• » i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

Pages: 1234

i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

the problem im seeing here is that, shirow and yuna are trying to change but still there are always someone/people who keep pushing them. saying bad stuffs about them. in my POV, the people who despise them both are almost closed minded if not really closed minded to see that they are trying to change making it hard for them to change. try to loosen up a bit. open your eyes a bit and you'll see the changes. =) [b]shirow and yuna[/b] to avoid further discussion about the pictures and the sig.. just pls dont post anymore pictures already.. at least in the forum.. but in our group, of course.. feel free :P.. anyway, just to stop the issue about the pic and the sig.... pls stop just avoid it ..pls?
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

all i hope after this we not have any problem. don't forget we are [b]family here[/b] and then don't forget [b]respect first[/b].. :):thumbsup: for [b]shirow[/b] and [b]yuna[/b] I'm so sorry ok. you still my friends forever ;) to all mod i respect you all..... :thumbsup:

Last edited by AFZULNIZAM (2008-11-11 06:26:05)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

i'm not taking any sides. these are my opinions. [li]everybody is changing guys.[/li] [li]we don't have right to judge someone since we didn't know well what he/she has met with.[/li] [li]we came from different backgrounds. and we have our own POV. so try to keep someone's feeling.[/li]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

Frankly, I would like to ask if I can say that what I read is "bullshit." Now you know how to be criticized and judged without being known personally or knowing what you really are. I somewhat see myself with you when you guys keep annoying me with those criticisms before. But those I really made time to think why you guys gave me those comments and criticisms. I tried to changed etc. But now, why can't you guys somewhat re-think the said comments? Can't you even take some of your time to ask yourself "why these people are trying to criticize me? Why they keep telling that I hurt other people's feeling and that I am rude to them? Maybe I am doing something wrong and that I should reconsider what are they saying to me." -- About those annoying images that you guys keep posting, we are offended with those even if we are not really the one who to be offended. I asked this before and I will keep asking to please refrain from doing those. It's ridiculous to think that you are giving much concern on being "in" with those phenomena. -- You know what? Why am I trying to fool myself? You guys can not take comments and criticisms. You will keep defending your ego and think big of yourselves. Do what you [b]want[/b] to do even if you hurt other people's feeling. Yeah that's right. Then eventually many of us will also be retired moderators. It's really annoying to keep encountering these kinds of situation. -- [i]You can not change other people if they are too blind to see their mistakes and faults[/i]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

[quote=eehjhay]You know what? Why am I trying to fool myself? You guys can not take comments and criticisms. You will keep defending your ego and think big of yourselves. Do what you want to do even if you hurt other people's feeling. Yeah that's right. Then eventually many of us will also be retired moderators. It's really annoying to keep encountering these kinds of situation.[/quote] iap. i agree with ur argument. we have to consider all the comments and criticisms that given to us to make a better us. but, people who want to give any comments or criticisms shud do it in a proper way. i know, those people want to change us to a better person. but by doing it in an improper way, they won't get a better us exc an unexpected reactions that will lead us to another conflict.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

All I can say is... At least give ideas on how to improve one's esteem and aura. Negative criticism alone will not solve anything, at least add enlightening moral boosters in your criticisms. Everybody has faults, that's why being open minded is our priority here. I read some of the post above, and I do not sense positive moral criticisms. Some of the posts are just the downsides of another's personality. While some are too defensive. We all have our perspectives so, we don't have the right to judge each other's weaknesses to the extent that it will result to an insult... They key in this discussion is Open Mindedness. If you have inquiries regarding certain moderators, DO NOT include your emotions. Why am I saying this? Obviously, some of the post above included emotions that caused quite a fuss. Emotions aren't needed in this discussion. What's needed here are the ideas on how to improve. Sure, giving negative comments to someone is okay, but at least be constructive about it.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

:arrow: thanks for the replies and clarifications you posted, and for noticing my post. i'll update it again tomorrow. and if you feel you've been offended by what i've posted, sorry..but that's how i feel. Don't worry, i won't take the grudge to my grave.
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

