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  2008-08-12 04:57:25

» FTalkGeek
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[b][align=center]HEART OF FIRE by: gossipgirl03[/align][/b] [img][/img] [b]PLOT[/b] Karen, a 16 year old te

CHAPTER TWO [b]Hotel[/b] Dinner was prepared. Jason and Karen eat inside their room. Jason: Eat up. Karen: Yeah I know. You don't need to tell me. Jason: Tsk.. Karen: (Tsk! How stupid am I to think he's actually a nice guy.) Jason: Oh, anyway. You'll be transferring school. Karen: WHAT? No, I won't. Jason: You will. Karen: No! Why should I do? Jason: Because your school is disgusting. And it would be a shame for my family to have someone graduated from a low school. Karen: LOW?! How dare you call my school low?! Jason: Shut up. No matter what you say, you'd be transferring to my school. So study for the entrance exam. Karen: Sorry, I'll fail the test for sure. Jason: Oh really? Try not to pass. Karen: What would you do? Jason:... I'll burn that school of yours before you know it. Karen: W- What? You'd burn it? Don't joke. Jason: I'm not joking. With my power, I could burn that school until it turn into ashes. Karen: But- Jason: What's your decision? [b]School[/b] Noelle: Really?! That's amazing!! I'm happy for you! Karen: Happy for me?! Are you kidding?! I felt like I was a prisoner! Noelle: Yes! That's right! You're a prisoner of your lover!! Karen: Noelle! Can't you understand? This is a problem! Karen sighed. Noelle: But didn't you say you are in love? Karen: Yeah, I did say that but.. that's in the past, okay? Arrgh! I don't want to see his face again! Even if he's.. Good-looking.. Noelle: Why not? Karen: Because I hate him! Noelle: Then give him to me. Karen: I wish I could, but my grandpa's life is on the line. Noelle: Or you just don't want to? Karen: Noelle!! Suddenly, the door opened. Karen: Morning, professor- The person who opened the door was Jason. Girls: Uwaah..! So cool! Karen immediately hid under her table. Karen: (Darn..) Jason: Karen!! I'd be counting one to ten.. If I reached ten that you're still not coming out, you know what I would do. Karen: (Yeah, great.) Karen went out. Karen: What do you want? Jason: Let's go. [b]Hotel[/b] Karen: Why did you bring me home?! Karen and Jason were back to the hotel. Jason: 'Cause it's time for your review. Karen: Review?! Jason: Yeah. Your entrance exam is scheduled two days from now. Karen: But our fourth period's about to begin!! Jason: Who cares? It's okay. Just shut up and do what I ask you to do. Jason put six books on the study table where Karen is. Jason: Read those. Karen: What? Six books? Are you trying to kill me? Jason: No. Karen: Wait.. These are for third years! I'm only a first year! Jason: Well, your entrance test is as hard as for third years. Karen: EHHH?! Jason: Just read it. Karen: This is torture!! After some hours, Karen: (What is this??) Karen can't understand some parts. Jason noticed her and sat down beside her. Jason: what's wrong? Karen: I can't.. I can't understand these.. Jason: Where? Oh.. This? That's.... Jason speaks as Karen noticed him really close to her. Her heart started beating fast. Karen: (Darn.. What am I feeling?!) Jason: Understood? Karen: W-What..? Jason: Did you understand? Karen: I.. I didn't.. Jason: Pfft. Alright. I'll repeat it. This...... Karen: (Why do I feel like.. Jason is so gentle..?) Karen went out of the bathroom. Karen: You'll be sleeping.. Here..? Jason: Yes. I left last night because I attended some meetings.. But now, I'd be sleeping here. Karen: Oh.. So.. So I'll be sleeping on the couch? Jason: Couch? Jason stood up from bed. Jason: Why should you? Karen: Well.. It's because.. We're still not married.. So that means.. We.. We could not sleep on the same bed- Jason pulled her to the bed. Karen: Aww. Jason: Who told you that nonsense? Karen: It's my own.. Point of view.. Jason: How stupid. Jason lied down on the bed. Jason: Dad is visiting us tomorrow. Karen: Your dad? Jason: Yeah. And, you're not going to school tomorrow. Karen: EH?! WHY NOT?! Jason: Because you'll review. Karen: But I want to go!! Jason stared at her. Jason: Are you going out with someone? Karen: Uh.. - Jason: Break up with him. Karen: Eh? Why-? Jason: Just do it! Karen: (Why is he so mad..?) But.. It's just Noelle.. Jason: W-What-? Tsk! Karen: (Could he be jealous..?) To be continued. Was it long..? :D CHAPTER THREE [b]Hotel[/b] Karen reads books while Jason watches television. Karen: (Hmm.. Yeah! Yeah! I could understand!) Suddenly, the door opened and someone entered. Jason: Oh, dad. Nathan (Jason's dad): Hello, Jason, Hello.. Karen. Karen stood up. Karen: He- Hello. (Wow.. His dad looks just like him!) Nathan: So what's up? What are you doing, Karen? Karen: Uh.. I'm studying for the entrance exam in Jason's school. Nathan: Need a help? Karen: O- okay.. Jason watches Nathan and Karen study. Nathan: Get it? Karen: Yeah! Yeah! Thanks! Nathan: Okay, next.. Jason gets pissed off. Jason: (Why are they so close?!) Wait!! Wait!! Karen: Eh? Nathan: What? Jason: Wake a break for awhile okay? Karen: Eh? Why? Jason: Because I want to? Is that enough? Karen: Uh well..- Nathan: Let it be. Let's take a break. Karen: Alright.. After their short break, their studying continued. Jason: (Darn..) Hey, when are you planning to leave? Nathan: Why are you asking Jason? Jason: Because I think you are kinda.. keeping really close to Karen. Karen: Jason!! Nathan: Oh Jason.. Don't get jealous okay? Jason: I am not jealous!! *blushes* Karen: (Jealous?) Nathan looked at his watch. Nathan: Oh shoot. I need to leave. I have a meeting. Karen: Aww.. Jason: (Great!) Nathan: Oh well.. Nathan stood up from his seat. Nathan: Anyway, Karen. Why do you want to study in Jason's school? Karen: Eh? But Jason said - Jason: Just leave okay!! Nathan: Hmm.. Nathan thought for awhile. Nathan: Ha! Ha! I get it. I see.. Actually Karen, the family of ours doesn't care wherever you graduated. Karen: What? Jason: DAD!!!! Nathan: Whatever. So, bye. Nathan walked out the door. Karen: What uncle said.. Meant.. - Jason: Fo- Forget about it! Karen: (Could it mean that he just want me to study in his school..?) Suddenly, Karen felt someone hugged her from behind. She blushed immediately as she discovered that it was Jason. Karen: Ja- Jason.. Jason: Forget about what that man said.. Karen: O-okay.. (My heart.. My heart beats so fast.. ) Jason went out of the bathroom. He saw Karen sleeping on the couch. Jason: She's tired..? Jason sat down beside Karen and stared at her. Jason: Karen.. I'm so glad you didn't really refuse to this.. Marriage.. He kissed her on forehead. Jason: I would die if you did.. Suddenly, Karen started talking on her sleep. Karen: Ja- Jason.. Jason: Eh? He smiled. Karen: I.. I really miss you.. I really.. I really.. Jason: You miss me? Karen: I.. I want to see you again.. Daniel.. Jason: Da- Daniel..? Karen: I.. I miss you.. Daniel.. Jason: Who's.. Who's Daniel..? [i]To be continued[/i]

Last edited by gossipgirl03 (2008-08-13 04:52:36)

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