[quote=kiesha05]da css linker is nt workin anymore in my proffy,,[/quote]
The linker code works fine when pasted in ur WIWTM box

Make sure you have space in the box to paste the complete code, after you save it look and make sure the entire code is there.
Why did you post ur codes? You said the linker did not work anymore, does that mean you added more codes and it stopped working.
Suggest you removed duplicate type codes you may have a conflict and for sure remove this one.
[quote]<STYLE TYPE="text/css">p {align=justify}
HTML,BODY{cursor: url(http://www.myfile.us/cursorG/love/kissing.ani),
url(http://www.myfile.us/cursorV/love/kissing.gif), auto;}
a {cursor: hand;}
If you want to add a cursor to ur profile just add this code.
[quote]body{cursor: url(http://www.myfile.us/cursorG/love/kissing.ani), auto;}[/quote]