• » [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

[b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

not working on me...can u help me plz this is my code...: [quote]function madebynewbie() { var munyit = document.getElementById("content_friends_2_2").getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; var mdirwan = "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/15084970 '>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/07/94/15084970/1_546131405m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/15084970 '>TellutZ</li>"+ "<li>Hi Cuantique....Thx udah mau jadi temen aq...</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/33059804 '>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/40/89/33059804/1_878577935m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/33059804 '>Viera Maniez</li>"+ "<li>Adekku Yg..Cute Lg Pintaer..</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/dheysepuluh '>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/32/15/42675123/1_966693453m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/dheysepuluh '>Dj-Dhey</li>"+ "<li>Keep ur body moving and shaking..LOL</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/37632606 '>"+ "<img src='http://photos-606.friendster.com/e1/photos/60/62/37632606/1_160358027m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/http://www.friendster.com/37632606 '>Gabby Renatha</li>"+ "<li>Maniez Bgt Apalagi klo Pakean SMU...LOL</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/kherminator '>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/04/17/43357140/159491236m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/kherminator '>KherMinator</a></li>"+ "<li>THx Bro for Advice..</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/34853297 '>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/79/23/34853297/1_913727956m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='http://www.friendster.com/34853297 '>J@D NEtz</a></li>"+ "<li>Ngeri Bgt Tatto lo Bang</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"; munyit.innerHTML = mdirwan; }window.onload = function() {madebynewbie();}[/quote] plz... thx ohh i almost forget i save it on tracker.js here the link http://h1.ripway.com/frans212/tracker/tracker.js can u chk this !! thx again
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

y wont you try and save your code in a differernt js extension file =) maybe it will work
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

[quote=rhodemar82]y wont you try and save your code in a differernt js extension file =) maybe it will work[/quote] ok thx for the respons i'll try... =) :penguin:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

[quote=mdirwan][b]EDITED! Save In Ur JS Xtension.. U Also Can Added as many friend U want.. NO NEED SIDE BAR SCRIPT & MEDIA BOX CODE.[/b] [quote]function madebynewbie() { var munyit = document.getElementById("content_friends_2_2").getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; var mdirwan = "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>"+ "<img src='[color=green]PHOTO_FRIEND[/color]'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>[color=red]NAME_FRIEND[/color]</li>"+ "<li>[color=pink]COMMENT[/color]</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>"+ "<img src='[color=green]PHOTO_FRIEND[/color]'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>[color=red]NAME_FRIEND[/color]</li>"+ "<li>[color=pink]COMMENT[/color]</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>"+ "<img src='[color=green]PHOTO_FRIEND[/color]'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>[color=red]NAME_FRIEND[/color]</li>"+ "<li>[color=pink]COMMENT[/color]</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>"+ "<img src='[color=green]PHOTO_FRIEND[/color]'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>[color=red]NAME_FRIEND[/color]</li>"+ "<li>[color=pink]COMMENT[/color]</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>"+ "<img src='[color=green]PHOTO_FRIEND[/color]'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>[color=red]NAME_FRIEND[/color]</a></li>"+ "<li>[color=pink]COMMENT[/color]</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>"+ "<img src='[color=green]PHOTO_FRIEND[/color]'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/[color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] '>[color=red]NAME_FRIEND[/color]</a></li>"+ "<li>[color=pink]COMMENT[/color]</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"; munyit.innerHTML = mdirwan; }window.onload = function() {madebynewbie();}[/quote] [color=blue]ID_FRIEND[/color] = ID of your friend (ex. http://www.friendster.com/mdirwan or /mdirwan or /41750223) [color=red]NAME_FRIEND[/color] = Name of your friend [color=green]PHOTO_FRIEND[/color] = link of photo of your friend [color=pink]COMMENT[/color] = Put anything you like See Sample : [url]http://friendster.com/41750223[/url] <--- [b]I only put 4 link of my Friends[/b] This Is a Combining of Friendster original testi & comment, eykalsyamim & renalvir code. Thanks to 3 of them :eh: [b]P/S : This Also a Semi replace box script[/b][/quote] nice posting broo =) keep up the good attitude :D :D :D go ...........go..............go.......... :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

where do i put the js codes?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

