Rankings are categorized:
[u][b]Category A[/b][/u] Ranking without the results of the poll:
[quote][li]dondon - Mystery Case Files [b]89.60[/b][/li][li]Campus_hearthrob02 - Leaf Dance [b]89.40[/b][/li][li]' 'eMokIdD - rockstar[/li][li]' 'eMokIdD - emokidd's crib[/li][li]' 'eMokIdD - emoboy[/li][li]dondon - Simple Cream Black[/li][li]dondon - Naruto Quest[/li][li]imwickedsoul - wickedsoul[/li][li]black seraphim - bluesoft[/li][li]Freelance6969 - Memoirs Of a Geisha[/li][li]Campus_hearthrob02 - Blue Cosmos[/li][li]whebz - v.1 remake[/li][li]diabolicious - hellsing[/li][li]ezil2007 - bleach[/li][li]dondon - The Grunge[/li][li]silentemofreak - emo layout[/li][li]dondon - Non Overlay Profile[/li][/quote]
[u][b]Category B[/b][/u] Ranking with the results of the poll:
[quote][li]' 'eMokIdD [b]75.61[/b][/li][li]Campus_hearthrob02[/li][li]imwickedsoul[/li][li]black seraphim[/li][li]Freelance6969[/li][li]ezil2007[/li][li]dondon[/li][li]diabolicious[/li][li]whebz[/li][li]silentemofreak[/li][/quote]
Believe it or not, that's the final result. I did not manipulate this contest or whatsoever.
The reason why some ranks really change because I did my judgment
and I change the percentage because there are few jurors volunteered.
If you want to view the spreedsheet file that I used for the computation,
send a request to me via PM.
Special mentions:
> Whebz - you did not follow our submission format. you didn't provide any screenshots
> Dondon - your non-overlay entry did not appear in both IE and FF. you did not check its status.
> Dondon - the banner of your entry The Grunge did not appear. probably because of your host.
> Diabolicious - you changed your previous profile which was less iframes. iframes slows down your profile.
> Campus_hearthrob02 - the some fonts of your Leaf Dance entry is unreadable.
This is my computation's formula...
[quote][u][b]Category A[/b][/u] Each entry results from:
> non-members and members multiply by 0.1 each
> moderators multiply by 0.2 each
> me multiply by 0.3 each
Then get the subtotal of each entry results
[u][b]Category B[/b][/u]
> multiply each entry votes by 0.15
> get the average per contestants if they have many entries
> multiply the average by 0.85
Then get the total of each entry results[/quote]
This is just the first of the many contests that we will be having here in FriendsterTalk.
Thank you for all who participated in this event, contestants, jurors, voters, and supporters.
Congratulations to all!
[quote][u][b]Winners must contact me thru this forum (PM) or YM or Friendster to claim their prizes![/b][/u][/quote]
Prizes and consolations:
[quote][li]All contestants will have an ftp account to my host*.[/li][li]TOP 1 contestant for category [u][b]A[/b][/u] will have one domain name[/li][li]TOP 1 & 2 contestants for category [u][b]B[/b][/u] will have one domain name each.[/li][li]If a contestant will win for both categories, he'll have two domain names in total.[/li][li]All domains will be available for one year unless the user will be active with his domain in July 2008.[/li][li]Final results will be posted tomorrow.[/li][li]Winners will also have a customized title in FriendsterTalk Forum (if admin will consider).[/li][/quote]
My host*
[quote]360 GB Web Space, 3600 GB Transfer, Linux Operating System, Unlimited Subdomains, MySQL Databases (v4 & v5), PHP v4.4.4 & PHP v5.2.1, CGI/Perl, Ruby on Rails, Password Protected Directories, Unlimited POP3 Mailboxes, Spam Filtering, SMTP Server, Unlimited Mailing Lists
Auto Installer:
Next contest will be open day before my birthday.

Prizes will be two domain and one host for one year!
A total of AUD$110 or PHP4,408
Last edited by eehjhay (2007-08-04 10:35:55)