[quote=MiChikO fuJiwAra]name:michiko fujiwara
fs url:http://profiles.friendster.com/kyoura
Contact no:i dont use my cp,not allowed by my parents[/quote]
hi sis..michiko?!..
welcum to ftalk..
i'm also new..and today is my 2nd daysary..

BTW. i'm carmx and happy to know u..

[quote=MiNEKOARCH]i need to sleep goodnight students, ily all.
welcome to the newly-accepeted newbies.
enjoy and have fun![/quote]
hi maam danx.

[quote=EleeGirl]thank you all my FU mates who commented in my premades
ok..so i have to go..in a hurry
Bye bye..
i wanna sleep[/quote]
your welcome sis eleena!..
[quote=daixee mae]love yah all..
gud nyt n' sweet dreamss...
stay strong
God bless[/quote]
goodnight sis daiz..
[quote]i'm back!!..hmm..too baadd..ur all asleep..

Last edited by alemracloveyajr (2008-11-19 09:46:59)