• » [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

Pages: 12

[align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

[align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

[align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock:.Joshua grew up as a PLAYBOY and Joy also grew up as a PLAYGIRL. [align=center][/align]--------------------------- 10 years later:clock:-------------------- It was summer and they both had a good time in the beach.They were at the same place and they did'nt know each other.When its nighttime they sneak out their cabin to know more about each other. The next day, they both went swimming and accidentally kissed. After summer,they never know that they would see each other again. In school, Joy's friend met Joshua last [b]SCHOOL[/b] Joshua:Hi...Joy It's Joy right? Joy:Yeah! Hi Joshua! So how do you like the school? Joshua: It's OK Joy:I want you to meet my friends Chelsea,Bea,Aika,Krizia,Kim,Amiel,Miguel,France,Krystle,Gwen and Jessica! Joshua:Hi! I'm new here and I wish we all could get along! Joshua,Amiel and Miguel went to the library. Chelsea:Hey Joy! Do you like Joshua? Joy:... What will she say find out in the next chapter

Last edited by brokenheart97 (2008-09-07 00:05:53)

» FTalkAddict
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Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

nice story :) hehehe i know who u are :)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

nyc!., kip it upf.. heheeh.. berry small story in one chapter.. ~juliene~
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

why is it soooooo short?? pls update asap!! :)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

I know who you are! Your Joy! you never put my name! Joke! :P Its ok! I'll do your profile na ha? kk :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

Taaaee :lol: Chelsea: Joy do you like joshua? Since when am i involed in your love life? :P btw, i posted chappie 4 na your there also :D read it ha!

Last edited by velvet611 (2008-08-26 08:50:02)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

Zup .. Joy ... [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q192/zatchiebublegumaisha/toy_minjokebook.gif[/img] Nice story ...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

[b]Chapter 2: ANO BA TALAGA!!![/b][align=center][/align] Chelsea:Hoy! Joy! [[ nag ryhme pa no]] Joy:Ano ba! Chelsea: Answer my question naman oh Joy: What is ur question again?!? =D Chelsea: :mad: haay naku. Do you like Joshua! Joy: Well... I will only date guys who play sports. Chelsea: ok [[ Stares at Henzor while Joy is talking]] Joy:CHELSEA!!!! Chelsea:hmmm? Joy: Oh! I see.. ur staring at Henzor Chelsea:No!! Joshua,Amiel,Miguel,Henzor,Sean and Bryan came. :penguin: At the same time Krizia,Bea and Gwen came. [b]THEY ALL STARED AT EACH OTHER[/b] :O Amiel,Miguel,Henzor,Sean,Bryan,Krizia,Bea,Gwen, Chelsea: OK? :lol: Joshua and Joy did not stop staring at each other. [[ Bells RINGS!!! ]] THEY BOTH stop CLASSES START FOR 2 HOURS :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: [b] LUNCH[/b][align=center][/align] Joy runs Joshua: Joy w8 Joy turns back Joshua: Can you stay late in dissmissal? Joy:Sure why not CAUSE YOUR HOT!!!!! :wow: Joshua:WHAT DID YOU SAY?!? Joy:nothing Joshua: So.. In dissmissal ha? Joy:ok sure Joy waits excitedly for dissmissal :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: [b]DISMISSAL[/b][align=center][/align] Joy goes down to drop her bag while Joshua gives her a note on her table. Joy reads the Note it says <">[b]What will they do there no ates no kuyas no one else Find put in the next chapter[/b]

Last edited by brokenheart97 (2008-09-05 08:46:36)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

hay naku talaga! i do not like henzor! or do i?? :lol: no i dont seriously :P chappie 3 bilisan mo naman!
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