[quote=eehjhay]Frankly, I would like to ask if I can say that what I read is "bullshit."[/quote] And now, what is this? Bullshit? Excuse me, but aren't you the one who talking about "Respect"? Well at least, please respect my opinions and others here. Don't say "bullshit". What if I say your posts are "bullshit"? Are you still have grudge on us? Cause I can feel that from your posts and the way of your criticism. Like Ephemeral said, [i]Emotions aren't needed in this discussion[/i]. [quote=eehjhay]But now, why can't you guys somewhat re-think the said comments? Can't you even take some of your time to ask yourself "why these people are trying to criticize me? Why they keep telling that I hurt other people's feeling and that I am rude to them? Maybe I am doing something wrong and that I should reconsider what are they saying to me."[/quote] Can't you even take some time to read most of my posts not ONLY on Suggestions and Feedbacks because I saw you always criticize the way we posted there. And then warning us in public. Re-read these posts again: [quote=aysbeaux]Anyway, I don't agree with us warning each other in public. It's like showing our weak side to them--?! If they see us doing such, they'll think that we don't like each other and we probably don't get along that well. SO NOT GOOD. VERY DISRESPECTFUL. :|[/quote] [quote=kristina16]yeah itd be better to have this here... it doesnt look nice... not at all.. coz were mods but were commenting publicly liek we dont know each other or somethin liek that.. =|[/quote] [quote=ducheszv]I also made this for moderators to warn our co-mod in backstage, not in the public. It's insulting to read a co-mod warn or scorn a certain co-mod in public. Do you know that it also reflects you and the whole forum? =| im only thinking of this forums reputation. if you guys think ftalk is more boring than before then why not help changing it?[/quote] Did I always post in "rude" way? Kinda refrain your criticism because it didn't give me any solution. : / By the way, why don't you ask those questions to yourself? I've reconsidered critics for me, I've refrained from using links on my post now. But well, if Most Moderators here disapproved about posting images, then we'll stop posting images. Thanks ducheszee for your solution. =) [quote=eehjhay]About those annoying images that you guys keep posting, we are offended with those even if we are not really the one who to be offended. I asked this before and I will keep asking to please refrain from doing those. It's ridiculous to think that you are giving much concern on being "in" with those phenomena.[/quote] It's not ridiculous. People who don't understand it are just too simple-minded and having less sense of humor. Anyway, we won't post images for now. [quote=eehjhay]You know what? Why am I trying to fool myself? You guys can not take comments and criticisms. You will keep defending your ego and think big of yourselves. Do what you want to do even if you hurt other people's feeling. Yeah that's right. Then eventually many of us will also be retired moderators. It's really annoying to keep encountering these kinds of situation.[/quote] If I can't take comments and criticisms, how can I still resist in this forum? I've met a lot of complainers, criticisms, and those people who wanted to bring me down. You don't know what was happening on our regional section before. Got disrespected because of being too nice and weak, and those who always against our solutions. Facing themselves by myself only and met some people who even used "yuna_the_bitch" username? About retired moderators, so now, put a blame on us? Haha oh wow, impressive!

Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-11-11 19:39:29)

Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

[quote=eehjhay]Now you know how to be criticized and judged without being known personally or knowing what you really are. I somewhat see myself with you when you guys keep annoying me with those criticisms before. But those I really made time to think why you guys gave me those comments and criticisms. I tried to changed etc.[/quote] so this is now about criticism i thought it should be comments not criticism but oh well. it seems that you want to criticize us here i can sense some hatred to your posts i thought emotions shouldn't be needed here. how about these what about those what we said before are true showing as an aggravated person to the public to gain their sympathy and pity by doing a topic that will make the members caught their attention not only that you make it also sticky and telling at the end that you won't retire anymore, also those arguments you went before wherein you have failed to defend yourself and reasoning out that it is being to aggressive or filled with flame. and you are just trying to use criticism as your pretext and being defensive as ever. [quote=eehjhay]About those annoying images that you guys keep posting, we are offended with those even if we are not really the one who to be offended. I asked this before and I will keep asking to please refrain from doing those. It's ridiculous to think that you are giving much concern on being "in" with those phenomena.[/quote] it makes me chuckled whenever i knew someone is gravely offended by it(cause you said this images are stupid and nonsense) especially if that person wasn't suppose to be offended by it even it doesn't suppose to, its ridiculous i daresay. and oh since ate duch requested not to post those kind of images we'll do it for her sake so rejoice.. but still i find it quite interesting.. [quote=eehjhay]You know what? Why am I trying to fool myself? You guys can not take comments and criticisms. You will keep defending your ego and think big of yourselves. Do what you want to do even if you hurt other people's feeling. Yeah that's right. Then eventually many of us will also be retired moderators. It's really annoying to keep encountering these kinds of situation.[/quote] who said we can't take comments and criticism btw i can consider comments since this is what the topic says lol we are not defending our ego nor thinking big of ourselves you are the only one who are thinking that. talk about those retired moderators so you are putting the blame on us now cause you include that many of moderators will retire in your statement. well its not our fault its their decision to retire, we didn't tell, suggest or force them to do so..

