[b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b]
[b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b]
You accidentally sent a text about your crush, to your crush.
Although you pride yourself on owning a lightning-fast thumb capable of tapping out 90 words a minute, no amount of hyperbolic speed can undo a fatal SEND–like sending a text about your crush, to your crush.
Let’s say you were about to text your friend the following message:[i][b] Pao lukd rily kyut n his sk8ter shirt 2day! Kilig! [/b][/i]
But because your head was in the clouds while your thumb was putting a windshield wiper to shame with its nonstop autopilot texting, you accidentally sent it to Pao, your hottie crush, instead. What do you do?
[b]Crushed-Out Scene 2: Buking![/b]
He knows you like him
The worst part of it is he cocks his head in this knowing manner and gives you an all-knowing smile, whenever he sees you in school. Then he elbows his friends and whispers something to them, and they all chuckle knowingly. You wish right then and there that you could fold yourself up like a paper origami, and tuck yourself into a forgotten book. Sheesh.
This is a hard one. Sad to say, if your crush knows you have a crush on him, then probably almost everyone knows you like him. Even your English teacher knows. Even the manang who sells the cheesy mini-pizzas drizzled with tomato ketchup outside your school knows.
So what do you do?
Last edited by meng.o3 (2006-11-27 10:52:22)