Re: [img][/img]
[i]Mods plz stick / pin this important thread[/i]
[b]Real Name:[/b] [i]no can do i want privacy now ...[/i]
Real Name: Sakuno
Nationality: Japanese
Birth Date: January 14
Blood Type: A
Gender: Female
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Educational attainment: Junior High School Sudent
Friendster Member Since: May 2008
Friendstertalk Member Since: November 1, 2008
Friendster Account(s): [url][/url]
Fav. Color: Pink, Blue, & Red
Fav. Food: Sweet Foods & Japanese Foods
Fav. Pet: Cat & Rabbit
Fav. Comp Game: Mario
Fav. Subject: English, Science, Gym Class, & History
Fav. Place: Beaches
Fav. drinks: Fanta
Fav. Genre of music: Pop and RnB
Fav. Book: Manga
Fav. Anime: Prince Of Tennis
Friendster Groups Owned (if any):