Pages: 123456..6

  2008-08-06 03:53:11

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

ok... we often see some page with one box efex ayt and thats either overlay or pure css but using only media box...but everything in it are [b][color=#ff3a00]all fake link mere html coding directly

ok... we often see some page with one box efex ayt and thats either overlay or pure css but using only media box...but everything in it are [b][color=#ff3a00]all fake link mere html coding directly put inside the media...[/color][/b] heres a tricks how u can make a one box .. well this isnt pure css.. i used one js here... for my friend list... i cant still figure out how i can insert it to main div using plain css [b][color=#ff3a00]but[/color] [/b] still for those who will insist they dont want any js u can still have one box..just add [quote].friends { display: none}[/quote] to ur hiding codes sample preview : ss: [img][/img] [color=#ff3a00][b]or [/b] [/color] settle to have two box lay then reposition the friends box in any place u want [color=#ff3a00][b]using the pure css box positioning..[/b][/color] remember the other tuts i posted.. same code will be apply to ur friend ss: [img][/img] preview: ok wat to do.. i will provide a complete codes all u have to do is study them play with those.. dont just change my bg okie... change the value of the class and ids if u find something confusing juz post here ... yes u can still use js with this juz let ur imagination explore ok [color=#ff3a00][b]pls dont remove the heading ....those credits[/b][/color] help me protect the codes ok.. i really work hard for this.. <">now ur done with ur css make a js file and do the ff [quote]var css = document.createElement("link"); css.type = "text/css"; css.rel = "stylesheet";css.href = " CSS URL HERE "; = "screen, print";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); function movebox(){ document.getElementById("[color=#ff0000]0[/color]").parentNode.appendChild(document.getElementById("2")); } setTimeout("movebox()",1000);[/quote] [color=#ff0000][b]save it as js or swf and use js linker...[/b][/color] xplanation ... the first numeral w/c is [b][color=#ff0000]0[/color][/b] is the box that u wish friend box to show next... note: pls dont repost these tutorial without any permission u r all free to use this provided that u agree with the conditions i stated .. post here for any query ok.. lets all be formal this time... God Bless to all -switpotato-

Last edited by switpotato (2008-08-16 13:26:34)

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