[quote=lalalalalalala]Guys, this isn't about what will be their outcomes when they still continue using text lingos. I don't really care if they will suck in English in the future and won't get better jobs and we should take advantage to be a good example for them.[/quote]
Okay, just leave about this discussion undone. We have nothing to do with their future.
[quote=lalalalalalala]For me, all the posts are important. I read them one by one because the posts can have their partial reason to exist because the poster wants to be heard.[/quote]
That's the point.
If they wish to be heard, they should post their minds in proper way. Isn't that simple ?
Why should we waste our time to conceive their posts if they never wished to be heard.
Beside that, we don't have a clear scope. Some of the lingos have become common english terms.
That's why, i said that it isn't easy to apply such rules to prevent lingo from being happened.
We have various sections here in FTalk. I don't think we should talk in a formal form of english in each sections or topics.
[b]What we need is awareness in how we placed ourself in a discussion.[/b]
Well, we analogized lingo posters as the user and members here as the computer. The user has to give the right command that can be understood by the computer to make it works. When he gave wrong commands (posting in lingo), he wouldn't get what he want from the computer. And he is the one who will suffer the loss.
Last edited by andHa (2008-11-30 10:05:26)