• » [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

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[img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

::one time i was on the phone jumping on my moms bed, then all of the sudden i felt a a hand grab my shoulder! it felt long n boney .. i just dropped the phone n stood there for like 30 sec. w/o moveing!!.. :redface:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

^ That's creepy. I remember I had one experience in [b]PNB[/b], in Pasay back in 2000. That's the big [b]Philippine National Bank[/b] building near [b]World Trade.[/b] It was built almost the same time the [b]Film Center[/b] and [b]CCP[/b] were built. And everyone believes that the [i]Film Center[/i] is one of the most haunted. Well, my boss asked me to buy something at the canteen on the 2nd floor. Our office was on the 3th floor, and I usually take the elevator going up and down. But you can always use the huge "marmol" stairs down to the 2nd and 1st floors. That time I decided to take the stairs. And the thing is, people don't really take the stairs much at PNB. They prefer the escalators and elevators, but I took the stairs that afternoon. While going down, I can hear my steps echo, and everything was quiet. Suddenly behind me, I heard a little girl crying, probably just a meter away from me. She sounded like she was trying not to burst out crying, and she was sobbing. I immediately knew it wasn't natural, I looked back and theres no one there!? I freaked out, and to my surprise I was able to jump down 4 steps wearing my uniform. And on the hallway people were looking strangely at me for doing that jump. I probably went pale, I could feel the blood rush through my head. It's a very weird experience. Much different than the noises I heard at Bantayan Island. Cos this time you could actually hear someone's voice. CREEPY.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

Creepy indeed :| I got freaked out just by reading the experience that you all had :| Pity the dead ones :(

Last edited by Vincez (2007-07-23 10:38:36)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

lol. i answered Yes, I have.. it's normal to me.. and i wont state any story. coz as i observed these supernatural creatures are appearing to me whenever i talk abot my experiences with them. i almost died. :|
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

i have when i was still like 10 yrs old..it happened here at our house... i was still sleeping on a folding bed back then lolers :lol: :P and it was oct. 30 and it was brown out the door to our room was wide open..... and from my position you can see the c.r..... and that night i was woke up because it is very hot... and i was shocked because i saw a white old lady wearing a spanish gown... like the balloon style gown* and she was really small like a 5 ft i think... and her hair was color grey and she was looking back at me... she was standing next to the switch ... and i was scared and i went back to bed immediately coverred myself with my blanket and I pray and pray and the next thing i remembered it was already morning..and i was still shaking when i woke up... and the next thing it happened when i was brushing my teeth at the sink which is just next to our c.r .the lights were still color yellow orange :P then while i was brushing... i saw a small figure... like a kid this one really freaks me out it was like he was burned all over he's color black all over his body...and he come from the kitchen and slowly hopped to our cr... and he even "psssst" me :crybaby: like he wanted to play hide and seek or sumthing to the effect of that ...and when i looked back at him... he was like "nakadungaw" from the c.r i was shocked i even swallowed the toothpaste :P and i went back to our room asap... i dunno... why they keep on coming to me... ive lived here for almost all my life... so i guess...its natural...i already got used to it... i mean to them....
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

ive not encountered any supernatural thingy but i believe in one. i must admit im a coward when it comes to ghost. :paranoid: :/
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

hello paolo! ur afraid of ghost? :lol: > nver seen one or anything but oh men im afraid of them :ninja:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[b]^[/b]yah, that is why i never sleep alone i always have company with me lol :paranoid: :lol:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

i believe in them... and im afraid of them but i have many creepy encounters with ghosts...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

actually ghost are just our imagination and satan just want us to scare just for fun so for me i dont believe in ghost its just an fallen angel lets just pray to [b]God[/b] ok?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

