[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]And waddup with the real pix people? (pat and jess)[/quote]
[b]kuya jesse has real pic here.,but pat doesnt have.,aha~~[/b]

[quote=Infamous J]What???? Holy sh*t. You're tiny.[/quote]
[b]not tiny. THIN.[/b]

[b]maybe i just dont look thin in my pics.,but believe me, 86 pounds.[/b]

[quote=Infamous J]That's called denial.

[b]its called teh truth and you have to accept it[/b]

[quote=losher29]i am so not bored again!
yeah bored me

[b]hello chris, dear.[/b]

[quote=jmaex3]model material
[b]believe me, im not. ahaha~~[/b]

[b]not all thin people can be a model.

[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]Oh yeah, Congrats on being leader! *then you'll pass it down to either bro jie or sis bel, who will probably pass it down to me! Nayyayaya! I look forward to that day!

Just kidding!*[/quote]
[b]haha~~it will probably be passed on to you since kuya jie.,cannot be one coz he's busy,like what he said before.,and il never be a leader.,i dont want to.[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-10-24 20:16:05)