as the title says, this is a hide trick.. it means hide/removing...
let's say u want to hide google ads..

just follow the steps below..

just sharing this trick..
instead of using css hide codes..
maybe u can use this for better performance..
anyway, i know only few wil use this..
[quote]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { rdiv();}))
window.onload = function () { rdiv();};
function rdiv() {
var a=document.getElementById("[b]ID_HERE[/b]");
to hide another box just simply insert the [b]BOLD[/b] into...
[quote]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { rdiv();}))
window.onload = function () { rdiv();};
function rdiv() {
var a=document.getElementById("[b]ID_HERE[/b]");
var b=document.getElementById("[b]ID_HERE_2[/b]");
look for this in the script [b]id_here[/b] you can change that into the id's of the boxes..
Get the div ids here .... [url=]Div IDs[/url]
save as js file okei..
sample... hiding google ads.
[quote]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { rdiv();}))
window.onload = function () { rdiv();};
function rdiv() {
var a=document.getElementById("[b]14[/b]");
just shared this trick coz maybe somebody
wil ask if there is a hide code for js users
Last edited by xavierkym (2007-10-27 13:40:11)