» :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
:arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
[quote=dj_dhey][quote=ndut_182][quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]
Tyuss kalau gelasnya kosong alias tdk ada air sama sekali gimana bro??
Waahhh... [/quote]
anda kurang beruntung itu...lain kata...
ANDA DAPAT [b]ZONK[/b] [/quote]
ketauan [b]DAPAT ZONK[/b] adalah suatu pengalaman pribadi bro Ndut...
Beneer juga bro dj_dhey
Ga ada noda yg ga belajarr....
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
[quote=parlay]dj_dhey signaturenya...
cape deeeehhh..... [/quote]
Cepe deeeehhh...
[quote=Vantheek][quote=dj_dhey][quote=ndut_182]anda kurang beruntung itu...lain kata...
ANDA DAPAT [b]ZONK[/b] [/quote]
ketauan [b]DAPAT ZONK[/b] adalah suatu pengalaman pribadi bro Ndut...
Beneer juga bro dj_dhey
Ga ada noda yg ga belajarr....
DAPAT ZONK itu maksudnya apaan seh??
Waaaahhh..gue kagak ngerti apa maksudnya..
Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-01-30 09:46:39)
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
[quote=dj_dhey][quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan][quote=dj_dhey]yups...
apa lagi dikalangan cewe
biasanya kalo di kirim testi ato coment yang bagus..
dia bakalan seneng banget...
Betul sekale bro..
apalagi kalau kita kirim testi bentuk gambar2 yg cute dan bagus.. [/quote]
bener bro....
ouh ia usul dhey kalo ngasih testi kecewe ..
berhubung cewe itu terbuat dari tulang rusuk pria
dan tulang rusuk pria itu dekat dengan hati...
jadi kalo ngirim testi ke cewe itu bagusnya dengan perasaan...
dalam arti kata
kita sisipkan beberapa kata perhatian..
tanya tentang keadaan dia.
tanya tentang gmn sudah makan atow belum..
kalo gitu dikirimi gambar tulang rusuk aja mungkin yah biar sweneng
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Uhmm,,,mayb ga hanya Rajin add ORg aTo baLs2an TesTi yaCh?
KLo aq boLe nambahin,, coba Tambahin Tanda2 aneh di Name U misaLkan Tanda kuTip (' aTo ") aTo symboL2 aneh, biaR pRofiLe U bisa gede kemungkinannya diLiaT oRg kaRna TampiL dibagian awaL FL,hwehe..
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
[b]How to be popular in Friendster.com?[/b]
[b]add semua orang dan kasi komment. [/b]
cara ampuh tuh.
kalo bs komment2 yg menarik.
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
itu siieh emang tujuan di adakannya friendster kan sis.
gimana siieh.
[b]@ On[/b]
[b]Make ur Profile Become cool (beda dari yang lain) [/b]
di jamin, kamu bakalan terkenal bgt
Apalagi sampe bikin layouts buat orang.
weks, gile...terkenal banget deh
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
jah. si dodolz kaiiak bilang dirinya sndirii.
mau populer?
pake primary putu yg unik.
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Re: :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni
Iya betul, percuma kalau Friendsnya banyak.
Tapi gak pernah comment-an
» :arrow: I have some tips of how to be popular in Friendster (I believe). Read the following tips and do the particular steps.
:thumbsup: Make sure that your Friendster profile is well-editted or uni