[quote=Infamous J]Hello, JULIE.
I'm still feeling bad about yesterday when I kept calling you the wrong name.
How was your day today?[/quote]
Hey, JESSE! Don't feel bad. Its okay. Its my username that distracts you

My day was normal-ish. TGIF!!! Phew. But I have to work tomo & Sunday so its pretty depressing...

On a much lighter note, partyin' it up again.

This time, its a Pinoy party

How have you been, Jesse? I dig the new ava
[quote=heroinslither]OMGWTFHLYSHT. jk!! so miss H! is already a rockstar member. lol.[/quote]
Wow, thanks Mr. Murse

Yes, I'm a Rockmate now

You scurrrrred?!
Last edited by jmaex3 (2008-10-24 16:55:22)