Pages: 12

  2008-09-05 10:09:24

» n00b
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[align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

thank you who ever likes my story [align=center][b]Chapter 3 : MMMMM...... Loooovvveeee :wow: :wow: :arrow:[/b][/align] [b] [align=center]Playground[/b][/align] Joy:Joshua? Where are you? Joshua: Here Joshua pops out of nowhere and gave Joy a kiss :eh: [[ on the cheek ]] Joy blushes Joshua: So.... How are you? Joy: Fine Joshua: Let's start the Guess-to-know-you game. I made for YOU and ME Joy Blushes Joy: I don't know that game. Teach me please! Joshua:I'll teach you. A person guesses what that person's likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests etc. But if you guess wrong you get to kiss :kiss: the person's cheek.If you get the right answer kiss the peron [[ mouth, lips whatevah...]] Joy: Let's start Joshua: Me first! What is my favorite sport? Joy: Umm.... Basketball? Joshua: Correct Joy kisses Joshua. She blushed Joy:My turn. What is my favorite sport? Joshua: A girl like you plays sports? Really?OK. Soccer? Joy:CORRECT! Joshua kisses Joy :kiss: They both blushed While they are playing Guess-to-know-you game, spying Sofia is there watching them getting jealous everytime he kisses her. :evil: :crybaby: Sofia: Oh. He is DEAD!!!! :o Watch me Joshua you will pay. They both heard something eerie but they didn't mind it becasue they are having fun! [[ Joshua Jose ]] Joy: Aww. You're paged =( Joshua it's OK :kiss: tomorrow again ok? Joy: Ok =) Joshua: Bye Joy: Bye Joy: You're the PERFECT MAN for ME I love you I do [[ in a singing voice]] Sofia: What a B***** Joy: Sofia you called me a " B***** " Sofia: No! Sofia goes running towards the Lobby then pass the Business office Joy runs so fast catching up to her then finally caught her. [[ Sofia Insua ]] Sofia: Muahahahahaha [[ in an evil tone ]] Joy: hmph. tomorrow you're gonna get it [b] Get what Joy? Find out in the next chapter!![/b][align=center][/align] When Joshua arrived in Manila, he met Sofia. They got to know each other.Eventually,they both liked each other.But, it didn't work out.

Last edited by brokenheart97 (2008-09-07 04:26:37)

Pages: 12

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