ppp Pwede pakisend sakin yung updated version ko ng Which way? Ples? Lavyuuu... Yung chap. 5 pala, yung collab writing natin ha? Don't forget, magcocontribute ako. Yung mga ideas ko noh? Lamyuuuu <33
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

anu kaya planu nla ? hmmm.. :) milking a cow sounds fun :) haha
  • » [align=center][font=Papyrus][size=9][b]The Way I Loved You[/b][/size][/font] [i][size=2][font=Bradley Hand ITC]"I'm so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you"[/size][/font][/i] [b

Pages: 12

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