Yey! :crybaby: Thanks for this code. Finally! :D great job mdirwan. Your post is really a satisfaction :thumbsup: Keep up helping newbies like me :eh:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

Thanx for this code... It worked on my page!!!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

[quote=cfreng2]Thanx for this code... It worked on my page!!![/quote] how can u do that?can u do me a favor please?maybe mdirwan is too busy right now..so she/he can answered those qoutable codes that didnt work from there profile even in my profile hehehe...tnx... this is my codes [quote]function madebynewbie() { var munyit = document.getElementById("content_friends_2_2").getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; var mdirwan = "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/jaded03'>"+ "<img src='http://photos-595.friendster.com/e1/photos/59/53/16003595/195173277m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/jaded03'>Mary Ann a.k.a mhean or ann</li>"+ "<li>Mary Ann R. Esteves is a 23 years old from Infanta, Quezon and about this girl well sabi nya i don't know how to describe myself... ha3! its jz that i love to mingle w/ people who are straightforward, sometimes i spend much time alone, Li'L paranoid sometimes! nyaha! i never dream for fame nor wealth coz all i wanted was? to have something that can never be seen by the eyes; never heard by the ears! to have something that can never be bought by silver or by gold... to find for the answers with this only one question--- " why am i here for? "and when i found them, that would be the time that i can face the twighlight of my life!to leave happiness with somebody's life in my own little ways!thanks to those people who believes in me ( to my family, friends, aquaintace & my pets... he3!) special thanks to those people who used to criticize me, cause you made me even stronger... keep it up! hahahah! (tignan mo nga naman anoh?super talaga he3!) yan si Mary Ann just call her Mhean for short.</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/snicjheng'>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/80/56/21396508/648465245m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/snicjheng '>Rosemary a.k.a dada or jheng</li>"+ "<li>Naku first impression ko palang dito hmmm...MATARAY sobra...but when the time comes and we got already knows each other well she is cool pala,fun to be with,madaldal din pero minsan pagtinopak well galit2 muna wheee...xaka pag-ayaw nya di mo talaga sya mapipilit bahala kayo jan un sya...and sarap kasama pag manood ng movie he3! libre foods joke!</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/23510920'>"+ "<img src='http://photos-920.friendster.com/e1/photos/02/90/23510920/1_308475018m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/23510920'>Cecilia a.k.a apo/cecil</li>"+ "<li>Marikit daw sya eh..wala daw aangal whahaha....pwede na nga sya tumakbo ng brgy.captain kasi sa dami ng kilala nya ayun buong paete na ata ang kilala nya at syaka sa ibang bayan pa...diba?madaldal pati,kulit...</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/35036672'>"+ "<img src='http://photos-672.friendster.com/e1/photos/27/66/35036672/160309779m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/35036672'>Dong</li>"+ "<li>ahemmm!!hey bro!! wazz up!!heheheh nothing im gonna post a "TesTiMoNY"FoR mY BROTHER....Hmmmm..WeLL,WELL,WELL,as far as i know about my brother (Kulit yan!)Tigas ng kokote nyan minsan di nyo ba alam???hahahha yan binuking na kita joke!! di nyo lang alam yang kapatid kung ungas na yan eh...kahit makulit naaalala ko pa nung maliliit pa kami eh pagka-inuutusan ko na then ayaw pa din kumilos ah inuumbagan ko na ng suntok kasi naaasar na ko gusto sa2ktan muna bago kumilos hahaha un hanggang sa nagkakasakitan na pero di naman nya ko masuntok ksi ate nya ko u know nmn hahahahha joke!! And then nung dumating na ung time na na-realize na din namin na we dont need na to make sapakan already hahahah kasi malalaki na kami and nagbago naman ng pauti-uti ung ugali nyang unggoy hahahha!!! di seryoso na to love ko yang kapatid kung ungas na yan kahit ganyan yan baliw love ko pa din yan..and sna bro.khit dmi tyo problema ka2yanin natin to for our parents okies!! </li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/26844387'>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/78/34/26844387/665897287m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/26844387'>Is</li>"+ "<li>hey bunso!!!heheheh..WeLL,WELL,WELL,as far as i know about my brother (makunat?kainis he3!)Tigas ng kokote nyan minsan pagmeiuutos ako naku napakakunat kumilos parang pagong...daig pa kamo ang pagong...nababato ko nga yan ng mahawakan ko kapag ayaw pa din kumilos ginagalit ako eh heheheh (child abuse?)sbi nya gwapo daw sya ehemm...sbi lng nya un hahahah....sige na wafu na kung wafu ka....galingan mo lng sa studies mo ok...</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/20984516 '>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/61/54/20984516/18207571753358m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/20984516'>Ate Shara</li>"+ "<li>hmmm...hiya ako he3!joke lang?mabait,understanding,madaling lapitan at syaka galante heheeheh...charing lng???</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "<td class='itd'><div class='imgblock75'><a href='/9190746'>"+ "<img src='http://photos.friendster.com/photos/64/70/9190746/1_981242093m.jpg'></a></div></td>"+ "<td class='dtd'><ul class='data'>"+ "<li class='title'><a href='/9190746 '>Ms.Melojean</a></li>"+ "<li>Adviser po namin noong College po kami...but for now nasa ABHU DABI na po sya and doon na nagwowork..teacher po namin sya sa typing and computer...and natatandaan ko pa po noon nsa room po kami and pag-oras na ng subject nya sa typing well handa mo na sarili mo kasi pagmagtuturo na sya gusto nya dapat naka focus ka sa ginagawa mo...and yun sa takot ko po ayun bumilis ako magtype hehehehe...(me hawak kasi na pamatpat na mahaba ha3!)miss u mam...</li>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"+ "<div class='fitem1wrapper'><table class='fitem1table'><tbody><tr>"+ "</ul></td>"+ "</tr></tbody></table></div>"; munyit.innerHTML = mdirwan; } window.onload = function() {madebynewbie();}[/quote] where can i put this code?in notepad then save as .js?then upload in website like ripway?then get the URL after what can i do?i need to generate it?then where can i paste the generated codes?in my media or what?tnx a lot...

