• » :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

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:arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

:arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

:arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or unique. You can create on your own or you can get some from [url]www.friendster-layouts.com[/url] or from other sources which you consider very attractive:). :thumbsup: Well, the second step will be about your profile itself. It's about how you describe yourself. For example, you write your preferences, make sure you write something which is well-known and familiar. So, people will get more hooked when they are reading it. :lol: :thumbsup: What do you have to put in Now Playing Section? Well, actually you can put anything you like. For eg, you put embed like music or video or even you can put slideshows of your pictures. However, you have to make sure that the visuals are nice to see. I mean, don't make it too crowded there. The simpler your profile the better it is. :thumbsup: About friends? Ok this is the important part. When people added you, it means that they really wanna know more about you. So what you need to next is approving them and dont forget to give a comment in the testimonial. You can say thank you and don't forget to say [b]keep in touch, dude![/b], or you can praise their profile; [b]Ow ... Good profile! Can you teach me some?[/b] :thumbsup: What else do you need? Hmm ... when they comment you back, then that would be a start. :wow: :thumbsup: Remember! Always comment back when they give you a testimonial. :thumbsup: Don't be rude, or even pathetic. Stay cool and nice!

Last edited by beenkilled (2008-03-17 12:12:06)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

woah. thx for sharing beenkilled! :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

Nyoba ah...biar temenku ntar bisa 999 :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

Hahaha.. Tapi susah juga ya.. Tapi kalo ambil layout kan ga terlalu kreatif.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=^^Tama-chan^^]Hahaha.. Tapi susah juga ya.. Tapi kalo ambil layout kan ga terlalu kreatif.[/quote] yoa. ga kreatip sey. tapi diKREATIPin makanyaa. :idea: caranya dgn ngerubah2 code2nya dikit--banyak juga boleh. . :D. .
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude][quote=^^Tama-chan^^]Hahaha.. Tapi susah juga ya.. Tapi kalo ambil layout kan ga terlalu kreatif.[/quote] yoa. ga kreatip sey. tapi diKREATIPin makanyaa. :idea: caranya dgn ngerubah2 code2nya dikit--banyak juga boleh. . :D. .[/quote] gara-gara ngerubah code2 layout friendster saya jadi tambah ancur... :crybaby:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=bryanemesis][quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude][quote=^^Tama-chan^^]Hahaha.. Tapi susah juga ya.. Tapi kalo ambil layout kan ga terlalu kreatif.[/quote] yoa. ga kreatip sey. tapi diKREATIPin makanyaa. :idea: caranya dgn ngerubah2 code2nya dikit--banyak juga boleh. . :D. .[/quote] gara-gara ngerubah code2 layout friendster saya jadi tambah ancur... :crybaby:[/quote] Yah, jgn menyerah dong. Hahaha.. (_ _)zzZZ
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

wah saya kok gak populer-populer ya? padahal udah join mulai bulan juni 2005.. and friendku masih 400-an :crybaby:
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

rajin2 ajaa nge-add orang or view propile org byr nongol di who's viewed me. . . :D tapii kan tetep ajaa. . . byr pren dah 10000000-an tapii klo ga saling kenalll ??? nothin-to-do deee.. . hwwww. .
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]rajin2 ajaa nge-add orang or view propile org byr nongol di who's viewed me. . . :D tapii kan tetep ajaa. . . byr pren dah 10000000-an tapii klo ga saling kenalll ??? nothin-to-do deee.. . hwwww. .[/quote] Yap! Bener bgt! Kalo ga saling kenal percuma.. temennya banyak testinya dikit, kalo mau ajak kenalan sekalian semua friendsnya :D
---monkey duta dragon---
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=^^Tama-chan^^][quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]rajin2 ajaa nge-add orang or view propile org byr nongol di who's viewed me. . . :D tapii kan tetep ajaa. . . byr pren dah 10000000-an tapii klo ga saling kenalll ??? nothin-to-do deee.. . hwwww. .[/quote] Yap! Bener bgt! Kalo ga saling kenal percuma.. temennya banyak testinya dikit, kalo mau ajak kenalan sekalian semua friendsnya :D[/quote] add aja tapi sekalian testi ma kenalan... kalo gx kenalan buat apa dipajang di friend's box?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=---monkey duta dragon---][quote=^^Tama-chan^^][quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]rajin2 ajaa nge-add orang or view propile org byr nongol di who's viewed me. . . :D tapii kan tetep ajaa. . . byr pren dah 10000000-an tapii klo ga saling kenalll ??? nothin-to-do deee.. . hwwww. .[/quote] Yap! Bener bgt! Kalo ga saling kenal percuma.. temennya banyak testinya dikit, kalo mau ajak kenalan sekalian semua friendsnya :D[/quote] add aja tapi sekalian testi ma kenalan... kalo gx kenalan buat apa dipajang di friend's box?[/quote] Paling biar keliatannya populer.. huhuhu..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=^^Tama-chan^^][quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]rajin2 ajaa nge-add orang or view propile org byr nongol di who's viewed me. . . :D tapii kan tetep ajaa. . . byr pren dah 10000000-an tapii klo ga saling kenalll ??? nothin-to-do deee.. . hwwww. .[/quote] Yap! Bener bgt! Kalo ga saling kenal percuma.. temennya banyak testinya dikit, kalo mau ajak kenalan sekalian semua friendsnya :D[/quote] kalo mau banyak testimonialnya sih gampang... kan ada tuh code buat autotestimonial jadi yang masuk ke profile kamu harus ngisi testimonial :evil: ...dijamin ntar testimonialnya banyak. tapi dijamin ntar banyak yang kapok ngelihat profile kamu :lol:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

^ Iya, autotestimonial, tapi nanti org cima ngisi "hi" atau "cute" atau "..." buat apa? ga guna.. hehe :D
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

wah. males daku pake auto testimonial . . =| nanti yg ngasih testi 'unpredictable'. . apakah mereka ngasih testinya dengan tulus apa malah kepaksa gara2 autotestimonial itu. . :disgust: :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote]Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or unique. You can create on your own or you can get some from www.friendster-layouts.com or from other sources which you consider very attractive:).[/quote] Justru gue ngga suka profile yang pake modifikasi layout. They suck.. ... which is the single reason why I hate Myspace.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

bgus bgd sarannya .. :D nnti ku coba dech .. eh , ngmng" fren qta gk bsa lebii dri 999 yak kyk 1001 githu . . ?? :P
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

kyknya 1001 bs dehh. ;) wktu itu aku lyat, ecoutez ! tmnnya ada 1001, trus pas mw aku add, udh gq bs. :P
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[b]pengen cepet popular??[/b] <jayuz>ganti nama ama foto loe jadi Tom Cruise...</jayuz>
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

[quote=alvin_bilian][b]pengen cepet popular??[/b] <jayuz>ganti nama ama foto loe jadi Tom Cruise...</jayuz>[/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: itu mah namanya PENIPUAN .. :P
  • » :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps. :thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni

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