[quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the best way to fight against spammers and troublemakers.[/quote]
I noticed, there are members who didn't know how to use the Report button in the right way. Some were just reported nonsense / their replies for that reported thread / spam.
So, here are basic questions and instructions of using the report button in the right way.
[b]Q[/b]: What is Report?
[b]A[/b]: [quote=Answers.com]v.tr.
1. To make or present an often official, formal, or regular account of.
2. To relate or tell about; present: report one's findings. See synonyms at describe.
3. To write or provide an account or summation of for publication or broadcast: report the news.
4. To submit or relate the results of considerations concerning: The committee reported the bill.
5. To carry back and repeat to another: reported the rumor of a strike.
6. To complain about or denounce: reported them to the principal.[/quote]
In short, to report - tell about any improper / irregularities of [url=http://theftalk.com/misc.php?action=rules][b]forum rules[/b][/url].
[b]Q[/b]: What to Report?
[b]A[/b]: [quote][b]Posts[/b]
[li]Double/Multiple consecutive posts[/li] [li]Spam/Non-sense/Unreasonable post (less than 3 word post is included)[/li] [li]Posted in a wrong topic or forum section[/li] [li]Obvious of advertising or promoting other sites (exemption: FriendsterTalk and Friendster profiles[/li][/quote]
[li]Insult/harsh word (or comment) directly or not obvious against another person[/li] [li]Vulgar word or swearing (obvious or not)[/li] [li]Flaming (or fighting or argument)[/li] [li]Disrespect[/li] [li]Post obscene or offensive comment[/li] [li]Post/Use pornographic material[/li][/quote]
[li]Large image signature (must not exceed on 200px height)[/li] [li]Double image signatures (exemption: use of one button image together with a usual image banner)[/li] [li]Obvious of advertising or promoting other sites (exemption: FriendsterTalk and Friendster profiles)[/li] [li]Use of pornographic material in avatar or signature[/li] [li]Offensive against other member (example: saying vulgar words or insulting other member using the signature)[/li][/quote]
More info
Referring to [url=http://theftalk.com/misc.php?action=rules][b]FriendsterTalk Forum Rules[/b][/url].
[quote][i]Reporting on [url=http://theftalk.com/f7-Friendster-Help.html]Help Section[/url][/i]
If the thread (question) already [b]answered/solved[/b], you can report that thread so Moderators will lock that thread asap.[/quote]
[b]Q[/b]: Where is the Report button?
[b]A[/b]: On the bottom right side of each post. (Beside Quote button)
By using the Report button, we can decrease spam/nonsense/flam posts in forum.
I hope the members won't abuse this feature furthermore.