• » [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

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[quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

[quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

[quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the best way to fight against spammers and troublemakers.[/quote] I noticed, there are members who didn't know how to use the Report button in the right way. Some were just reported nonsense / their replies for that reported thread / spam. So, here are basic questions and instructions of using the report button in the right way. [b]Q[/b]: What is Report? [b]A[/b]: [quote=Answers.com]v.tr. 1. To make or present an often official, formal, or regular account of. 2. To relate or tell about; present: report one's findings. See synonyms at describe. 3. To write or provide an account or summation of for publication or broadcast: report the news. 4. To submit or relate the results of considerations concerning: The committee reported the bill. 5. To carry back and repeat to another: reported the rumor of a strike. 6. To complain about or denounce: reported them to the principal.[/quote] In short, to report - tell about any improper / irregularities of [url=http://theftalk.com/misc.php?action=rules][b]forum rules[/b][/url]. [b]Q[/b]: What to Report? [b]A[/b]: [quote][b]Posts[/b] [li]Double/Multiple consecutive posts[/li] [li]Spam/Non-sense/Unreasonable post (less than 3 word post is included)[/li] [li]Posted in a wrong topic or forum section[/li] [li]Obvious of advertising or promoting other sites (exemption: FriendsterTalk and Friendster profiles[/li][/quote] [quote][b]Behaviour[/b] [li]Insult/harsh word (or comment) directly or not obvious against another person[/li] [li]Vulgar word or swearing (obvious or not)[/li] [li]Flaming (or fighting or argument)[/li] [li]Disrespect[/li] [li]Post obscene or offensive comment[/li] [li]Post/Use pornographic material[/li][/quote] [quote][b]Technical[/b] [li]Large image signature (must not exceed on 200px height)[/li] [li]Double image signatures (exemption: use of one button image together with a usual image banner)[/li] [li]Obvious of advertising or promoting other sites (exemption: FriendsterTalk and Friendster profiles)[/li] [li]Use of pornographic material in avatar or signature[/li] [li]Offensive against other member (example: saying vulgar words or insulting other member using the signature)[/li][/quote] More info :arrow: http://theftalk.com/t20935-Using-the-Report-Button.html Referring to [url=http://theftalk.com/misc.php?action=rules][b]FriendsterTalk Forum Rules[/b][/url]. [quote][i]Reporting on [url=http://theftalk.com/f7-Friendster-Help.html]Help Section[/url][/i] If the thread (question) already [b]answered/solved[/b], you can report that thread so Moderators will lock that thread asap.[/quote] [b]Q[/b]: Where is the Report button? [b]A[/b]: On the bottom right side of each post. (Beside Quote button) [quote][img]http://iimageme.com/images/w2ezo5k9wk8zb1in0kbx.gif[/img] [img]http://iimageme.com/images/6q25fsfw5f3qg5iv3dg.gif[/img][/quote] By using the Report button, we can decrease spam/nonsense/flam posts in forum. I hope the members won't abuse this feature furthermore.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

thnx for sist jirichi :):thumbsup: I finally now the method to report post here

Last edited by kmaey (2008-11-05 21:46:41)

Kaygee :3
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

nc infos tenx :D :thumbsup:
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

So the guidelines are now posted i hope this won't be abused anymore. any nonsensical and rubbish reports that we will encounter will be dealt accordingly and those who will caught abusing this feature will be given a warning and if you receive 3 or more warnings from the moderators you will be cursed instantly we hope you members will be wise on your actions...
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

Well I hope this guidelines will help those members who's abusing Report Button, Thanks for The guidelines :thumbsup: Also. If you we're going to Report It because its a SPAM or its wrong thread, and you will post only "[b]REPORTED[/b]" , LOL. Just report it, No need to post "REPORTED" . Because your post will be considered as Spam too. Hope you will get what I mean, Thanks again for this Mods :wow: :thumbsup:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