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-11-11 19:48:07)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

Wait, I should say again this "bullshit" Lol. I didn't even point to whose post I said this word. Lol. Why do I have to have sympathy and make pity by doing this topic? Lol. I don't even care what you do from now on. Hahaha. It's like little kids always getting scolded but still eventually they do what they always do. Lol. Oh yeah. That's true, the reason why the retired mods and mods decide to do that because of your behavior. They are tired of every non-sense arguments whether they are involve or not. Well if you want to keep your hands clean, that's alright. LOL. Perfectly okay. -- OT: Can we have an emoticon that shows a smiley with yawning? Lol. -- This discussion about them makes me sleepy. It keeps coming back not unless actions will taking care of. Anyway I don't have to be involve in this. Oh wait, did you say "grudge"? So you mean you did really criticized me before without even knowing me or the reason behind those? LOL.
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

hahaha you made me laugh mr. eehjhay :lol: and yet i found your post interesting, good job :lol:

Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-11-11 20:13:10)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

[quote=eehjhay]Wait, I should say again this "bullshit" Lol. I didn't even point to whose post I said this word. Lol.[/quote] Mature moderator is mature. HAHA NO. [quote=eehjhay]Why do I have to have sympathy and make pity by doing this topic? Lol. I don't even care what you do from now on. Hahaha. It's like little kids always getting scolded but still eventually they do what they always do. Lol.[/quote] Tsk tsk. Did anyone here ask for your sympathy? I guess not. : / And I don't need to. Anyway, I didn't get your point from your post. This is what we called "Ridiculous reason is ridiculous." But I found it quite interesting. :lol: [quote=eehjhay]Oh yeah. That's true, the reason why the retired mods and mods decide to do that because of your behavior. They are tired of every non-sense arguments whether they are involve or not. Well if you want to keep your hands clean, that's alright. LOL. Perfectly okay.[/quote] Did I have to reason out that there are some moderators who dislike your attitude too? : / Please take a look on any mirror near to you. And check yourself now. [quote=eehjhay]This discussion about them makes me sleepy. It keeps coming back not unless actions will taking care of. Anyway I don't have to be involve in this.[/quote] After giving "criticism", now someone said that he doesn't have to be involve. Responsible indeed? HAHA NO again- It gave me creeps to see someone posted like this. : < [quote=eehjhay]Oh wait, did you say "grudge"? So you mean you did really criticized me before without even knowing me or the reason behind those? LOL.[/quote] Did I say this line "really criticized me before without even knowing me or the reason behind those"? Hey, this is amusing! I LOL'd.

Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-11-11 20:15:52)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

Hahaha.. I thought you would never know shirow. I am trying to make some flame so I can see how you guys to manage to stop it or control it. The problem is try to make the discussion short without hurting the other people's feeling. We are moderators and not lawyers. We moderate and not argue with members. If flames and argument arise, just make it quick but with calmness. Lol. -- See, yuna, you will always argue and flame? What if another member try to complain and/or report with a rude or disrespecting way? Lol.