Update na !! Its so kilig.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

thank you who ever likes my story [align=center][b]Chapter 3 : MMMMM...... Loooovvveeee :wow: :wow: :arrow:[/b][/align] [b] [align=center]Playground[/b][/align] Joy:Joshua? Where are you? Joshua: Here Joshua pops out of nowhere and gave Joy a kiss :eh: [[ on the cheek ]] Joy blushes Joshua: So.... How are you? Joy: Fine Joshua: Let's start the Guess-to-know-you game. I made for YOU and ME Joy Blushes Joy: I don't know that game. Teach me please! Joshua:I'll teach you. A person guesses what that person's likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests etc. But if you guess wrong you get to kiss :kiss: the person's cheek.If you get the right answer kiss the peron [[ mouth, lips whatevah...]] Joy: Let's start Joshua: Me first! What is my favorite sport? Joy: Umm.... Basketball? Joshua: Correct Joy kisses Joshua. She blushed Joy:My turn. What is my favorite sport? Joshua: A girl like you plays sports? Really?OK. Soccer? Joy:CORRECT! Joshua kisses Joy :kiss: They both blushed While they are playing Guess-to-know-you game, spying Sofia is there watching them getting jealous everytime he kisses her. :evil: :crybaby: Sofia: Oh. He is DEAD!!!! :o Watch me Joshua you will pay. They both heard something eerie but they didn't mind it becasue they are having fun! [[ Joshua Jose ]] Joy: Aww. You're paged =( Joshua it's OK :kiss: tomorrow again ok? Joy: Ok =) Joshua: Bye Joy: Bye Joy: You're the PERFECT MAN for ME I love you I do [[ in a singing voice]] Sofia: What a B***** Joy: Sofia you called me a " B***** " Sofia: No! Sofia goes running towards the Lobby then pass the Business office Joy runs so fast catching up to her then finally caught her. [[ Sofia Insua ]] Sofia: Muahahahahaha [[ in an evil tone ]] Joy: hmph. tomorrow you're gonna get it [b] Get what Joy? Find out in the next chapter!![/b][align=center][/align] When Joshua arrived in Manila, he met Sofia. They got to know each other.Eventually,they both liked each other.But, it didn't work out.

Last edited by brokenheart97 (2008-09-07 04:26:37)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

:P [url][/http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg270/panji19/asea.gif[align=center][/align][spoiler][/spoiler]:penguin::wow:[spoiler][/spoiler][url][/url]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg270/panji19/asea.gif
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

I will write the next chapter next friday night achivement holiday woooohooo
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

:thumbsup: nice one!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

[align=center][b]Chapter 3: The fight for LOVE begins[/b][/align] :arrow: [align=center][b]The next day[/b][/align] Sofia sees Joy. They stare with such tense eyes :evil: Sofia: See Joy. I like Joshua too Joy: What the ---- Sofia: Don't use those words ------ Joy: Whatevah Sofia: Ugh. Joshua walks towards Sofia and Joy while Miggy stares at Joy. Joshua: Hello My ladies Joy and Sofia: Excuse me?!? Joshua: what!?! Joy and Sofia: My Ladies?!? Sofia: I am not your lady Joy: Same here Joshua stares at Kim while Sofia and Joy is arguing with him and complaining Kim sees him staring at her,She winks at him.A smile is on Joshua's face while the 2 girls see why. Sofia:You're staring at my bestfriend why you --------------------------- Joy slaps him hard at his right cheek then goes to class.Sofia slaps him at his left cheek then goes to class. Joshua: OW! :crybaby: THAT HURTS Kim walks towards him. Kim: Are you okay Josh? Joshua: Not really Kim: let me kiss both of your cheeks so it will be better Joshua: Sure. :eh: :kiss: Kim kisses both of his cheeks,WHILE, Miggy is stalking Joy. Joy turns her back :paranoid: .NO ONE IS THERE Miggy: I love you ( in a ghost voice ) Joy turns her back no one is there :paranoid: .Joy runs upstairs freaked out. :penguin: Chelsea: Joy you look like you heard something creepy Joy: a bit. I heard somebody whisper in a ghost voice " I love you " Chelsea,Bea,Krizia,Rachel: Joy has a secret admirer Joy: Maybe,Maybe not Joy talks to her friends while BEA is singing GIMME MORE by Britney Spears and dancing at the pole. Chelsea: Hey everybody look at Bea she's dancing like a B**** Bea stops singing and dancing. Aika: So good in dancing like a S******r Bea: Yeah I know Ms. Avic: Bea i see that your good in dancing.I want you to enter a singing with dancing competition. Bea: Really? Ms. Avic: Yes. You can invite your friends who can dance with a pole and sing good. Bea: OK. I know who already. Ms. Avic: Ok then. WHO? Bea: Joy Joy: What?!? Bea: oh come on Joy. Admit it. when we were transferring the decorations to out soon-to-be classroom you were posing like a P***Star. And you're good in singing. And you are a better dancer at the pole,and besides you're HOTTER than me Joy:Yes I'm HOTTER THAN YOU. I'll do it Bea: But seriously I'm HOTTER than you Joy: WHATEVAH. Chelsea: GOOD didnt pick me. I dont want to be known Bea: Why? Chelsea:... <">

Last edited by brokenheart97 (2008-09-12 22:04:03)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

watha! em late. it's nyc sis. but there are sum cituationzs that i get confused! heheh. okie.okie. kip it up!.,
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

niceee storyyy comment me naman :P
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

Joy i like your story! :) put me in your story naman w8 dont put me falling in love kk! just as your friend anyways nice story !!! its so nice!! cant w8 for the next chappie!! :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

nyc storycontinue it naman
  • » [align=center][/align]Chapter 1:The meeting;] In a world where its wartorn, 2 babies are born.One was named Joy the other baby is Joshua.They were born at the same date but not at the same time:clock

Pages: 12

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