Last edited by majlhen105 (2007-08-24 03:47:22)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

hehehehehe.. bz a bit.. ur code is wrong.. many wrong.. try to reduce also the comments.. =) even when i copy & paste the code and try it in my test profile its hang my js.. hehehehehhehe.. u gonna start it again.. =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

<">-->http://www.geocities.com/yszra_18/fcaption.js it didn't do anything. :(
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

hey is it possible to make this list as scrollable or the height as ad :eh:justable:? ;) pls pls pls pls pls can u make it;)

Last edited by hael (2007-08-25 13:35:20)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

my friends picture didn't show up....
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

waaaah!! :wallbash: y mine is not working in IE? :crybaby: .. plsss... help me guyz.... here'z mah code.. =| <">
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

@mdirwan: the codes u have shared to us was already works in my extra profile.... but unfortunately when the codes put it in my original profile it doesnt work....here is my extra profile http://profiles.friendster.com/44464003 and i want to put the friends with caption here in my original profile... http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=15751808 thanks so much...if anybody can answer this...in advance tnx... Note: i have already put the <style>#ads_some thing like that in my about me section but it doesnt work again...hmmmm huhhhuhuuu :wallbash: tnx...

Last edited by majlhen105 (2007-08-28 03:59:16)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

can someone help me...my caption script works on my profile...but if i already put my css codes...it will not be working...whats the problem..it works if i have plain profile without css customization....please help...tnx how can i fix or what should i do....tY in advance :D p.s should i change some of my codes in css?
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

to [b]SiriusBlaCK[/b]: i think you must put your css code in yout tracker.js i mean combined it with your tracker using this code: [quote]try{ document.createStyleSheet("[b]CSS LINK HERE[/b]"); } catch(e){ document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen, print' href='[b]CSS LINK HERE[/b]'>"); }[/quote] view the topic here: :arrow: [url]http://theftalk.com/t2376-Inserting-Link-Into-File.html[/url]
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

was this code affected by the update?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

Wht is it that there's Like this >> plus and like this " " " " .. how can i remove that??
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

is this for overlay or non?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

[quote=mdirwan]yapz i olredy edit it.. my mistake.. so the 1st post is the new one.. use it![/quote] where can i find the js section
  • » [b][i]UPDATED!!!!![/i][/b] Better use with this [b]CSS[/b] code :thumbsdown: [quote]#content_2 .flogriditem { display:none ! important; }[/quote] This One for ur [b]JS[/b] :thumbsdown: [quote]f

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