• » :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

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:arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[align=center]scene 1: text him back that it wasn't you who typed the message, twas a friend of yours talking bout another guy and not him... scene 2: it's fine.. it's jz a crush... act as gay as you should... [/align]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

scene 1 haha.. very common to teens.. sum does tis for attention..but for this case..awww *shy jus text him again..n tell him someone sent tis txmsg to you n u wanted pao to know bwt it..lol scene2 ohmieffingawd! embarrasing mehn..b:(( i dnt know how to react.. lol just let it pass..haha
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

@ scene 2.. haha.. i already experienced that.. when i was walking @ the corridor i smiled at a girl whom i know that has a crush on me.. but instead of smiling back.. she just looked at me from head to foot.. pretending that she doesn't know me lols
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

i don no your ask :crybaby:
gracie fashonista
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

@ scene 1 : just tell him .. " oopsz rong send ..dat txt should b for my couz .. btw .. how r u ?? haha.. long tym no txt ah ?? ...heheh @ scene 2 : just snob them .. and if u like "gumanti ka " haha ... :eh:
gracie fashonista
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

@ scene 1 : just tell him .. " oopsz rong send ..dat txt should b for my couz .. btw .. how r u ?? haha.. long tym no txt ah ?? ...heheh @ scene 2 : just snob them .. and if u like "gumanti ka " haha ... :eh:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

SCENE #1: I'll text him again saying... "gotcha!!! [i]naniwala ka naman...[/i]" whahahahahaha
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[quote=gracie fashonista]@ scene 1 : just tell him .. " oopsz rong send ..dat txt should b for my couz .. btw .. how r u ?? haha.. long tym no txt ah ?? ...heheh @ scene 2 : just snob them .. and if u like "gumanti ka " haha ... :eh:[/quote] i know you didn't mean it... but please avoid double posting... thanks!!!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[quote]:arrow: scene # 1: just send a text message again saying "sorry, wrong send.." if he asks you whose that, just make-up stories..:lol: :arrow: scene # 2: uhoh.. i already experienced this one.. and i hate that guy.. i had to deal with my classmates keep on teasing me whenever he's around.. then that guy avoids me.. gosh.. they're soo.. oh, whatever.. just ignore them.. find another crush..:lol:[/quote]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[b]SCENE No. 1[/b] Happened to me many times :wallbash: But I always send him a message right after I figured out that I sent him the message that's supposed for my best-est friend. XD And it says, 'just 4warding this one to you. iono who sent it to me. weird huh? u want the number? you might click into something else.' He never replies. :) Good for me. [b]SCENE No. 2[/b] Hmm. Haven't experienced this one yet. But I think I'd probably just ignore him and everyone else who knows about me crushing on the guy. :penguin:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

SymphOny XII wrote: SCENE #1 txt him/her again.. opz..praktis lng..kw naman laki agad ulo mo! wahaha! oh mztah na? AGREE... hahaha.. cool.. im gonna do that next time... hahaha... nice idea
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

scene # 2.. i will approach him and say: "Yes! i do have a crush on you! got any problem with that?!"
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[align=center]haha. :P scene #1 just txt him again saying. "hi there, sorry. i was about to send that to Pao of the other section. but I accidentally send it to you. nwei, good night". =) scene #2 deadmax. hihi. :lol:[/align]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[align=center][b]wew!i will txt him agen =| sorie wrong sent :P :lol: btw,how are you? :) [/b][/align]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

I agree to all of you. ^_^
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[quote]SCENE #1 txt him/her again.. opz..praktis lng..kw naman laki agad ulo mo! wahaha! oh mztah na? :D :eh:[/quote] [b]it made me laugh.. haha BRAVO!![/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[b]SCENE #2:[/b] this situation already happens to me. Well, i dont mind it. I just let him and my teachers and the students and the guard and the janitors and my classmates and the vendor tease me. Do what they feel. haha.. it will all pass out. :eh:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

[quote=meng.o3]Crushed-Out Scene 2: Buking! He knows you like him The worst part of it is he cocks his head in this knowing manner and gives you an all-knowing smile, whenever he sees you in school. Then he elbows his friends and whispers something to them, and they all chuckle knowingly. You wish right then and there that you could fold yourself up like a paper origami, and tuck yourself into a forgotten book. Sheesh. This is a hard one. Sad to say, if your crush knows you have a crush on him, then probably almost everyone knows you like him. Even your English teacher knows. Even the manang who sells the cheesy mini-pizzas drizzled with tomato ketchup outside your school knows. So what do you do?[/quote] i guess .. i'd just stand up to him & talk to him face to face that.. He's just someone and not My only One! =D wahahah.
daixee mae
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

Situation #1.. i'll tell him that i like him... eventhough im super shy
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

scene #1 i'm gonna text him again.. [quote][i]0h, aus ba.? joke lng un.. baka masira ulo mo kakaisip jan ah.. baka hindi ka na mkatulog, nga plah uxtah na.? :eh: [/i][/quote] scene #2 i'll just tell them.. [quote][i]so.? problema neu.? (with a smile in my face) :D[/i][/quote] well..not polite ayt..? hehe.. but that's a way of joking..hihi, :lol:

Last edited by jerine08 (2008-11-16 00:18:40)

  • » :arrow: [b]here are some situations and give your views or how would you get out of it nice and smooth:[/b] [b]Crushed-Out Scene 1: Text Text Boom! [/b] You accidentally sent a text about your crush

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