Thanks a lot for sharing these guidelines to us. Finally, I hope that other concerned members will take their initiative and full support in maintaining healthy, spam-free and friendly community. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

now i know what to do :) thanks mod :)
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

so now its clear to everybody.. i hope everyone will use this feature wisely.. :D thanks for posting..
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

i believe this a good guideline, hope everyone will understand .
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

Thanks for making this thread. Alot of members can help this thread, so thanks Yuna! :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]Reporting on Help Section If the thread (question) already answered/solved, you can report that thread so Moderators will lock that thread asap.[/quote] I think this needs to be clarified, if the thread starter has not said "thanks or its working now" we should not report the question as "solved" simply because another member has answered the question. The thread starter maybe have additional questions.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

yes, this is nyc, bcuz I know that many people here always report nonsense, and moderators I think need to look at it one bye one, It's gonna be hard to do, so we always need to react responsible for reporting someone. This is nice thread to know how we really need to act on reporting. =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

Sometimes I use the report button to tell mods to close a thread/topic I make. Is it okay?
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

[align=center][img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img][img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img][img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img][img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img] [img]http://dl8.glitter-graphics.net/pub/794/794678sprzilo7ky.gif[/img] [color=skyblue][b]Thx fer d info :D:thumbsup: I only use it for some reasons like.. :arrow: They're spamming :arrow: Thread already exists :arrow: asks to close it :arrow: nonsense =) I will be using it if there is something wrong..etc.. Thx fer d info =|:thumbsup: [again]\/[/b][/color] [img]http://dl8.glitter-graphics.net/pub/794/794678sprzilo7ky.gif[/img] [img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img][img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img][img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img][img]http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1141/1141381pveqanizo2.gif[/img][/align]
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

[quote=bobcbar]I think this needs to be clarified, if the thread starter has not said "thanks or its working now" we should not report the question as "solved" simply because another member has answered the question. The thread starter maybe have additional questions.[/quote] Well, if the main question already been answered, I think it's ok to report it. =) If the thread-starter has additional questions, he/she can make a new topic again. Some members who has posted on that thread might not check that thread again if the thread-starter will post additional questions, since they thought the main question already been answered. When closing thread(s) in Help Section, I check the thread first before decide to close it. And will wait for a little longer if thread-starter got additional questions. [quote=aich]Sometimes I use the report button to tell mods to close a thread/topic I make. Is it okay?[/quote] It's okay. You can use the report button to tell mods, and we will review your thread (for closure).

Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-11-07 03:52:41)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]Well, if the main question already been answered, I think it's ok to report it[/quote] Thanks friend I understand now, even if I don't agree ;) will follow the new rules =)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

nce...^^tnx for the infos...
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

thanks for this. i'd like to ask about this for a long time but i just dont know how. now i can use the report button properly. thanks. =|
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

Well. People who want to report any answered threads in help section should convince that the problem has been solved (or the thread starter declare that he/she has solved it). By answering the question doesn't mean that you have solved the problem. But, when the thread starter has another problem that completely different from the first problem, he/she should make a new topic to accommodate his/her problem.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

[quote=Jirichi Ryunashira]Answers.com wrote: v.tr. 1. To make or present an often official, formal, or regular account of. 2. To relate or tell about; present: report one's findings. See synonyms at describe. 3. To write or provide an account or summation of for publication or broadcast: report the news. 4. To submit or relate the results of considerations concerning: The committee reported the bill. 5. To carry back and repeat to another: reported the rumor of a strike. 6. To complain about or denounce: reported them to the principal.[/quote] you are giving the dictionary meaning of the word "report" OMG!!! All those items 1 to 6 do not apply here. The button "report" is simply an alert to send to the forum administrator so that they can take a look and check on that particular entry/post. What they will do? It's up to them. You are not a tabloid reported who will write a detailed incident report! A brief description to identify the nature of the violation will do.

Last edited by nester800 (2008-11-16 20:27:41)

  • » [quote=Forum Rules]14. If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a report link next to every post). This is the bes

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