
that's life dadi!! weee,.,.mybe me too,.,.somday i gonna be in a new world,.,.

yeah cause a have a n.e.o. (new employee orientation) starts at 9:30am and they think it will end at 4pm and i will wait for my t.l. (team leader) until 5pm cause i have a training with my t.l. probably it will end for about 2-3 hrs and after that i will go back to work from 9pm-6am woooooo!

[quote=eney0715]hello kuya guile..wuahahaa..[/quote]
asan ba si guile?

[quote=xPEPPERMINTx]hello the_legend_killer! our prev leader.
what should i call u?
everyone calls u bro guile..

you can call me the legend killer

na kidding guile is ok
Last edited by the_legend_killer (2008-10-25 07:13:52)