[b]Bridget[/b] Waht Picture?

[b]Jhed[/b] You want it liek my sig?

[b]Elee[/b] Here it is

[b]Louiz[/b] Haha. Haloo xP
Dont you DARE to redistribute or claim my work as yours. Or you better HIDE NOW. I made those to you so please give proper credits. Especially those works of mine-- which i don't put my name because i know it will affect teh whole design. [b]BUT-[/b] if i do put my name on it. Credits won't be a must. X3 Just make sure you won't edit it and delete my name. ThankYou XD
AND-- Copying is a SIN. You know i hate people who copy works. You better watch out. Or you'll met teh greatest enemy in your LIFE. X3 Nobody wants to be copied so as you-- so respect others work too. X3 -- Make Sure you ask for a permission before you get something from my works. xP[/quote]
Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-09-20 07:59:01)