Pages: 123

  2008-10-10 05:11:20

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
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Re: Guys have you check the latest speeches of the two presidential candidates Obama and McCain? I’m just wondering if you already seen it and what's your opinion about their speeches? Actually im referri

[spoiler][quote=lalalalalalala][i]What I'm referring is your economy does affect other countries around the world. A lot of businesses around will merely shut down just because you're closing the right for them to decide on what they do to improve your economy. You think of losing your jobs? Why don't you look at yourselves first if you really deserve getting a job? People are getting so lazy that they can't even help themselves and now when someone is giving your opportunity to others, you get so mad with it. Look at those outsourcing businesses' remarks about other countries, they are getting more successes because of the quality they get. I've heard a lot of people complaining to us that we're stealing your jobs and it hurts to know it. You should go first to improve yourselves to show other people that you OWN these jobs. That's just an immoral way of thinking, it's very selfish and irrational in my part.[/i] :arrow: Yes, our economy does affect the global economy. Another reason that our economy is on the decline is because the American workforce is losing jobs in record numbers. Factory's and mill's and plant's are shutting down because so many jobs are being lost to other countries because government officials continue to give tax breaks and exempts to companies who fire/lay off their American workers so that they can go overseas and set up sweat shops and other forms of cheap labor. Not cheap labor wages. So if our American workforce is losing jobs to other countries, our economy declines and that affects the global economy. :arrow: What I'm saying is that America needs to take care of America first, then others second. That's the way all countries should act. If you don't help your own people, how can you progress?? You can't. :arrow: Now, it seems that you are directly accusing me of not "deserving to have a job" and that I'm "lazy". Well, sis, sorry but I have been busting my a** since I was 17 years old. I have worked full-time since I was 19. I never went to college so I am just a simple, average American who can easily be affected by the loss of jobs to overseas. Fortunately, to this point, I have been lucky. :arrow: I have never said, nor did I imply that anyone is stealing our jobs. Nobody is stealing our jobs....our government is GIVING THEM AWAY for cheap labor prices and tax breaks. It's not all about the quality of work (and I never said the quality was bad), it's about the cheap labor prices. That's wrong, especially when our own economy is in decline and Americans are losing 159,000 jobs per month. :arrow: Again, really, I have to ask you.....what do you really know about the doings of the American government besides what you see and read in the biased media?? :arrow: Improve ourselves? Yes, everybody should strive to do that, not just Americans. And I am one of those who try to improve myself every day. And almost everyone I know is the same. How can you say that Americans are lazy and not deserving of jobs?? Where do you live, again?? Have you ever been here?? [i]Like you, when we hate our government, we decide to work on our own. Sure, it's not your problem but when you get old and no one wants to help you in a nursing home because a lot of nurses has stopped going abroad to work for you, I bet you realize how bad "thinking of your own problem only" is. If your hoping to other nurses around in your country, do you really think someone will give you more hospitality than we do? Are you sure in this state of your country you will gain more help from less amount of nurses? Our government has seen nothing wrong with these American companies. What makes you think we should?[/i] :arrow: I never said anything about the nurses, and yes, the nurses we have in our country (Filipino's) provide excellent care and they deserve to have some of these jobs. No doubt. But that has nothing to do with our government shipping jobs overseas, where company's set up shop in Asia and South America, etc. Those who come HERE to work in American jobs....that's great. That brings diversity to our country which is a wonderful thing. :arrow: I also never said that we must think of ourself ONLY....what I said is that we need to worry about our own problems FIRST, then worry about other countries. Again, I'm not talking about "outsourcing" in respects to those who come here to work. I'm talking about the "outsourcing' which leads to shipping jobs overseas rather than keeping the company's IN the United States. :arrow: As for your question: "do you really think someone will give you more hospitality than we do?"