Okay then, I will give a small shot. Note that this is a small shot ok?
Some moderators are too eager to dispatch some old demons in our Suggestion and Feedbacks. I suggest loosen up a bit.
Let them suggest and complain. They won't react if you don't react. Just post a neutral reply. If they keep bothering you. Just give them a simple reply.
I suggest think of the situation properly first rather than to post eagerly with your emotions. If you have a clear mind, you can create a decent neutral post with no loop holes for the so called protagonist to quote on. Of course they can quote your post. But eventually, they will be forced to agree with your decision.
Also, act accordingly... We gotta agree, sometimes we need a laugh once in a while but, in moderation. Remember, this is not an Anime Based Forum, so the standards here are kinda different. I gotta admit the images post to block harassment is funny. But, it's not suitable in this type of forum.
That's all...
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-11-09 19:50:39)