Last edited by eehjhay (2008-11-11 20:18:05)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

[quote=eehjhay]Hahaha.. I thought you would never know shirow. I am trying to make some flame so I can see how you guys to manage to stop it or control it.[/quote] A Moderator who trying to make flame. Wasn't Ephemeral said "Emotions aren't needed in this discussion. What's needed here are the ideas on how to improve. Sure, giving negative comments to someone is okay, but at least be constructive about it."? Re-read Ephemeral's post if you didn't read it. [quote=eehjhay]See, yuna, you will always argue and flame? What if another member try to complain and/or report with a rude or disrespecting way? Lol.[/quote] We aren't trying to flame. Everyone could see, who did the flame thing. Anyway, I don't want to feed fail troll. I will wait for proper replies from other Moderators. [b]Protip[/b]: Please stick to the topic. This isn't about flame thing.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

Err.. Do I really have to elaborate my every posts? Lol. Since the discussion were a bit like an argument, so I pushed it a bit. You guys seem to can not stop arguing any person you encounter to. I didn't say you flamed here, I said I tried to make some flame. Piff. :lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

[quote=Ephemeral]All I can say is... At least give ideas on how to improve one's esteem and aura. Negative criticism alone will not solve anything, at least add enlightening moral boosters in your criticisms. Everybody has faults, that's why being open minded is our priority here. I read some of the post above, and I do not sense positive moral criticisms. Some of the posts are just the downsides of another's personality. While some are too defensive. We all have our perspectives so, we don't have the right to judge each other's weaknesses to the extent that it will result to an insult... They key in this discussion is Open Mindedness. If you have inquiries regarding certain moderators, DO NOT include your emotions. Why am I saying this? Obviously, some of the post above included emotions that caused quite a fuss. [b]Emotions aren't needed in this discussion. What's needed here are the ideas on how to improve. Sure, giving negative comments to someone is okay, but at least be constructive about it.[/b][/quote] Sorry to sound like this... I just don't see improvement on the situation. I just don't see the points. :wallbash: I can read, I assure you... The problem is... It's like on a Carousel. Anyway... All I wish is, at least provide solutions to the ones you are talking about. For the member being accused whatever the reason is... Just be open minded and at least, [b]Show some decency[/b]... [quote=ducheszv]Better be really frank here than in public and please guys, [color=red][b]respond professionally.[/b][/color][/quote]

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-11-11 21:28:59)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

I didn't post for the amusements or to disrespects anyone. I just wanted to test them. If you are offended to what I did, then I apologize. Anyway bye.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

Sorry but I think testing them wont solve the problem :paranoid: It will get worst. Please guys. Talk this in a proper manner and act professionally as a moderator itself. Be a Good model to a new Moderator like me :eh: I'm not taking any sides here , All we want is a proper manner to discuss this. Do not just give some criticisms to that Moderator Instead give them also on how to improve or to change what is wrong with them. Say it in a nice way, Move aside all your grudges, Eat your pride and talk talk talk :) Good Luck Guys. Sorry if I posted this but I'm just affected on what is happening here and seeing the team doesn't have any teamwork. Until when?
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

Not my concern anymore. I've already sent my retirement message to Admin. Unfortunately I am tired of encountering these kinds of discussions. I know that they won't change for the better but still why do I have to push myself too hard. It's their prerogative whether they choose to be rude and offensive. I have lots of big personal problems right now so dealing with them won't do anything good for me. (My ex gf and her mom is kinda taking away my baby from me). So if you guys can not take any comments and criticisms (whether you know the differences or not), it's not my concern anymore. Good luck on having more complaints in the future.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

[quote=meng.o3]your feelings pretty much affect your decisions.[/quote] Thanks for the criticism meng and yes, i know that it affects my decisions. Although, i try very hard to control my temper so if you see me acting a bit over board thats because a certain member is really waay overboard. I know what i become when i am really mad thats why i try really hard to control my temper. =) Thank you though. [quote=meng.o3]However, i do appreciate the dedication you have and enthusiasm you're showing when it concerns the forum.[/quote] Ftalk taught me a lot of things. I feel like i owe this forum big time. I just wanted everyone to be happy and one just like before. [hr] [b]@ALL[/b] I created this for us mods to clear whatever is boiling inside. I did not create this so that mods will leave. Im sad really. It seems that you guys did not read my 1st post. Im saying to almost all the posters above. :| =( Why leave? i always believed that [b]leaving is never a solution.[/b]
  • » i made this thread so we could comment our co-mod. In this way we will know if a certain mod has made the wrong move or not. [b]Format:[/b] [quote][b]Your Comments/Complaints/Compliments:[/b] [b]Sug

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