....the answer....Yes, it is possible that we can find that inside our own country. You seem to imply that we are just a bunch of un-caring individuals who don't care about anything. Yes, there are some who are like that. But those people are everywhere and in every country. But there are more people who are "good" than there are "bad", even here. However, as I already said, I have no problems with foreigners who come here to work, and I know they provide excellent care. But that does not mean that the same cannot be found within the United States. Infamous J wrote: That sounds like a kind of racist statment, sis. =| What makes you think that "blacks" can't help themselves? There is a black man running for president. :lol: I think you must only go with what you see/read in the media. [u][b]There are just as many whites who cannot "help themselves"[/b][/u]. And under that leads me back to the "jobs" issue. Maybe, like I said above (by stepping up) that the people of the Philippines need to find a way to better themselves and help themselves, too. You know? [i]That's funny. You're interpreting all my sentences one by one. I'm not being racist, that's because Obama has stated that he will give more jobs to blacks and I'm just stating the facts from what I know. You sound like your defending yourself here, mister. Don't push the talk in other way around. Let's include the whites or even the Americans can help themselves, does that sound good? You yourself already mentioned about that jobs issue. Look up and read it again for my reply, if you want.[/i] :arrow: I was not interpreting your sentences one by one, I was separating your statements as to make it easier for me to reply individually. I did not say that you "were" being racist, I said it seemed liked it. You singled out black people in your original statement. :arrow: Barack Obama has never said he would give more jobs to blacks. And even if he did say that. So?? The way you made your statement is the exact reason that I responded to your statement the way I did. It "seemed" as if you had a problem with blacks having more jobs. :arrow: Defending myself?? :lol: I'm white. You did not include whites when you said "blacks can't help themselves". That was a direct statement that concerned ONLY blacks. And blacks being given more job opportunities is not an issue. Actually, it's owed to them. Blacks have been oppressed for hundreds of years. Of course, in today's generation it is not like it was 50 years ago, but racial profiling and race discrimination still takes place on a daily basis. Furthermore, the blacks here (most of them) are American citizens and work IN the United States for company's who stay IN the United States. The issue I was referring to, again, is those company's who ship jobs and factory's overseas to set up shop on foreign soil. [i]Of course I know that, but did he even proposed something to convince the Senate to pass it? No.[/i] :arrow: Barack Obama did not propose anything to convince the Senate to pass it??? I think you really do only believe (about Obama and McCain) what you see and read in the biased media outlets. Check your facts, sis. Here...I'll give them to you..... [b] :arrow: Nuclear Release Notice Act of 2006 :arrow: Global Poverty Act of 2007 :arrow: Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2007 :arrow: Condemning the recent violent actions of the Government of Zimbabwe against peaceful opposition party activists and members of civil society. :arrow: Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act. :arrow: Strengthening Transparency and Accountability in Federal Spending Act of 2008 (Along with Senator John McCain) :arrow: Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act[/b] [i]A lot of people won't even bother to think about the Bush Doctrine. If that's how simple the doctrine was, what's so complicated with that? I agree that Bush has overdone this but it doesn't mean that McCain will do the same. I believe this doctrine is made to defend your own country from other countries terrorizing your state, can't you see anything positive for that? No wonder you can't even understand McCain. For me, it doesn't really matter how often you meet a person for you to be convinced to pick her. If you know she's really good and you can see it from her state, why would I even bother? I don't think it would be a bad idea.[/i] :arrow: Yes, you're right. A lot of (misinformed) people don't bother to think about the Bush Doctrine. I never said it was a simple doctrine. I summed it up, in relative terms. But a possible vice president should know a little bit about foreign policy. She could not even answer in relative or simple terms as to what the Bush Doctrine meant. :arrow: You're right that it does not necessarily mean that McCain will carry out the same policies but if you look at his record, it's hard to see why he would not. For the past 8 years, John McCain has been in favor of George Bush and supported him 80% of the time, voting 80% in favor of Bush's policies. It's hard to believe that he is suddenly going to change now. :arrow: The Bush Doctrine came into effect after 9/11. IRAQ was NOT a threat to the United States and they were not terrorizing us. The 9/11 suspects came from Al-Quaida based camps in Afghanistan. NOT Iraq. The Bush Doctrine was used to enter into a reckless, baseless war that has killed almost 4,000 American soldiers and countless Iraqi civillians. I cannot see anything positive about misleading the American people and leading our troops into a war to occupy another country for the purpose of oil. No. I supported the Bush Doctrine when we went to war in Afghanistan, where Al-Quaida was located. They had no camps in Iraq until after we invaded and occupied that country. :arrow: Again, you're right. I don't understand McCain. He says he is going to bring change but after 8 years of supporting almost everything George Bush wanted, I don't understand where that change is going to come from. The following statement by you made me :o ----- [b]For me, it doesn't really matter how often you meet a person for you to be convinced to pick her. If you know she's really good and you can see it from her state, why would I even bother?