[quote=meng.o3]your feelings pretty much affect your decisions.[/quote]
Thanks for the criticism meng and yes, i know that it affects my decisions. Although, i try very hard to control my temper so if you see me acting a bit over board thats because a certain member is really waay overboard. I know what i become when i am really mad thats why i try really hard to control my temper.
Thank you though.
[quote=meng.o3]However, i do appreciate the dedication you have and enthusiasm you're showing when it concerns the forum.[/quote]
Ftalk taught me a lot of things. I feel like i owe this forum big time. I just wanted everyone to be happy and one just like before.
I created this for us mods to clear whatever is boiling inside. I did not create this so that mods will leave. Im sad really. It seems that you guys did not read my 1st post. Im saying to almost all the posters above.
Why leave? i always believed that [b]leaving is never a solution.[/b]