lol that was funny hehe!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

one night my friends and i went to this less unfamiliar place " the abandoned hospital" in clark, pampanga where the american base was once located which was featured in "imestigador" a year ago. when we went there its really creepy but we have managed to laugh and joke around acting like there's really nothing. we went to every corner of the hospital including the morgue in the basement where blood spills are over the place and stayed at the rooftop and smoked and drink there. after 2 hours of staying there and exhausted from the liquor we drunk, we decided to go home. the car was moving so fast then we didn't notice that we were on my place so my friend stumped the breaks so hard that the tires sled in the road so loud. after saying goodbyes, i went towards the gate and noticed a white thing in the window. i thought that it was my grandma because she is the one staying in that room and that she have woke up because of the loud noise of the break. as i come closer i noticed that it is not her and presumed that it was just an image (the image was really shaped like a head of a person) accidentally formed by the dust in our screen window. i walked straight and passed by the window not giving much attention on what i saw. i was about to knock on the door, but i felt curious on what i really saw so decided to check on it. the image was still there but seems really an image formed from the dust when suddenly she faced towards me. her eyes was surrounded by big eyebags and starring straight at me! i was so shocked that i almost fainted considering the fact that i was a man. i punched the door so hard while shouting "grandma open the door! i saw a ghost, is saw a ghost!" my whole body was shaking(im shaking right now!) until the door was opened! our neighbors woke up because of the shout and stump i made in the door! funny thing is that they teased me because of what i did instead of being scared but who cares. if they were on the same situation i bet they'd do the same! the next day my friends went to my place and told me that 2 of them have this same nightmare about an old lady with so dark eyebags starring at them while sleeping. they were all stunned when my mom told them what i did and so the other night! we thought of what we did at the night in the abandoned hospital and we swear not to do it again. but we still go there often but not to play around. just visiting. we also went to diplomat hotel here in baguio but the abandoned hosital is alot creepier.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

i felt something strange before when im school i just cant explain wat it is
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

huumm wen i was on the 5th grade me and my 6 classmates wer washing rugs on the 2nd floor cr of the elementary building of our school den wer talking and talking den suddenly me and my frend jezra heard smeone shout "hOy!"... :paranoid: wer socked dat we looked at each oder and just TRIED to tell r selves dat its just are imagination den we continued washing den suddenly my 5 oder classmates wer talking loud we didnt tell dem wat we heard coz it seems dat dey didnt notice about it and then we just kept silent... den suddenly my 5 classmates stop talking and washing so we looked at dem....with questioning faces :rolleyes: der faces wer liked freaked out...so we asked dem wat happened dey told us(me and jezra) dat they heard the 3 cubicles in the cr flushed one after another while der was no one entering the door (the sink is at the right side of the door)so its impossible dat we didnt see smeone hu will cme in...and note dat der isnt anyone der wen we entered...it was dead silent actually wen we entered the cr :wallbash: and after dat we ol ran for r lives....bcoz of being in panic we got the rugs soaked in soap.... :penguin: after dat our teacher scolded us bcoz of not washing the rugs and just lettng dem dry wid soap in it :crybaby: after dat we nvr went to that cr again :O luckily im now in the highschool building and i wont get creeps anymore coz the h.s building is new.... :cool: for me...i didnt go to the elementary building :ninja: since i became a highschool :paranoid:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[b]wow this topic is very scary but it's really good..[/b] [b]i'll share my experience :arrow: when our family moved out,a big house was sold to us..the house has it's background,the grandfather of the owner died in the bathroom,he slept in the tub and got his skull cracked up(i think)..then the night that we moved in there me my sister and my grandmother sleep together because me and my sister's room is not arranged yet..it was around 3:00 am when my eyes opened all of a sudden,then my eyes was positioned to look at the terrace near our room..there was smoke all over..then i saw an angry old man...it was really scary because he's looking straight at me..i decided to shut my eyes,and then i fell asleep..when i woke up,i went downstairs and ask my grandmother about what i saw earlier in the morning,she said there's no one in our terrace that time..i told her what i saw and she can't explain why the man is angry..i was really freaked out..he was close :crybaby: :arrow: the second time i experienced it was also in our new house..i was sleeping at the other room,i woke up in between 2-4 am..when i looked at the bathroom door a white image passed by..i can't shout cause i'm really really scared that time..when morning came i decided not to tell my aunt,because my cousin is little,he might get afraid in going to that room..instead i told my brother about this..he knew it all along..he said that he also saw what i saw..he said i should just ignore it..and i did.. [/b] i'm really shuddering while typing this..hehehe :)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

yeah and actually i have experienced heaps. All in my place quite scary but im used to it =| one was back in the phil, in my bedroom i saw my granny dad (who died in 2000). He was in white barong and i cudnt see his face and that happen like 4 or 5 times when i was still there =|

