Hahaha, sorry Tama-chan..

Actually, looking at it still freaks me out.

And to answer the thread..
I haven't really seen anything that unusual.
But I felt things, [b]little creepy things[/b] that I sometimes just forget.
One experience was staying at Bantayan Island, Cebu.
That was mid November and we stayed one night only at a resort.
There were only 3 of us, all girls.
We left our left-over food outside at the table by the porch.
There's Coke, squid, crabs and rice.
Then around probably 3 or 4 in the morning, I was awaken.
It was really dark inside the cottage, then [b]I heard "someone" at the porch[/b].
Like someone was cleaning.. but I thought, it was way too early!
Then I thought, it might be the dogs taking interest on the food.
Or some beggar or the local kids eating the food.
Cause I could hear the sound of the tupperwares being re-arranged at the table.
But then I could also hear the chairs and the table being moved..
Now at that moment, I had a really weird feeling.
I listened to all that noise till I didn't realised I fell asleep.
That morning, when we woke up I forgot about it..
Then my friend brought it up later that morning when she got up.
She said she also heard someone at porch around 3am.
Then hurriedly I checked the food at the table.
[b]It was untouched...[/b]
It's all there, arranged to how we left them that evening.
It could never be a dog. Nor a person.
If they were, they would have eaten or taken or eaten the food.
But nothing was missing, even the Coke was still there.
So we all wondered.. WHAT WAS IT?