[quote=jmaex3]i called my friends heightist instead of racists


, well it much better than racist

[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]Muaaah! (Yawn.)
Oi, wassup?
And waddup with the real pix people? (pat and jess)[/quote]
halow ate o!!!
oh yeah had gift for u!!
[spoiler][img]http://www.nestle.ca/NR/rdonlyres/CC809F53-4CBE-43E1-9282-54FC02A67604/0/207163_Oreo_4pkv3Eng.jpg[/img] [b]o[/b]reo

[quote=losher29]i am so not bored again!
yeah bored me

helow christian!!!

[quote=As cicatrizes]of course.,he's the leader.,so he can delete unnecessary posts.

wth?I never know, there's so many happen, I just left for only lyk a day, nd kua jesse is leader?

be hail bro jesse!!!![quote=Infamous J]Awww, sorry to hear that bro.[/quote]
haha probably .9% is the gud one

ehheh, zup our new fresh leader!!!