Last edited by alliana01 (2007-10-28 05:56:02)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

i was sleepin last night..then woke up to go the toilet to pee pee then suddenly i saw the spirit of the cockroach i killed using my sleepers.. :paranoid: it scared me to death :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

=D :eh: :thumbsup: [quote=niknok_1999]i was sleepin last night..then woke up to go the toilet to pee pee then suddenly i saw the spirit of the cockroach i killed using my sleepers.. :paranoid: it scared me to death :penguin:[/quote] [b]nyahaha very scary though!!![/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[align=center][color=red]♡♡♡♡♡[/color] [b]this is a series of encounters.[/b] 1st(2003) my parents are on a business trip and my siblings are not coming home so i stayed at my cousin's house which is kinda near to our house. it was 4 in the morning. i was with my cousin, his boyfriend and my bestfriend. we were talking when suddenly we heard something weird. my cousin looked at me and i said "[i]what was that?[/i]", she said she doesn't know so we ignored it. then we hear it again this time, its louder. we stopped talking and fell silent. i listened very carefully and i realized that its a sound of galloping horses! its running towards our street and it keeps getting louder! the freaky part was...[b]WE CAN'T SEE ANY HORSES![/b] we can only hear them. the fact that we are sitting outside we should've seen the horses coming. we were so scared because it seemed like they were very close to us. it was so loud and clear! 2nd(2006) i was doing my lab report which is due the next day. the same thing happened. but this time, i am alone at our balcony. same time, 4 in the morning. and i hear the horses again. i freaked out because im alone and again, i cant see any horses even though im staring at the freakin' street! i closed my laptop and ran downstairs to my room. i was not able to finish my report and i was not able to go to school because i'm sick..because of too much fear! lols. 3rd(2007) only few weeks ago, we were going to batangas for our family reunion and we prepared everything the night before. i was with my cousins and we were planning for the reunion. again, it was 4 in the morning. we were sitted outside because the elders are busy inside. i heard it first (or maybe some of them heard it too but ignored it), then in my mind im saying "[i]please not now[/i]" because my cousins are there and i know that they will freak out. then one of my cousins said, "do you hear something? i can hear horses running." so i freaked out and said "[i]really? nah! its just your imagination![/i]" but its getting closer and closer and its very loud and clear! they all looked at me saying "[i]where are the horses?[/i]" because the sound was fading and it seems like its coming from our right side. the freaky part was the horses came from our left side! it means that it passed by us and we didn't see them. :penguin: [color=red]♡♡♡♡♡[/color][/align]

Last edited by icekandi (2007-10-29 22:34:19)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

*experience of my teacher's friend my teacher went to a public high school. She said , back in her time ,they camped in their campus for several days first before going out to a real camping. it was their second night camping in their school, they strolled around the campus,most of them are girls and there was only one guy. my teacher said, the guy took another way cuz he need go to the bathroom and meet the girls at the track. the girls cant wait for this guy and decided to go to the campsite instead. There, they saw the guy, he was staring blankly, the teachers were worried about him cuz he refuse to talk to anyone. then when he saw the girls coming he became hysterical and told them what happened... he said " on the way to the bathroom.. he passed a familiar guy.. then when he turned around to look at the guy, the guy looked back at him too. the guy looked exactly the same as him, same clothes and everything!! then he said he doesn't know exactly how he reached the campsite! the teachers was so worried they let him go home." after about a week or so he didnt come to school , the news was he went crazy! true!!
  • » [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

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