[quote=eehjhay]Frankly, I would like to ask if I can say that what I read is "bullshit."[/quote]
And now, what is this? Bullshit? Excuse me, but aren't you the one who talking about "Respect"? Well at least, please respect my opinions and others here. Don't say "bullshit".
What if I say your posts are "bullshit"?
Are you still have grudge on us? Cause I can feel that from your posts and the way of your criticism.
Like Ephemeral said, [i]Emotions aren't needed in this discussion[/i].
[quote=eehjhay]But now, why can't you guys somewhat re-think the said comments? Can't you even take some of your time to ask yourself "why these people are trying to criticize me? Why they keep telling that I hurt other people's feeling and that I am rude to them? Maybe I am doing something wrong and that I should reconsider what are they saying to me."[/quote]
Can't you even take some time to read most of my posts not ONLY on Suggestions and Feedbacks because I saw you always criticize the way we posted there. And then warning us in public. Re-read these posts again:
[quote=aysbeaux]Anyway, I don't agree with us warning each other in public. It's like showing our weak side to them--?! If they see us doing such, they'll think that we don't like each other and we probably don't get along that well.
[quote=kristina16]yeah itd be better to have this here...
it doesnt look nice... not at all..
coz were mods but were commenting publicly liek we dont know each other or somethin liek that..
[quote=ducheszv]I also made this for moderators to warn our co-mod in backstage, not in the public. It's insulting to read a co-mod warn or scorn a certain co-mod in public. Do you know that it also reflects you and the whole forum?
im only thinking of this forums reputation.
if you guys think ftalk is more boring than before then why not help changing it?[/quote]
Did I always post in "rude" way? Kinda refrain your criticism because it didn't give me any solution. : /
By the way, why don't you ask those questions to yourself?
I've reconsidered critics for me, I've refrained from using links on my post now. But well, if Most Moderators here disapproved about posting images, then we'll stop posting images. Thanks ducheszee for your solution.
[quote=eehjhay]About those annoying images that you guys keep posting, we are offended with those even if we are not really the one who to be offended. I asked this before and I will keep asking to please refrain from doing those. It's ridiculous to think that you are giving much concern on being "in" with those phenomena.[/quote]
It's not ridiculous. People who don't understand it are just too simple-minded and having less sense of humor. Anyway, we won't post images for now.
[quote=eehjhay]You know what? Why am I trying to fool myself? You guys can not take comments and criticisms. You will keep defending your ego and think big of yourselves. Do what you want to do even if you hurt other people's feeling. Yeah that's right. Then eventually many of us will also be retired moderators. It's really annoying to keep encountering these kinds of situation.[/quote]
If I can't take comments and criticisms, how can I still resist in this forum? I've met a lot of complainers, criticisms, and those people who wanted to bring me down. You don't know what was happening on our regional section before. Got disrespected because of being too nice and weak, and those who always against our solutions. Facing themselves by myself only and met some people who even used "yuna_the_bitch" username?
About retired moderators, so now, put a blame on us? Haha oh wow, impressive!
Last edited by Jirichi Ryunashira (2008-11-11 19:39:29)