[quote=Lhyrickz]hello all im back
tita are you still here???
tita glad that youre still here
did zam told already if hu is his 4th wife???[/quote]
[b]no he didnt.,and he denies that he has a wife. [/b]

[quote=AFZULNIZAM]haha...you don't know because i not have....i repeat i not have

[b]l-i-a-r. nyehahaha...cmon tell me,i wont tell anyone.[/b][img]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l354/AsCicatrizes/ym%20emticon/32.gif[/img]
[quote=redbloodx]hye... bel...

are u single?

[b]huahahaha.,nope. im taken by andrea.[/b][img]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l354/AsCicatrizes/ym%20emticon/8.gif[/img][img]http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l354/AsCicatrizes/ym%20emticon/8.gif[/img]