i got one and this happened just recently..(june 30, monday..around 2:40 am to be exact)..we were on a graveyard shift in Pasay Gen., we were waiting for the patient to be operated but no one came..so our CI permitted us to roam around the hospital..so we went out on the OR..start roaming around the hospital, honestly, it's not that scary since i am with my groupmates plus our CI..so i feel so secured..after we roamed around the hospital, we decided to go back in OR, since we got tired na..we decided to use the elevator..when all of us are already inside the elevator, it buzzed, saying it was full loaded..we all looked at each other..[i]im kinikilabutan na..[/i]..becoz we were wondrin'..how come it will be full loaded, we're only 11 and the elevator can be occupied by around 20 peolple???? does it mean that it's not only us who are riding the elevator that time???

sorry for my bad english..*epistaxis*