huumm wen i was on the 5th grade me and my 6 classmates wer washing rugs on the 2nd floor cr of the elementary building of our school
den wer talking and talking den suddenly me and my frend jezra heard smeone shout "hOy!"...

wer socked dat we looked at each oder and just TRIED to tell r selves dat its just are imagination den we continued washing
den suddenly my 5 oder classmates wer talking loud
we didnt tell dem wat we heard coz it seems dat dey didnt notice about it and then we just kept silent...
den suddenly my 5 classmates stop talking and washing so we looked at dem....with questioning faces

der faces wer liked freaked we asked dem wat happened
dey told us(me and jezra) dat they heard the 3 cubicles in the cr flushed one after another while der was no one entering the door (the sink is at the right side of the door)so its impossible dat we didnt see smeone hu will cme in...and note dat der isnt anyone der wen we was dead silent actually wen we entered the cr

and after dat we ol ran for r lives....bcoz of being in panic we got the rugs soaked in soap....

after dat our teacher scolded us bcoz of not washing the rugs and just lettng dem dry wid soap in it

after dat we nvr went to that cr again

luckily im now in the highschool building and i wont get creeps anymore coz the h.s building is new....

for me...i didnt go to the elementary building

since i became a highschool