thank you who ever likes my story
[align=center][b]Chapter 3 : MMMMM...... Loooovvveeee

Joy:Joshua? Where are you?
Joshua: Here
Joshua pops out of nowhere and gave Joy a kiss

[[ on the cheek ]]
Joy blushes
Joshua: So.... How are you?
Joy: Fine
Joshua: Let's start the Guess-to-know-you game. I made for YOU and ME
Joy Blushes
Joy: I don't know that game. Teach me please!
Joshua:I'll teach you. A person guesses what that person's likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests etc.
But if you guess wrong you get to kiss

the person's cheek.If you get the right answer kiss the peron [[ mouth, lips whatevah...]]
Joy: Let's start
Joshua: Me first! What is my favorite sport?
Joy: Umm.... Basketball?
Joshua: Correct
Joy kisses Joshua. She blushed
Joy:My turn. What is my favorite sport?
Joshua: A girl like you plays sports? Really?OK. Soccer?
Joshua kisses Joy

They both blushed
While they are playing Guess-to-know-you game, spying Sofia is there watching them getting jealous everytime he kisses her.

Sofia: Oh. He is DEAD!!!!

Watch me Joshua you will pay.
They both heard something eerie but they didn't mind it becasue they are having fun!
[[ Joshua Jose ]]
Joy: Aww. You're paged

Joshua it's OK

tomorrow again ok?
Joy: Ok

Joshua: Bye
Joy: Bye
Joy: You're the PERFECT MAN for ME I love you I do [[ in a singing voice]]
Sofia: What a B*****
Joy: Sofia you called me a " B***** "
Sofia: No!
Sofia goes running towards the Lobby then pass the Business office
Joy runs so fast catching up to her then finally caught her.
[[ Sofia Insua ]]
Sofia: Muahahahahaha [[ in an evil tone ]]
Joy: hmph. tomorrow you're gonna get it
[b] Get what Joy? Find out in the next chapter!![/b][align=center][/align]
When Joshua arrived in Manila, he met Sofia. They got to know each other.Eventually,they both liked each other.But, it didn't work out.
Last edited by brokenheart97 (2008-09-07 04:26:37)