• » [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

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[img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

[img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these. [b]Supernatural[/b] refers to [i]forces and phenomena[/i] which are not observable in nature, And therefore beyond verifiable measurement, beyond our comprehension.. [color=green][b]Have you experienced something of this sort? Have you experienced something that you can't really explain? What was your assumption from that experience?[/b][/color] [i]Image Credits: Photography by Kamil Vojnar[/i]

Last edited by Padme (2006-12-05 14:42:34)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

:arrow: [b]i've got lots of experiences bout that since highschool. but the most recent that i remembered was that during our computer laboratory class last sem. - we were in a computer programming class that time. it's 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. 3 hours. while our professor was discussing about processor directives ata.., i didn't bother to listen because i have read the lecture. my classmate (on a comp next to mine on the right) was playing warcraft that time. i decided to play in my pc too, but found no program of it. instead, i played other games. my girl classmate on my left side saw me playing. she watched me and we played silently. a few moments later, i stopped because our professor kept on glancing to our area. then when she discusses again, i played again. BUT, i still hadn't touched my mouse when the cursor moved and it clicked on buttons: STOP GAME> SAVE> MAIN MENU> X button i was so shocked with what had happened. i again opened the program but the same thing happened. My girl classmate freaked out and my friends on the other side laughed at us (because they don't know what happened. they just thought that it was a joke.)..They were doing paint that time. - they laughed so hard that we felt embarassed. suddenly out of the silence, they shouted and stood up. they said while doodling on paint, there was this phrase that came out: HI CLASSMATE! - then i felt really cold that time. my professor was irritated in what is happening so she dismissed the class. after going out of the room, all of us talked about what had happened. - one claimed that she felt coldness on her nape. ( i saw something misty stading in her back. she's facing at me) - another said that he saw something white, not totally solid. more like a mist. (like what i saw) we told the story to my classmate's older cousin. she told us that there was really a little girl in that room. a soul. we had the chance to talk to our professor. she told us that what we saw is true. there was really a soul in there that's why she dismissed us early because she's also afraid. we prayed for that girl. the following meetings in that laboratory was peaceful. i guess she just had expressed herself to us and i think, we kinda helped her. [i]this really freaks me out while typing![/i] :o [/b]
» FTalkAgent
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Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

^ Woaaww, that's crazy meng! I mean, you have people in the same room with you when it happened. But it's still scary seeing something like that. :redface: Must be some show for that girl, and she seem to have liked it.
» FTalkElite
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Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

:arrow: [b]^ yap. actually, the whole class was there.[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
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Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

@meng: woah!! had goosbums while reading that one! :paranoid: so scary! :O @topic: my choice = [b]None yet, but I believe these things.[/b] <-- i can feel them! :paranoid: and thank God, i can only feel these supernaturals.. at least i can't see them... :paranoid:
» FTalker
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Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

PADME~! What picture have you posted?! It freaks me out! It's so scary...
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

^ Whoopsieee! Hahaha, sorry Tama-chan.. :lol: Actually, looking at it still freaks me out. :retard: And to answer the thread.. I haven't really seen anything that unusual. But I felt things, [b]little creepy things[/b] that I sometimes just forget. One experience was staying at Bantayan Island, Cebu. That was mid November and we stayed one night only at a resort. There were only 3 of us, all girls. We left our left-over food outside at the table by the porch. There's Coke, squid, crabs and rice. Then around probably 3 or 4 in the morning, I was awaken. It was really dark inside the cottage, then [b]I heard "someone" at the porch[/b]. Like someone was cleaning.. but I thought, it was way too early! Then I thought, it might be the dogs taking interest on the food. Or some beggar or the local kids eating the food. Cause I could hear the sound of the tupperwares being re-arranged at the table. But then I could also hear the chairs and the table being moved.. Now at that moment, I had a really weird feeling. I listened to all that noise till I didn't realised I fell asleep. That morning, when we woke up I forgot about it.. Then my friend brought it up later that morning when she got up. She said she also heard someone at porch around 3am. Then hurriedly I checked the food at the table. [b]It was untouched...[/b] It's all there, arranged to how we left them that evening. It could never be a dog. Nor a person. If they were, they would have eaten or taken or eaten the food. But nothing was missing, even the Coke was still there. So we all wondered.. WHAT WAS IT?
» FTalker
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Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

^ Ghost? or maybe people who just wanted to sit because they feel very tired. I haven't had a ghost experience before.. and I wish I don't =|
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[b]Yes, i have. and it reeeeally freaked me out![/b]:o I was in the 6th grade that time. well, i'm the first student who would come to school. =) i was all alone inside our classroom and in at the 3rd floor. :paranoid: i know no one is there. if there is, its juz my 2 friends, paul and al-rass. sumtimes they come first.but that morning, i know that only me is in our room and at that floor. while im arranging the curtains, sumone pulled my hair. :O i shouted, while turning back, "al-rass b.." . but no one is there. :O :O woa. i really cant explain! its exactly 6:00 a.m. =( after that thing happened, i ran towards the door. luckily, Norje, one of my close friends, is already there. "THANK GOD!" the words that is in my mind that time when i saw norje. gosh!its so freaky. well, students from the high school says that sumone died at the cabinet of our room. [u]the story goes like this :[/u] there we're 5 grade 6 students who used to play every afternoon at the 3rd floor. they play hide-and-seek. one is the seeker. then the 4 girlz would hide. 1 hid on the 1st section. the other one at the second. the 3rd one at our room. and the last one at the 5th room. and when the time ends, the seeker looked for the 4 girlz. all of the three girls was already out of the place where they are hiding except the 1, who is hiding in our room cabinet, did'nt went out yet. its already 5:30 when the 4 girlz decided to go home. well, the girl inside our cabinet is still there. when its near 6:00 p.m, the janitor looked all the cabinets of each rooms. sadly, the girl who's hiding in out room is looked there. her parents looked for her all night. but they just stopped when the times turns at 12:00 a.m. the next morning,exactly 6:00 a.m, they found out that the girl died inside the cabinet. :crybaby:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