[/b]----- :arrow: :lol: But how can you know if somebody is qualified or is "really good" if you don't even know them or anything about them?? :lol: That is my point. How do you know if someone is ready and qualified for this position if you have only talked with the person one time?? This is not a job at McDonald's, this is for vice president of a country, and possibly a president should something happen to McCain. Remember....He IS 72 years old and has already battled a form of skin cancer. Health is an issue in this case. [i]Then I suppose not posting here, don't you think? I'm saying my opinion but thanks for correcting me even if I'm not fully convinced. You vote for Obama, I vote for McCain. I say you should carefully think first before typing what you said. We don't know each other to judge, anyway.[/i] :arrow: First of all, I was not judging you and I'm glad you posted. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I was merely pointing out to you that you made some broad and blanket statements and you are obviously not fully informed to make such statements. I don't expect you to be, either, because you live on the other side of the world. Just as with myself, I would not make such strongly broad and blanket statements about The Philippines because I KNOW that I am not fully informed. It's one thing to share your opinion, but with such strong statements, you should (as you said to me) think carefully before you say what you said. You did not simply say that you support McCain and oppose Obama. You "trashed" Obama while not being fully informed. :arrow: Again, I'm glad that you posted your opinion and opened up a debate. Just realize that after "trashing" the candidate that I support, you cannot blame me for rebutting your statements. Politics is a touchy subject so when you berate and trash a person that someone supports, then expect a reaction. Just as with your reply to me. I expected it because I knew I made some strong statements as well. But with my statements, I provided some information and facts to back up what I was saying, instead of typing broad views. [i]I don't really care about his answers about Obama. People get a lot of mistakes too, you know. These are just answers from the issues and I believe Obama will do the same.[/i] :arrow: Yes, everybody makes mistakes, and I never said that Obama has not bluffed about anything. But in your original post you only accused Obama of "bluffing" and lying so I gave you some facts to show that McCain, too, does the same thing. So if you are opposed to Obama solely because he "bluffs" and is "arrogant" then it seems that you would have to apply the same thing to McCain as well, since he does the same. All politicians do it, it's no secret. [i]You got mad from earlier post and now you say you will be sorry if you hurt me? Nah, this is just a debate, I assume? I admit I go for McCain and it's natural for me to say the negative facts of Obama, I guess? You go for Obama, I go for McCain. One can't change their decisions if they already sticked with a thing, right? Same goes for me.[/i] :arrow: Yep, just a debate, sis. But that doesn't mean that I cannot be sorry if I offend you. I know I had some strong statements and I know that I'm very opinionated. I realized (as I was making my post) that I might offend you in some way, so that's why I said that I don't mean to be rude or offensive (true) and that I have no hard feelings. =) :arrow: The earlier post? I think you're referring to my reply to sugarstyx? I'm not sure. Yes, she said some things, too, that offended me and her and I exchanged some PM's about the issue and resolved it nicely. We both came to an understand of each other. You can even ask her if you want to. ;) She knows that I had no hard feelings towards her. I just needed to share my view on the topic. [i]I say you don't have the right to criticize my country coz this is about the debate for Obama and McCain. Have you forget that? I'm sorry if I offend "someone" but this is an opinionated matter regardless from which country we came from. I guess you're getting off the hook. Honestly, I'm getting mad because of your post including my country. But yeah, this is just a topic. I don't know about you.[/i] :arrow: I did not criticize your country and I never would. I love The Philippines and I have many Filipino friends. I plan to visit there next year, and I'm even thinking about moving there permanently because I love the people and the culture. What I did, was that I used The Philippines as an example because you made a statement that if the U.S. stops outsourcing jobs, that people all over the world would be affected, even in Phils. That's what you said. So I used The Philippines as an example of an "outside" country. Why? Well, you're from The Philippines, right? It made more sense to use The Philippines as an example since you brought your country into the conversation first, plus it's a "common ground". If it makes you feel better, I will go back, edit my post, and insert "South America" or "Central America" instead of The Philippines. :lol: :arrow: It's a topic, yes....but understand that you criticized MY country....first. Remember? I'm American. You accused Americans of being lazy and undeserving of the jobs we are losing. Can't you see how offensive that is to a hard working American who is being affected by the economic crisis (which has direct ties to the loss of jobs nationwide)?? :arrow: If you're mad, you're mad. I was never "really" mad, I was more irritated that you would make such statements about someone who I support and about my country, especially when you do not have all of the facts and are not completely informed. :arrow: Still, I have no hard feelings, and I still apologize if anything I said offended you. That's sincere, sis. I mean no harm.[/quote] [/spoiler]

Last edited by Infamous J (2008-10-10 05:12:02)

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