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[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[quote=pyriitee.chiicq]help guys, my profile is hanging wenever i'm going 2 view it as well as on others!
is there any prObs with this codes? or the content of my css file..??[/quote]
its the content of your files not the linker.
^ yes it updates the comment area.
Last edited by Dynasty-tweaker (2008-08-31 04:49:03)
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
the linker doesnt work on my profile, fs update again brada???
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
The current linkers on page 1 are working fine on my profiles, double check ur codes if they do not work for you
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
Mine still works fine [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/yuliantisaptorini[/url]
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[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
it's not working on my proffy
i tried my best but i guess fs updates again darn!
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
anyone knows the new linker... coz the linker is not working.... T_T:crybaby:
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
:)wahhhh need new css linker for sptmber....cos old linker not work fine on my page...sometimes need to refresh..help..help...almst 3 weeks im using this linker at now my page suddenly nid to refresh or and smtimes it works....My Js Also...
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[quote=totalspy]anyone knows the new linker... coz the linker is not working.... T_T:crybaby:[/quote]
What linker is not working? The linkers are still working on my profile when I pasted in the WIWTM box
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[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
mine only works css but the js not... and my sidebar seems to be in the comment box wahhh...
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[quote=cohleng_mkay]and my sidebar seems to be in the comment box wahhh...[/quote]
Make sure no one has sent you a flash comment, like video if so it will screw up ur sidebars now
I just checked both js linker codes and the css linker on my test profile all are still working fine.
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[quote=Inukira]y not working grr[/quote]
try to check your codes..
maybe there's something wrong with it..
linkers are still working fine..
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
OMG it's not working....
may u check my code first
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
im already addicted using a layout made by FStal:ok
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[quote=em0sha]im already addicted using a layout made by FStal:ok[/quote]
[b]your offtopic..[/b]
i think we need to edit the title of this thread.
Last edited by Dynasty-tweaker (2008-09-01 06:05:49)
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[quote=Dynasty-tweaker]its the content of your files not the linker.[/quote]
can you tell me what specifically code i am going to delete? i really don't know what.. sorry for the disturbance.. i allow you to view my source thanxx in advance ! =]
Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u
[quote=Dynasty-tweaker]i think we need to edit the title of this thread.[/quote]
they might think that friendster updated again if we do that ..
[quote=pyriitee.chiicq]can you tell me what specifically code i am going to delete? i really don't know what.. sorry for the disturbance.. i allow you to view my source thanxx in advance ! =][/quote]
post a topic at the help section ..
» [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b]
[quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u