Ofcourse it always freaks me out!! When i was still on my 2nd year life, I always get up early to take a bath, at that time, 06:00am, i woke up with a great feeling (i dont know why) I dont feel any creepy feelings at all, Not when i suddenly here [i]"Psssstt.. psssttt..."[/i] I look around, nobody's there.. Then i heard it again [i]"Psssssttt.."[/i] To eased the tension, i called out to my dad [i]"Daddy?"[/i] But to my horror, everytime im calling out to my Dad, that 'thing' is trying to distract me by making his/her voice louder than mine.. Horrified by what was happening, i got out and saw my dad still asleep.. A few times of calling to him, he answered [i]"anu ba?"[/i] [i]"May sumisitsit po!!"[/i], i was already hysterical, i started crying out loud.. He just laughed at me! When my mom heard it, she asked me whats wrong so i tell her about that.. She comforts me & i stop.. I got fever the next day..

Last edited by elleiruam (2006-12-10 02:47:10)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[b]@elleiruam[/b] I hate that. I hate that. That happens to me too sometimes. Sometimes I just tell myself that someone's making fun of me. But sometimes when you know there can't be other people, that's real freaky. Especially when you hear it close to you, like beside you or behind you. :paranoid: [b]@kikay_girl[/b] Yikes sounds like a poltergeist to me! That's scary when they can touch and harm you. Seeing them is different, but feeling them touch you is a NONO. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [b]I'd like to share something, something especially for girls/women. If you're too scared to continue, just ignore this.. ok?[/b] [color=brown]My friend, I will not say her name.. Before we met and became friends have really SCARY experiences. [b]You DON'T want to be in her shoes[/b], believe me! She never sleeps with the lights off, and even with the lights they happen... Laying in bed, before dozing off she would see a black figure beside her bed. Sometimes its soo near as if it's just beside her. But she was so used to this that she just falls asleep knowing it's there. Sometimes while sleeping [b]she would feel a heavy weight atop of her[/b]. She can't breathe well and she can't move her arms and legs. Like someone, something is pressing her against the bed. She would wake up to find [b]bruises[/b] [i](pasa in Filipino)[/i] in her chest, her arms, her legs. If you're familiar with the types of bad spirits.. You would know what that is.. Yes, an [b]INCUBUS[/b]. It's a [b]male demon[/b], who lays upon sleeping women [i]to have intercourse with them[/i]. :exclaim: [b]For a complete DEFINITION, go here:[/b] [b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incubus_%28demon%29]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incubus_%28demon%29[/url][/b] When I think about it, I don't feel fear, I feel anger. I remember when I was at her house I would think I could drive it away. I would pray for hours at night while she's sleeping, calling out God's name for help. I know there are skeptics of things like these.. But believe it or not, they do exist. Demons are real.. And I am thankful that [b]God does listens[/b] to our cries.. She's never visited by that again.[/color]

Last edited by Padme (2006-12-10 09:47:50)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

@ Siz Padme : Whooooa! That's pretty scary! It give's me the creeps! I do believe in Demons, but my belief in God is much stronger!! =|
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

:arrow: [b]@ ate Padme.. i also heard stories about that thing.. goin on top of women.. [i](mga multong malilibog..bwahahaha)[/i] and yeah i think demons exist..but it does not scare me because i know God is always here to protect all of us..[/b]
» FTalkAgent
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Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

^ Yeah.. [i]sooobrang libog[/i].. :angry: I'm thankful my friend doesn't experience that anymore. I was really outraged about it, I mean [b]rape is something unforgivable, demon or not![/b] :mad: I saw a CD about this subject released by Discovery Channel. I forgot what the title was.. they never mentioned the word incubus on the description. But anyways.. yeah it's great that there is God and He's in control. =)

Last edited by Padme (2006-12-11 15:35:53)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

Padme, demons are every where, in front of us, watching our back, walking beside us, But GOD Stays in our hearts forever. He won't let his children in danger.. He always listen to us!! Your experience is very scary!
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

I'm used to them(ghosts..whatever) in fact, i have a...doppelganger! :paranoid: kinda scary huh?! :penguin: lolololololx!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

Whoooa Ate Ice!! that's pretty scary nga!! :O
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[quote=elleiruam]Whoooa Ate Ice!! that's pretty scary nga!! :O[/quote] you bet! i've known 'her' since i was in gradeskool! gaaaad! at first i ignored it.but then she keeps getting me in trouble!! then i realized..she's kinda bad.. :evil:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

[b]Doppelganger[/b]?.. Ice, that's like your ASTRAL right? I thought doppelgangers are always called the EVIL TWIN. They all seem bad.. Ice, don't you want to get rid of your [i]co-walker[/i]? Do you see it always? I hope your friends and family don't see it too. :O
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

Everybody has a doppelganger daw po right? :O
  • » [img]http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/bf95bbe67f.jpg[/img] There are many things in this world that we cannot explain.. [b]Ghosts and the Supernatural[/b] have been the most popular of these.

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